Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024: Variety

I haven't been logging my training here. Trying to resume. Today, AM quarter miles on 5:00 rest, managed 2 of them and gave up halfway in the third one. About 2:00 for 400 m Working on GTG for pushups. The other day, went hunting for my max reps, got up to 15 and didn't need to stop, so just quit there. 5's seem good to me for GTG. Also working on more hangs for time, PM tried in chinup position - feels like a great stretch I need to do more of. Yesterday, one set of 5 on the floor Today, AM one set of 5 on the floor PM: a set of 5 PU with feet on 8" box - not much more difficult but I miss the fun of moving my body as a plank and feeling it touch the ground. KBFQ: 2 x 20 kg x 5 - also good for health of my shoulders DL: 125 kg x 3, 2 double over - been running a lot, this went OK but didn't feel like I could have done a lot more

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024: Run, SW

Rings: StC + KE walk 3 sprints x 5 sets break SW: 36 kg x 6's (1st 2 were 5's) on the 1:20, avg = 116, max = 132, 18 sets

Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024: Run (hill repeats), SW

Two days ago, 1.67 miles Yesterday, same but faster Today, hill repeats: 4 series of 6-sec on the 00:00, 4:30, 9:00, 14:00 long break SW: 36 kg x lf x 6's for 16 sets on the 1:20, avg = 120, max = 132

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31, 2024: Run, SW

Wednesday, the 28th: Hill Sprints. got 3 series of 3 Thursday - off because Friday - VO2Max test Today, Saturday Some pullups while teaching Rings: StC + KE x 5 Run 1.67 miles without monitoring HR, ended up averaging about 140. Still mixed walk and run but the walks were shorter because I wasn't waiting for my HR to get low Long break SW: 36 kg x lf x 6's, 20 sets so NL = 120, started on the 1:10 but that seems to short so switched to the 1:20. avg = 123, max = 136

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, 2024: Zercher DL, SW

On Thursday, also AXE, I think all 4's with the 36 kg avg = 122, max = 134 On Saturday (was the 24th) did SW: 36 kg x lf x 4 sets of 4 then 26 sets of 5 avg = 114, max = 130 Today: Run early about 2 mi break DL: Zercher 135 lb x 1, 1, 1 break 135 lb x 3, light touch-n-go - been away from these for a bit, this was a good day. break SW: 36 kg x lf x 5's on the 1:10 for the first time, 20 sets, avg = 120, max = 129

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024: Variety, BP

Yesterday, short-but brisk early AM run. Today Hill sprints: sprint 7 seconds, walk down, catch my breath briefly, repeat twice more, total of 3 sprint in a series, rest 2 min, another series. Got 2 series plus 2 sprints of a 3rd series but was getting naseous to stopped. break walk break Rings: StC + KE x 5 - most important in StC is big chest at bottom and then hollow out to come back up - hollowing out is what's important, must not rely only on shoulders. short break KBMP: 20 kg x lf x 1, 1, 1 short break BP: 65 kg x 4, 5, 4 - a good day, lots of good cues, shoulders felt very good on most reps and still OK on one or two that didn't

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24, 2024: Press superset, SW

press supersets: KBMP: 16 kg x 3L/R + BP: 65 kg x 3 middle fingers KBPM: 20 kg x 3L/R + BP: 65 kg x 3 middle fingers KBPM: 20 kg x 2L/R + BP: 65 kg x 4 middle fingers KBPM: 20 kg x 1L/R + BP: 65 kg x 5 middle fingers KBMP: NL = 9 each side, 18 total BP: NL = 15 break SW: 36 kg x lf on the 1:15, 4 sets of 4's, switch to 5's for the remaining 16 sets. This is our "1/2" day in our 2-1/2 sessions/week schedule avg = 114, max = 130

August 23, 2024:

Yesterday: SW: 36 kg x lf x 4's on the 1:15 for 30 sets, NL = 120, HR avg = 122, max = 134 Today: Run 4.4 mi

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024: Variety

Today is Wednesday Monday, run 4 miles, also Tuesday - got a bit further non-stop from beginning and also faster for my first mile NB: outsprinted a bunch of 15-year-olds at the end of my run on Monday Today: Rings: StC + KE x 5 - didn't pause at bottom of StC and made it out alive. :) walk break walk again break 1-leg DL: 24 kg kettlebell contrlateral, 1, 1 each side, then 2 x 24 kg x 1 each side DL: Zercher, 135 lb (60 kg) on 2-1/2" platform x 2 - thought about more but I'm tired today, lots of driving over the last few days. Basta!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 18, 2024: Variety

short walk Rings: StC - failed to come out of it break DL: all double over 60 kg x 1 100 x 3 125 x 3

Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 17, 2024: Run, SW

I've run for all the last 3 days. Thu = first 4.4 mile run, Fri = 2 mi, today (Sat) = 4.4 miles again, :30/mile faster on average then Thursday and avg HR was 3 beats lower (125 today vs 128 Thu) a few hours break, then SW: 36 kg x 4's on the :60 for 10 sets, not much recovery avg = 115, max = 125 short break 36 kg x 4's on the 1:15 for 10 additional sets, much better. avg = 118, max = 128

Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024: SW

Yesterday, run at 6:30 am. First non-stop 1 mile in 11:26. Today: walk SW: 36 kg x 3's on the :60, 40 sets, avg = 111, max = 129 but max was below 125 untl 35th minute or so, lots of recovery into Zone 1 in first half.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10, 2024: Variety - KBMP, SQ (Steinborn), DL (Zercher)

Rings: StC + KE x 5 a few things while teaching break KBCP: 20 kg, lf, 1-2 KBMP: 20 kg, lf, 3 break SQ: Steinborn Empty bar, a few back and forths, touching the bar on both sides. Took a while to find depth with the bar on my right side - fixed right shoulder position, which seemed to open things up. 65 lb: up right, down left then up left, down right. Then reverse: up left, down right then up right, down left. short break DL: Zercher, 135 lb w/ bar raised 2-1/2" x 1, 3, 5 - improved, now able to squeeze the weight from the bottom and set it down under control.

August 8, 2024: Run, KBCP

Run: 8:21 to course start, 20:17 to 1 mile mark. 11:57 is best 1 mile of course time so far. Covered 4 miles total but walked after 3 mi. break KBCP: 20 kg x lf x 1-2-3, 1

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024: SW

AM: housework - cleaning, rearranging things PM: SW: 36 kg x 2's for first 10 sets, x 3's for the rest, total 26 sets = 20 + (48) = 68 swings, stopped because grip was getting iffy NB: 3's next time for sure as 2's barely got my HR out of Zone 1. HR was 72 at start. Today, avg = 103, max = 120

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024: Run, KBC&P

Run at the local track after warming up with about 1.5 miles easy near home. Managed 2-3/4 laps around the track. 1st one on the balls of my feet in 1:53, 2nd one flat-footed in 2:10, and didn't finish the 3rd lap. Miserable warm, humid weather. Aye, it was a start even though it wasn't much. Later KBC&P: 20 kg x lf x 1, 2, short break, 3 - hey, not bad. If it weren't almost time for dinner I'd have done a bit more.

Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024: Run, Variety

Run 4 miles, HR avg 126, max 138 but mostly up to 132 at beginning and 135 towards end break walk 2 miles or so break Rings: FL, break, FL, break, StC + Ke x 5 1-leg DL - a few SQ: Steinborn, 65 lb right x 1, left x 1 (start and put down on the same side). Deep paused exhaled SQ in the middle short break repeat short break, think about trying it again but this was enough for today, thank you - obliques started cramping DL: Zercher, bar on 2" elevation, x 1, 3

Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3, 2024: SW

Yesterday, run, but the weather was so humid and warm, decided to cut it short because my stomach started to bother me. Today, SW: 32 kg x 6's on the 1:20 for 30 sets, elapsed time about 40 min: 00:00, 01:20, 02:40, 4:00, 5:20, etc HR started at 69, avg = 118, max = 134 except for a peak at 152 when I was talking to my wife near the end of the session

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 1, 2024: BP, Zercher DL

Walk 4 miles long break BP: 65 kg x 5 x 5 - on the 5:00 65 kg x 5 middle 65 x 5 index 65 x 5 ring 65 x 5 pinkie 65 x 5 index short break DL: Zercher - 135 lb, elevated on a pair of rubber 25's (about 2"): 1, 1, 3 - ab cramp!

July 31, 2024: Run, Variety

Monday: run 3.75 miles, not much else Tuesday: I don't remember Wednesday, today: Run 3 miles including 12:02 for a combined walk-run mile, best time yet long break Odd lifts: Pistol: tried w/ 10 kg, didn't feel good, did holding onto rack upright, still didn't feel good but managed a rep or two each side 1-leg DL: 16 kg x 1, 2 contralateral SQ: Steinborn, bar + 10 lb on each end: NB: Texas Bar w/ deep knurling is painful, thin t-shirt also painful. Switched to old, crappy bushing bar and thick t-shirt, much better. Movement feels quite foreign but I hope to get it back into my repertoire.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 28, 2024: SW, Variety, Run

Yesterday, run 3.5 miles early at 10 am: SW: 32 kg x 6's on the 1:30 for 20 sets Today: Walk but with a couple of longish sprints including a 1/4 mile on the trail in 1:55 long break Rings: usual C&P: 20 kg x lf x 1, 2 - need a bit of gooseneck that I didn't have. WHEEL: 4th step, 5 reps in one set

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024: SQ

Haven't been logging exercise: Monday and Tuesday in PA. 4 mile run in PA. Wednesday - off Thursday - 3.1 mile run + 20 sets of 1h swings, 32 kg x 6's on the 1:30 Today, Friday Walk 3 mi Rings: FL break, did a bunch of stuff while teaching Rings: StK + KE x 5 SQ: 77.5 kg x 4, 4, 4, 4 NB: trying to get knees maximally forward near start of descent because this is stronger at the bottom than letting them move forward only near the bottom.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 2024: Run, SQ, BP

Run: early AM, 9:00 to course start and 21:20 to 1-mile mark for 12:20 timed mile late afternoon: SQ: 77.5 kg x 3 reps x 5 sets - focus on max depth without loss of tension at bottom BP: 65 kg x 5 middle fingers on rings, x 5 index fingers, x 5 ring fingers

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024: Variety

Yesterday SW: 32 kg x 1-hand swing x 5's on the 1:20 for 32 sets. Avg: 118 Max: 133 Today, CT angiogram (CT scan with contrast) early AM. Walked there and back, but felt pretty crappy for the next few hours, gradually feeling better as the day went on. I'd say it was an adverse, but not allergic, reaction to the contrast material. When I've had contrast MRI's, I've had no reaction at all. Walk a second time. Do some floor stretching later in the afternoon. -S-

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

17 July 2024: Run, DL

Run: 9:00 at course start, 20:46 at 1 mile marker. Faster run today, more walking segments but they were shorter. Basically 13:45 pace for 0.67 mi to start, 11:45 pace for measured mile, 12:27 pace overall. long break DL: (seems I didn't even write down last DL session, but I remember is was 120 x 3, 3) 125 kg x 5, 5 double over

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024: Run, MP/Press

Yesterday, Monday, 90 minute walk Today, Tuesday: Run about 3 mi, 11:40 timed mile break "Play" with overhead work today WM: bw x 1, 6 kg x 1 MP: lf singles at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 kg - not bad overall. Up through 16 kg, they were near instant, but 20 still wasn't difficult Press: 20 kg x 5, 22.5 kg x 5 DL:

Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, 2024: Run, SQ, BP

Today is Sunday - ran this morning Friday, day off from running, walked, stretched Saturday, yesterday, ran, taught Today: Run early AM long break SQ: 75 kg x 5, 5 77.5 x 5 NB: Trying for maximum depth, playing with cues, felt it a little on inside of right knee on the way up on the last two reps, felt like I lost my tightness. Maybe 4 x 4 or 3 reps x 5 sets next time ... Nothing terrible with the knee, just was putting the load in the wrong place. BP: middle fingers on rings from sloth/habit - had been meaning to try index fingers again. This lift feels strong. 60 kg x 5 62.5 x 5 65 x 5

Friday, July 12, 2024

July 11, 2024: Run, AXE

NB: body felt great after some light barbell lifting yesterday and great still this morning. 2nd day in a row running, did the usual plus a bit more. Went a little slower for most of it, trying to keep HR below 140 and waiting until is was low 120's, sometimes even teens, before starting again. But met my wife at the end of the usual run and did a local trail, .42 miles in length, at a 10:40 pace, good. Body was tired but relaxed, HR was in low 150's at finish. break Tried a pistol w/ 6 kg each side - fail 1-leg DL: 32 kg contralateral, got a single on both sides Tried a pistol w/ 8 kg each side - better, need at least 8 kg for balance, got to about parallel SW: 32 kg x lf x 5's, New set every 1:00 then 1:15 then 1:30 00:00 Left 01:00 Right 02:00 Left 03:00 Right 04:00 Left 05:00 Right 06:00 Left 07:00 Right 08:00 Left 09:00 Right 10:00 Left 11:15 Right 12:30 Left 13:45 Right 15:00 Left 16:15 Right 17:30 Left 18:45 Right 20:00 Left 21:15 Right 22:30 Left 24:00 Right 25:30 Left 27:00 Right 28:30 Left 30:00 Right 31:30 Left 33:00 Right 34:30 Left 36:00 Right

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 10, 2024: SQ, BP

Yesterday, longish walk - over an hour, Q+D style sprints in a few places Played around in the basement gym, worked abs like crazy somehow Today, Wednesday: First SQ and BP since PL meet about 3 weeks ago. Run: usual walk-run to 5k start, then measured first mile, then a bit more. break SQ: 75 kg x 1, 3, 5 - focus on maximum depth and maximum dorsiflexion break BP: trying index fingers on the rings today 60 kg x 2, 5, 5

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 8, 2024: Run, Variety

RUN: Arrive 5k start in 8:45, leave 5k start at 10:00, arrive 21:27 at 1-mile mark. Short run, best speed yet, still mixing walk and run In the afternoon: WM: 4kg and 6kg. Tried an experiment of my wife helping position my bad (right) arm - very interesting, didn't hurt, was educational Rings: FL, FL, StC + KE x 5

Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024: Press

AM: short walk PM: WM: rf, 4 kg x 1; 6 kg x 1 Rings: usual (StC, rest, FL + KE x 5) Press: 35 lb x 5, 5; 40 x 5; 45 x 2, 3

July 6, 2024: Run, SW

AM Run: under 10:00 to start, 10:15 to start mile, 22 minutes and 39 seconds at mile so 12:24 for mile PM SW:32 kg x lf x 10's OTM, 10 sets, avg = 128, max = 138

Friday, July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024:

Muggy out, took an early AM walk of about 4.5 miles break Rings: FL WM: bw x 1 Rings: StC + KE x 5 (IOW, the rest of the usual) WM: trying rf (right side first): 4 kg x 1, 6 kg x 1 Press: 15 lb bar x 2 35 x 5, 5 - out of time

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4, 2024: Run, SW

AM: Another walk-run, was able to slow down but keep running. Good! Woke up heavier than expected, and had a bit of dizzy spell after my run, so likely too many carbs over the last few days combined with a lot of salt. PM: SW: 32 kg x 6 x lf OTM x 10 sets, no HRM but checked at end and saw 131

July 3, 2024: Variety

Ran on Sunday AM Walked about 9 miles on Monday Ran on Tuesday AM: Today, Wednesday: walk SW: a few with up to 48 kg x 2h x 10 while teaching Rings: usual, lately have been only pausing very briefly at the bottom of the StC Press: 15 lb short bar, my wife watching from the side 15 lb x 1 25 x 1 35 x 3 x 3 - excellent result

Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30, 2024: Run, SW (AXE)

Yesterday, a few overhead presses with a very light bar, also windmills w/ 4k and 6k, also walk Today: early AM: walk/run, got to start before 11:00, first course mile in 12:43, a little longer run than previously, out for over 40 minutes, did 100 yard sprint at end in 15 seconds 2 PM: SW: 32 kg x lf x 4's x 40 sets, avg = 123, max = 137. NB - max only because I started cheat the rest periods.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

25 June 2024: Variety

Yesterday, walk/run to the start of the 5k course, time first mile (still walk-run) at 13:19, shorten the course to come home with about a 2.5 mile total WM: 4 kg x lf x 5 Today, Tuesday: Rings: FL walk Rings: StC + KE x 5 WM: 4 kg x lf x 1, 2 WHEEL: 4th step x 3

Sunday, June 23, 2024

23 June 2024: SW

Meet two days ago, report: Today: walk early, then AXE at about 5 PM. 32 kg x lf x 1h x 4's for 30 sets, 1 extra minute of rest at end before stopping the HRM clock avg = 124, max = 137, down to 104 after about 40 seconds after the next set would have started, which seems like a good thing to me

Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 13, 2024: SQ (light), BP (light), DL

Yesterday, bar hangs and running, and WM: 4 kg x 5, 6 kg x 3 Today: Meet in a week, so low volume and nothing terribly heavy walk WM: bw x 2 walk SQ: 75 kg x 3, 85 x 1 BP: 60 kg x 2, 70 x 1 DL: 120 kg x 3, 135 x 1, 150 x 1

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11, 2024: SQ, BP

Not much lifting for about a week, just feeling tired, overtrained, and wanting to be fresh for an upcoming meet In there, plenty of walking, some running, and lots of WM practice. Also more regular bar hangs. WM is improving: Yesterday: Hang: 2 x 1-min hangs, easy, spaced out by an hour or two WM: bw x 1 4 kg x 2, 3 6 kg x 2, 3 - really being able to keep bearing arm further up and back Today: walk SQ: 75 kg x 2, 3 80 x 2 85 x 1 90 x 1 95 x 1 - slow, also think I went a little too deep short break Hang: rings facing forward x 45 seconds w/ slightly false grip short break BP: 60 kg x 3 65 x 2 70 x 1 75 x 1 80 x 1

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2023: BP (heavy)

Very busy time here of late. I took a lot of time off since my last lifting session because the stress of life has been adversely effecting my lifting, and vice versa. I know it's a few weeks before a meet, but it needed to happen. Two days ago: WM: 4 kg x lf x 5 Yesterday: WM: 4 kg x 1-2-3-4-5 lots of walking, bar hangs, stretching, etc. Today: walk break walk break BP: had thought of trying 72.5 after 67.5 last time, but 70 means a 1RM of 84, which is great, and will make me very happy, so 70 for today. 62.5 kg x 3, 70 kg x 5 x 5 - rest periods (end of one set to start of next) were 4, 4, 5, and 6 minutes, this based on past experience. NB: Shoulders feel _fantastic_ after all the windmills of the last few days. Left hammie cramp on final rep or two.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024: Variety

WM: bw x lf x 3, 4 kg x lf x 5 - progress break Rings: FL x 1 break, walk

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 29, 2024: SQ (heavy), BP (light)

Sunday, rings early and some walking Monday, walking Tuesday, walk more Today, Wednesday walk break walk again break SQ: 75 kg x 1 85 x 5 - same as last week 90 x 4 - same as last week 95 x 2 - same as last week 100 x 1 - new for this week break BP: 62.5 kg x 4, 4, 4 on fairly short rests

Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25 2024: SQ (light), BP (light), DL (heavy)

Yesterday - walk Today, Saturday: While teaching, SW: 32 kg x 10L, 10R walk break SQ: 75 kg x 4, 80 x 4, 75 x 4, 82.5 x 4 - just varying the weight a little, still is light 4 x 4 day short break BP: 62.5 kg x 4 x 4 medium break DL: 120 kg x 6 over 125 x 5 130 x 4 r/u 135 x 3 l/u 140 x 2 l/u 145 x 1 l/u - slow NL = 21

Thursday, May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024: SW

walk break stretch - finally got the thick mats cleared off, great to stretch on them again break Rings: FL x 3 on about the 15:00, then StC + KE break SW: 32 kg x lf x 4's OTM for 20 sets avg = 121, max = 134

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024: SQ (light), BP (heavy)

walk break SQ: 75 kg x 4 x 4 - deep, easy short break BP: 67.5 kg x 5, 5, 5, 4, 5 - up from last time, need to remember to take enough rest for the last couple of sets

Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20, 2024: SQ (heavy)

walk and sprint break WM: bw x lf x 3, x 4 kg x 3 short break SQ: 85 kg x 5 (best last cycle was 4 reps, so up 1) 90 x 4 (best last cycle was 3 reps, so up 1 again. Was seeing stars a little but got it) 95 x 2 - enough walk again

Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18, 2024: DL (heavy)

walk break walk break 3:00 PM DL: 120 kg x 5 l/u - favored 125 kg x 5 r/u - least favored 130 kg x 5 l/u NB: tired, but I did run yesterday more than I have in a few years. But worth mentioning that using my good form makes me more tired

May 17, 2024: Variety

Did a regular 50 minute walk in 40 minutes by mixing in some jogging, running, and sprinting - felt great Rings: usual WM: bw x 3, 4 kg x 3

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16, 2024: SW

walk Rings - usual walk again Walked 5.5 miles today so far, resting pulse was 67. SW: 00:00 32 kg x left x 6 00:30 32 kg x right x 6 01:00 32 kg x left x 6 01:30 32 kg x right x 6 02:00 32 kg x left x 6 02:30 32 kg x right x 6 06:00 32 kg x left x 5 06:30 32 kg x right x 5 07:00 32 kg x left x 5 07:30 32 kg x right x 5 NL = 56 avg = 135, max = 149

May 15, 2024: SQ (light), BP (heavy)

walk break WM: bw and 4 kg x 3 each side short break short on time SQ: 75 kg x 4, 4 BP: 60 kg x 2 middle fingers on rings, x 2 ring fingers on rings. Can't tell much difference 67.5 kg x 5, 5, 4, 5 - short-ish rest before 3rd set, longer slightly before 4th set

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024: SQ (heavy), BP (light)

Yesterday, Rings: usual today, Monday WM: bw x lf x 3, 4 kg x 3 break walk break SQ: week #2 of 5 x 5 - last week was 75 kg 80 kg x 5 x 5 break BP: 62.5 kg x 5 ring fingers, x 5 middle fingers - not sure which I like better but I think ring fingers

Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 11, 2024: SQ (light), BP (light), DL (heavy)

Yesterday: walk a few time and rings - usual late in the afternoon Today, Saturday 10:20 AM SQ: 75 kg x 3, 3, 3 NB: Light day is either same weight as 5 x 5 day but 3 x 3 or lighter weight (80% of 5 x 5 day) but 4 x 4. The latter is better but the former same time changing the bar. Managed to get my 3 x 3 in during a 10-minute break today. 11:40 AM BP: 62.5 kg x 4, 7 1:00 PM DL: double over, pause just off floor on way up, first DL's since meet two weeks ago. 120 kg x 5 125 x 4 130 x 3 135 x 2 140 x 1

Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9: SW

Playing with bar hangs - some straight bar, then some rings with a deeper grip on the bearing hand and more fingertips on the non-bearing side plus moving around and lifting up individual fingers on the non-bearing side. All this because I sprained/strained something trying to do one full hand plus a couple of fingers on the other, ended up making the "non" bearing side do too much work with only two fingers. Rings: FL x 3 then StC + KE - StC really felt the stretch after BP yesterday walk last 1/2 mile or so ruck with 40 extra pounds, 30 in pack and carrying 10 SW: 32 kg x 5's x lf on the 1:15, avg = 128, max = 138. Started at 104 so higher average is to be expected, started 10 minutes after the walk/ruck walk again

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 8: BP

walk break BP: 62.5 kg x 5 x 5

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 7: SW

Very tired from a big day, both lifting and life, yesterday SW: 32 kg x lf x 5's OTM x 12 sets = 60 reps avg = 115, max = 131 WM: chain of 3's: bw, 4 kg, 6 kg - good

Monday, May 6, 2024

May 6, 2024: SQ (heavy), BP (light)

Yesterday, usual rings and short walk Today, Monday, first lifting day (other than swings and rings) since meet 9 days ago. Rings: usual WM: bw x lf x 2, 4 kg x 2, 6 kg x 2 SQ: 65 kg x 5 75 x 5 x 5, felt pretty good, will try 80 kg next time BP: 62.5 kg x 3 x 3

Saturday, May 4, 2024

May 4, 2024:

Some hanging, playing around on the new "apparatus" in the back yard. WM: lf, bw x 2, 4 kg x 2, 6 kg x 2 break SW: 32 kg x lf, 1h x 6's on the 1:15, 16 sets, NL = 96 avg = 125, max = 145

Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024: SW

walk rings: usual long break SW: 32 kg x 6, lf, keeping HR at 125 or lower to start each new set 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:30 05:45 07:00 08:15 09:30 10:45 - NL = 60 avg = 125 max = 138

Thursday, May 2, 2024

May 2, 2024: Variety

FL: 4 of them on about the 3-4 min short break StC + KE

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 1, 2024: SW

Had a PL meet on Saturday, lots of walking since then today, Wednesday: SW: 32 kg x lf x 5's OTM for 10 sets. Max = 128 so stopped when I hit Zone 3

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

23 April 2024: SQ (light), BP (light)

walk Meet 4 days SQ: 65 kg x 3 75 x 3 85 x 2 WM: 4kg x lf x 1 BP: 60 kg x 3 70 kg x 3

April 22, 2024: Variety

Been taking it easy in anticipation of an upcoming powerlifting meet Today Rings: usual walk

Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024: SQ (light), BP

WM: bw x lf x 3 walk break SQ: 85 kg x 3 short break BP: 65 kg x 5 (had meant to do 62.5 - oh well ...) 67.5 x 4 72.5 x 3 77.5 x 2 80 x 1 - ever just so barely, but this is the first time I've gotten 80 kg at the end of a more-or-less full workout. ... NB: continuing ... so probably means I can get 82.5 with fewer lifts beforehand, and that's what we should try next, I think.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

16 April 2024: SQ

Not much over the weekend, walked a good deal Monday, yesterday, feeling tired, took a nap Today, Tuesday walk (phone says 3.4 mi) break some bw WM SQ: 75 kg x 3 (last week was 70 x 4) 80 x 3 - down 1 from last time 85 x 2 - down 1 from last time 90 x 1 - down 1 from last time 95 x 1 - same as last time, which was first time at this weight this cycle 100 x 1 - new weight this cycle - slow but didn't stop

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13, 2024: SW

WM: 4 kg x 1 SW: 40 kg x lf x 10's OTM for 10 min short break 40 kg x 2h x 20 bar hang: 45 seconds, lf, one hand + middle+index (no thumb like last time) on the other

April 12, 2024: Variety

walk about 4 mi in two walks into town Rings: usual walk more

Thursday, April 11, 2024

April 11, 2024: SQ (light), BP (light), DL

NB: 2 days ago, SQ and BP, and yesterday, 40 kg swings x 4's x 18 sets, so a bit tired today WM: bw x 1 All 3 lifts today. Not quite a mini-meet but getting use to the feeling of the order of the lifts. SQ: 75 kg x 3 BP: 62.5 kg x 5 DL: (used little clamps today to get rid of 5 kg) 130 kg x 4 r/u (least favored) 140 x 3 l/u (favored) 150 x 2 160 x 1, 1 (or call it 2 - stood up, took a few breaths, and did the 2nd rep)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

April 10, 2024: SW

Bar hangs: 40 second w/ one + middle+index each side WM: 4 kg x 1, 1 long break walk about 1.5 miles break SW: 40 kg x lf x OTM for 18 sets, grip starting to go on left side avg = 124, max = 136

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April 9, 2024: SQ, BP

bar hangs: 35 seconds each way, one + index+middle fingers break walk break SQ: skipped 65 and 75 as warmups, just did 70 70 kg x 4 80 x 4 - down 1 from last time 85 x 3 - down 1 from last time 90 x 2 - down 1 from last time 95 x 1 - new weight this cycle break BP: 60 kg x 4 70 x 2 80 x 1 67.5 x 5, 5 NB: NL = 17, 67.5, what I thought would be good after last session, was perfect for backoff sets of 5 today

April 8, 2024: Variety

Inspired by some one-arm hanging videos: Right arm + index+middle left: 30 seconds break Left arm + index+middle right: 30 seconds Neither was terribly difficult but I need to go slowly with this as overtraining has happened in the past with one-arm hangs Walked about 5 miles

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7, 2024: SW

Rings: usual (FL, FL, StC+KE) long break WM: 4 kg x lf x 1, 1 NB: BP just completely takes away how my right shoulder needs to work outside of BP short break SW: (Did these yesterday, 10 set on the 1:15) 40 kg x lf x OTM x 12 sets - form, ease, grip are all improving avg = 126, max = 138

Saturday, April 6, 2024

April 6, 2024: SW, BP

SW: 40 kg x lf x 4's on the 1:15 with a student, 10 sets break WM: bw x a few BP: 60 kg x 3 65 x 2 70 x 1 75 x 1 80 x 1 72.5 x 4 70 x 5 - probably 65 would have been better as the last rep was a bit of a grind. Or 67.5. NB: NL = 17, backoff sets are the way to go for me for BP for now. Need the heavy single, need the volume, too.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

April 4, 2024: BP

walk sore upper back, especially left side and near spine. rhomboids? Been working on keeping elbows and shoulder back while SQ yesterday break BP: 60 kg x 5 70 x 5 75 x 3 - recent PR reps @ this weight 80 x fail - felt heavy after unracking, didn't even try to press up. Next BP session needs to be volume at 70 kg, maybe some 65 and some 75.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

April 3, 2024: SQ

Yesterday, Tuesday, walk long drive Today: SQ: 65 kg x 3 - same as last time 75 x 2 - 1 less than last time 80 x 5 - same 85 x 4 - same 90 x 3 - one more than last time - good! short walk

Monday, April 1, 2024

April 1, 2024: Variety

Rings: usual (FL, short rest, StC+KE) long drive

Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 31, 2024: SW

short walk Rings: FL long break SW: 40 kg x lf x 4's OTM for 16 sets. avg = 125, max = 138 NB: 3rd session w/ 40 kg, 2nd asession of 4's, longest to date. Grip still iffy but height is almost good enough. another short walk and another short walk to dinner in town and back

March 30, 2024: BP, DL

WM: 4 kg x 2, 6 kg x 1, 1, 1 short break BP: 65 kg x 3 75 x 1 - slow lowering is the key to not messing up my shoulder position. That and reaching my chest up to meet the bar 80 x 1 - nice to get this. Felt leg drive kick in, had perhaps my best upper back bench arch ever for this short break DL: 125 kg x 3 r/u 135 x 1 145 x 1 155 x 1 165 x 1 - a little slow at the start but solid, held it lockout for a while. Two reds, a blue, and clamps on each side - nice

Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28, 2024: BP, SW

walk BP: 65 kg x 5 70 x 4 75 x 2 80 x fail long break SW: 40 kg x lf x 4's OTM for 10 sets avg = 124, max = 136

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March 27, 2024: SQ

WM: bw x 2 break Rings: FL, FL break Rings: FL, StC + KE x 9 - have missed StC break SQ: 65 kg x 3 75 x 3 - down from 5 - now this is only a warmup, barely 70% 80 x 5 - up from 4 85 x 4 - up from 3 90 x 2 - up from 1 BP:

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

March 26, 2024: SW

Lots of walking - home from service station, break, into town, total about 5 miles break SW: 40 kg x lf x 3's OTM for 12 sets avg = 120, max = 132

Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024: DL

Yesterday, Sunday, nothing Today, Monday WM: 6kg x lf x 1 break walk break DL: 100 kg x double over, x r/u, x l/u - what was on the bar 125 kg (74%) x 5 r/u 130 (76%) x 4 135 (79%) x 3 l/u 140 (82%) x 2 145 (85%) x 1 150 (88%) x 1 - trying to take my time and push hard at the start like it's a 1RM attempt. Scary but what I need, I think.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

March 23, 2024: BP

A few swings while teaching WM: 4 kg x lf x bw x 1, 4 kg x 3 - better BP: heavy day, decided to go a little heavier and shorter than 5 x 5 today. Only 2 days since last BP 60 kg x 3 65 x 6 70 x 4 - felt great 75 x 1 - felt tired before I started, and this felt heavy

Friday, March 22, 2024

March 22, 2024: SW

WM: 4kg x 3, trying to keep weight light and get more reps and slightly deeper Rings: FL x 4, short break, StC + (KE x 7) break SW: 32 kg x 4's x lf x 30 sets avg = 114, max = 129 (but mostly a lot less than that)

Thursday, March 21, 2024

March 21, 2024: SQ, BP

walk SQ: 65 kg x 3 75 x 5 80 x 4 85 x 3 90 x 1 - excellent result long break BP: light day 60 kg x 4 reps x 3 sets - very controlled lowering, longer than needed pause on chest, explode up with leg drive. A good easy day

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 19, 2024, BP, DL

Sunday - FL in the AM, then big day at church, then a walk, the taught. No lifting. Monday - cat woke me up twice in the middle of the night, walk, no lifting Today, Tuesday walk BP: 60 kg x 5 65 x 5, 5, 5, 5 - took about 50 minutes, took longer and longer rests between sets, especially before 4th and 5th set break DL: switch to other bar and other room 135 kg x 5 r/u break 140 kg x 5 l/u (favored)

March 16, 2024: SW

Rings - usual SW: 10's OTM, lf, NL=100 - this was my glycoltic session

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15, 2024: SQ, BP

Two days ago, busy day, tired and sore, didn't lift Yesterday, had a 24-hour stomach bug Today, Friday WM: 4 kg x 2, 6 kg x 1 SQ: 65 kg x 3 75 x 5 80 x 4 85 x 2 BP: Going on 3 min rests instead of 5 60 kg x 5, 5 - felt much too light 65 kg x 5, 4 - failed 5th rep, felt really pumped before last set, should have waited longer

March 12, 2024: DL

Two days ago, Sunday, usual Rings and nothing else Yesterday, Monday WM: 4 kg x lf x 1 Rings: usual walk Today, Tuesday BP: 60 kg x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 long break walk DL: 125 kg hack least favored r/u x 4 125 kg conventional r/u x 4 135 kg conventional l/u x 4

Saturday, March 9, 2024

March 9, 2024: SQ

SW: a few while teaching break walk SQ: 65 kg x 10 - just to shake things up a bit 75 x 5 80 x 3

Friday, March 8, 2024

March 8, 2024: SW

WM 4kg x 1 lf Rings - usual including 3 FL spaced out break walk 3 mi SW: 32 kg x lf x 6's x OTM for 24 sets/minutes, NL = 144 avg = 145, max = 158

Thursday, March 7, 2024

March 7, 2024: SQ, DL

skipped rings some yard work SQ: 70 kg x 5 75 kg x 4, 4 BP: 70 kg x 1 break DL: 125 kg x double over x hack x 3 132.5 kg x r/u x conventional x 3 132.5 kg x l/u x conventional x 3

March 6, 2024: SW

Rings: Usual walk about 3 mi SW: 32 kg x lf x 6's OTM for 24 sets NL = 144 had been eating, pulse was 95 to start avg = 144, max = 160 - not red zone but close, still was able to talk reasonably comfortably

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024: SQ

Sunday, was very tired, so no lifting and just a short walk Monday, also still tired, did rings, took a 1-hour walk, still no lifting Today, Tuesday: Rings: usual break walk SQ: low bar, back 65 kg x 5 70 x 5 - both very deep - a good day back to some squatting

March 2, 2024: SW

Rings: usual, just 1 FL A few more heavy 2h swings: 48 kg x 5 56 kg x 5, 5 64 kg x 5 - all on long rests

Saturday, March 2, 2024

March 1, 2024: DL

Rings: usual but 3 FL break walk 12:40 PM DL: 145 kg x 1 r/u, x 1, 1 l/u break 2:55 PM same 5:00 PM DL - just one rep

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 29, 2024: SW

Rings: FL x 4 today, then StC + KE walk long break SW: all 2h 48 kg x 5 56 kg x 5, 5 64 kg x 5 long break SW: 32 kg x lf x 6's for 20 sets avg = 138, max = 150 NL = 20 + 120 = 140 today

February 28, 2024: DL

Rings: FL x 2 break Zercher DL: 95 lb on 2" box x 1, 3 Rings: StC + KE break 12:27 PM DL: 145 kg x 1 r/u, x 1, 1 l/u (favored) 1:42 PM DL: 145 kg x 1 l/u, x 1 r/u, x 1 l/u

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

February 27, 2024: SW

Left shoulder was bothering me overnight - got up in the morning and clicked it back into place. Rings: usual but only 1 FL and only 4 KE - all fine break walk break walk again break walk again - total 4.7 mi SW: 32 kg x lf x 6's OTM for 16:00, total 96 reps - first 12 minutes were good, felt over the line for the last 4 but will adapt for nex time, I hope. avg = 137, max = 147. NB: HR wouldn't go below 90 to start, tired from walking today, from DL yesterday, from stress today. Also first time all 6's

Monday, February 26, 2024

February 26, 2024: DL

Documenting the day today, Monday, in more detail than usual. By the time I started doing some exercise, phone says I've walked about 1/2 mile, about 1000 steps. Errands around the house - emptied trash cans, put the compost out in the back, took the trash can to the street, etc. Coffee, protein bar, vitamins, water. 8:55 AM Rings: hang w/ 1 hand and first two fingers of the other, about 15 seconds each side 9:00 AM Rings: FL x about 10 seconds 9:15 AM Rings: FL again 10:05 AM Rings: StC + KE (Skin the Cat + Kip Extensions) 12:30 PM DL: 145 kg x 1 l/u, x 1 r/u, x 1 l/u walk 2:55 PM same 4:50 PM same - NL up to 9 today

Sunday, February 25, 2024

February 25, 2024: DL

8 AM Rings: usual but only one FL long break 12:20 PM DL: 145 kg x 1 l/u (favored), x 1 r/u, x 1 l/u on about 2-3 min rest between. Felt good to start with favored grip 3 mile walk 3:25 PM - DL as above

February 24, 2024: DL

yesterday, 2 DL's in the afternoon, another pair an hour or two later Today Rings: FL walk break Rings: FL walk again 10:15 AM Rings: Finish usual: StC + KE 11:35 AM DL: 145 kg, conventional, x 1 r/u, x 1 l/u

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

February 21, 2014: SW, Rings, DL

Monday and Tuesday, 4 and 6 miles of walking, respectively Today, Wednesday: Rings: FL break SW: 32 kg 1h swing 16 sets of 4 swings OTM 8 sets of 6 swings OTM NL = 64 + 48 = 110 swings avg = 115, max = 140 - heartrate never got abotu 127 or to before we switched to 6's long break Rings: another FL then the usual StC and kip extensions short break DL: 2:37 pm 145 kg x conventional x r/u x 3, reset at bottom 2:55 pm 145 kg x conventional x l/u x 3, same 4:32 pm 145 kg x conventional x r/u x 2, stand up between 4:44 pm 145 kg x conventional x l/u x 2, same

Sunday, February 18, 2024

February 18, 2024: DL

Rings - usual long break DL: 145 kg x 4 singles on about the 1:15, alternating least and best mixed grips

February 17, 2024:

a bit of this and that while teaching Rings: usual

Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16, 2024: SW, DL

Rings - FL walk Rings - finish usual (only 1 FL today) SW: 32 kg x 4's OTM x 16 sets, NL=64 avg = 126 (was 130), max = 141 (was 134) - really tried to keep bell height and good form but also to "take it easy" more break (drive, sit for an hour, drive) WM: 8kg, lf, 1, 1, 1 - not a great but last rep was the best. Tough to "get into it" in terms of good posture after sitting so much. DL: 145 kg x hack x least favored 145 kg x conventional x least favored rest about 12 min 145 x hack x favored - bit ugly, left hand had trouble holding on. 145 x conventional x favored x 2

Thursday, February 15, 2024

February 15, 2024: WM, DL

Rings - usual, total 3 FL WM: 8kg x lf x 1, 1, 1 - yesterday was first time in recent memory, this is good! Wasn't as careful on 2nd rep and it wasn't as good. 3rd rep was better than 2nd but not as good as 1st. break DL: all conventional today, each a single on about 5 minutes rest 140 kg x 1 least favored (r/u) 150 x 1 favored 155 x 1 160 x 1 - hips came up a little at the start. Maybe need to start GTG heavier than 140/145.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

February 14, 2024: DL-GTG, SW

Rings: usual, spread out over the first half of the day break WM: 8kg x lf x 1 - best in recent memory short break WM: 8kg x lf x 1 again DL: least favored grips 140 kg x straddle x rf (right front) x 1 140 kg x hack x r/u x 1 140 kg x conventional x r/u x 1, 1 30-40 min later repeat but favored grips NL = 8 an hour later SW: 32 kg x 4's OTM x 16 sets, NL=64 avg = 130, max = 141

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February 12, 2024:

Yesterday, a tiring day - taught 3 hours after chuch in the AM. No lifting, but the usual Rings stuff happened Today: WM: 6 kg x lf x 5 - these are getting better, slowly, but it's happening. Rings: FL walk 4 mi Rings: 3 more FL then the usual StC + KE (kip extensions) walk again

Saturday, February 10, 2024

February 10, 2024: SW

Rings: usual break SW: on long rests 56 kg x 2h x 5 56 kg x 2h x 5 64 kg x 2h x 5 64 kg x 2h x 5

February 9, 2024: GTG DL

early walk break Rings: usual (now includes 2 FL singles) break DL: 12:45 PM 140 kg x least favored grip x straddle x 1, hack x 1, conventional x 1 - much quicker between lists as no weight changing, and also getting stronger break 3:20 PM same but favored grip

Thursday, February 8, 2024

February 8, 2024: GTG DL

Farmers walk - outside, a pair of 32 kg bell (39 mm diameter handles) for 97 meters. break Rings: usual, now doing a 2nd FL every day so FL, break, FL, break StC + KE. break walk 1:30 PM 135 kg x straddle x right in front x 1 140 kg x hack x least favored 140 kg x conventional by least favored 3:25 PM 140 kg x straddle x left in front x 1 - recent PR 140 kg x hack x favored 145 kg x conventional by favored

February 7, 2024: Variety

Came down with a cold, no exercise Sun/Mon/Tue except some short walks Today, Wednesday Rings: usual but 2nd FL break WM: several double @ 6kg lf throughout the day. Felt good, felt like they're finally getting easier.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

February 3, 2024: GTG DL

WM - 6kg x lf x 2 break SW: a few 48 kg x 2 while teaching break WM - 6kg x lf x 2 Rings: usual DL: 3:00 PM 135 kg x straddle x right in front x 1 135 kg x hack x least favored 140 kg x conventional by least favored 3:20 pm 135 kg x straddle x left in front x 1 140 kg x hack x favored 140 kg x conventional by favored 3:50 pm 135 kg x straddle x right in front x 1 140 kg x hack x least favored 140 kg x conventional by least favored 4:50 Changed the plan - did NL=12 yesterday for the first time, don't want to repeat. Instead, add 10 kg and do a single 150 kg x conventional x favored grip - I think my hips are doing well, working what I need to work. NL=10 today

Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2, 2024: GTG DL again

Rings: usual WM: 6 kg x lf x 2 - making an effort to keep the shoulder open/back helps DL: 1:20 pm - each lift about a minute apart 130 kg x straddle x right in front x 1 140 kg x hack x least favored 140 kg x conventional by favored break walk 2:10 pm 130 kg x straddle x left in front x 1 140 kg x hack x least favored 140 kg x conventional by favored break 3:20 pm 130 kg x straddle x right in front x 1 130 kg x hack x least favored - forgot to add 10 kg 130 kg x conventional by favored - same, forgot to add 3:35 pm 140 kg x straddle x left in front x 1 - able to get this w/ favored-for-this-lift grip 140 kg x hack x least favored 140 kg x conventional by favored NL = 12 today, most so far

Thursday, February 1, 2024

February 1, 2024: SW

Rings - usual but one extra FL break walk SW: as last time, 16 sets total, avg = 130, max = 140

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January 31, 2024: GTG DL

Some WM scattered throughout the day @ 6k, lf Rings: FL walk Rings: rest of usual DL: Straddle: 125 kg x 1 each way Hack + conventional on short rest: 140 kg x 1 each w/ least favored mixed grip rest 10 minute Hack + conventional as above but other grip break Straddle: 130 kg x right front (not great) x 1, left front x 1 - good 10 min break Conventional 140 kg x least favored x 1, rest 1-2 min, favored by 1

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

January 30, 2024: GTG-ish DL

No rings today short walk into town for errands WM: bw x lf x 1, 6 kg x lf x 1 DL: Hack: 140 kg x least favored grip x 1, 1-2 min rest, Conventional same 8 min rest Repeat but favored mixed grip

Monday, January 29, 2024

January 29, 2024: Variety, GTG DL

Rings: usual walk GTG-ish DL: 140 kg x conventional x 1 Rings: usual again to demo for a friend GTG-ish DL's 140 kg x ... hack x 1 least favored grip, conventional by one same with 1-2 min betwee 15-20 min break hack x 1 favored grip, conventional by one same Need to do more DL earlier in the day

Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024: SW

Rings: usual long break a few WM here and there w/ 6 kg SW: 00 - 36 kg x left x 4 01 - 36 kg x right x 4 02 - 32 kg x left x 4 03 - 32 kg x right x 4 05 - 36 kg x left x 4 06 - 36 kg x right x 4 07 - 32 kg x left x 4 08 - 32 kg x right x 4 09 - 36 kg x left x 4 10 - 36 kg x right x 4 11 - 32 kg x left x 4 12 - 32 kg x right x 4 13 - 36 kg x left x 4 14 - 36 kg x right x 4 15 - 32 kg x left x 4 16 - 32 kg x right x 4 17 - 36 kg x left x 4 18 - 36 kg x right x 4 18 - 32 kg x left x 4 20 - 32 kg x right x 4 21 - 36 kg x left x 4 22 - 36 kg x right x 4 23 - 32 kg x left x 4 24 - 32 kg x right x 4 NL = 96 avg = 129, max = 140 NB: Had a pretty big lunch about 90 minute prior to this, also did a bit of exercise, and pulse was about 115 when I started - wasn't great exercising with a full belly.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

January 27, 2024: GTG DL

Last night was the 3rd night out of 4 I've been awakend in the middle of the night, so no exercise today but a short walk, and a nap Today, again a mid-night disturbance ... can't win. Rings: usual WM: a few bw-only earlier, now 6 kg x lf x 3 - improving GTG DL: minimum 15 min rest between lift 140 kg x 1 r/u (least favored) Hack: 130 kg x 1 double over WM: 6 kg x lf x 5 - progress GTG DL: Conventional: 140 kg x 1 l/u (favored) Hack: 135 kg x 1 double over Hack: 140 kg x 1 double over - finally!!! No longer GTG, just playing with ... Assorted Hack DLs on a DL bar, experimenting with mix grip for the first time. Approximately one single each way with 135, 185, 235, 285. Seems like the grip I like best for conventional, with my right palm facing to the back and my left palm facing front, feels better. I call that l/u for left under on conventional DL but I'm not sure what's over what's under here.

January 25, 2024: DL

Rings: usual break WM: 6 kg x lf x 2 break DL: Hack: 125 kg x several singles on about 10 minutes rest break Hack: 130 kg x 1 135 x 1 140 x fail 140 kg, Conventional, double over - 3 singles about 5-10 minutes apart break 140 kg x 1 conventional, double over

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 24, 2024: Hack DL

WM: 6 kg x lf x 1 break Rings: usual break, short walk break WM: 6 kg x lf x 3 DL: 140 kg x conventional x double over x 1 15 min rest 140 kg x hack x fail, fail break 135 kg x hack x fail 125 kg x hack x 1 - finally

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

January 23, 2024: SW

Rings: usual break WM: bw x 1 break WM: 6 kg x 1 break WM: 6 kg x lf x 3 - getting easier SW: 00 - 36 kg x left x 4 01 - 36 kg x right x 4 02 - 32 kg x left x 4 03 - 32 kg x right x 4 05 - 36 kg x left x 4 06 - 36 kg x right x 4 07 - 32 kg x left x 4 08 - 32 kg x right x 4 09 - 36 kg x left x 4 10 - 36 kg x right x 4 11 - 32 kg x left x 4 12 - 32 kg x right x 4 13 - 36 kg x left x 4 14 - 36 kg x right x 4 15 - 32 kg x left x 4 16 - 32 kg x right x 4 NL = 64 avg = 122, max = 134

Monday, January 22, 2024

January 22, 2024: DL

Rings: FL long break Rings: the rest of usual (StC + kip extensions x 3-8) break DL: on 15 min or longer breaks 140 kg x conventional double over x 1 140 kg x sumo double over x 1 140 kg x conventional double over x 1

Sunday, January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024: DL

Rings - usual long break DL: GTG 120 kg x 1 double over, focus on not letting hips come up first. Thought it was 140 - oops 45 minutes later, these all about 10 minutes apart 140 kg Hack x fail, just reload bar and try again 130 kg Hack x 1 135 kg Hack x 1 140 kg x conventional x 1 double over

Saturday, January 20, 2024

January 20, 2024: DL

Rings: usual break DL: Hack: 120 kg x 1-2-3-4 - felt quads getting tired on 3rd reps of last set but was able to fix form/positioning break WM: 6 kg x lf x 2, 8 kg x left, fail right, 6 kg x lf x 2 - must, must, must increase volume on these, GTG.

Friday, January 19, 2024

January 19, 2024: SW, DL

Rings: usual walk SW: 00 - 32 kg x left x 6 01 - 32 kg x right x 6 02 - 32 kg x left x 6 03 - 32 kg x right x 6 04 - 32 kg x left x 6 05 - 32 kg x right x 6 06 - 32 kg x left x 6 07 - 32 kg x right x 6 08 - 32 kg x left x 6 09 - 32 kg x right x 6 10 - 32 kg x left x 6 11 - 32 kg x right x 6 avg = 119, max = 132 later DL: 140 kg x 1, 1 r/o grip to demo 'fast/easy' form and 'good' form

Thursday, January 18, 2024

January 18, 2024: SQ, BP

WM: 6 kg x lf x 6 break Rings: usual WM: 6 kg x lf x 1-2-3 ladder SQ: 70 kg x 3, 3, 4 BP: 70 kg x 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3 - didn't have it to try the last set today. I think the windmills tire my right shoulder, even with the light weight

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

January 17, 2024: SW

WM: 6 kg x lf x 1 break Rings: usual break WM: 6 kg x lf x 2 break SW: 01 - 32 kg x left x 6 02 - 32 kg x right x 6 03 - 40 kg x left x 4 04 - 40 kg x right x 4 05 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 06 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 extra minute's rest 07 - 32 kg x left x 6 08 - 32 kg x right x 6 09 - 40 kg x left x 4 10 - 40 kg x right x 4 11 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 12 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 NL = 60

January 16, 2024: SQ

Yesterday, on the road Today, Tuesday Rings: usual WM: 6 kg x lf x 1 break SQ: 65 kg x 5, 6 70 x 5, 6

Sunday, January 14, 2024

January 14, 2024: SW

WM: 6 kg x lf x 1 Rings: usual break WM: 6 kg x lf x 2 break SW: 01 - 32 kg x left x 6 02 - 32 kg x right x 6 03 - 40 kg x left x 4 04 - 40 kg x right x 4 05 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 06 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 07 - 32 kg x left x 6 08 - 32 kg x right x 6 09 - 40 kg x left x 4 10 - 40 kg x right x 4 11 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 12 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 13 - 32 kg x left x 6 14 - 32 kg x right x 6 15 - 40 kg x left x 4 16 - 40 kg x right x 4 17 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 18 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 19 - 32 kg x left x 6 20 - 32 kg x right x 6 NL = 102 reps

Saturday, January 13, 2024

January 13, 2024: Variety - 1:05 hang from Rolling Thunder handles at 7:45 AM. Saw a video, decided to try it. Rings: usual, slowing lower of legs from l-sit

January 12, 2024: Variety

WM: 6 kg x lf x 1, 2 walk break SW: 32 kg x lf x 6's on the :60 for 12 sets, NL=72 avg = 120, max= 135

Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 11, 2024: DL

Rings: usual break walk break DL, Hack: singles @ 95 lb, 145, 195, 205 DL, conventional: 125 kg x 3 r/u 140 x 10 l/u (82.35% 1RM) PlanStrong predicts 5-7 RM for this weight

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 10, 2024: SQ, SW

WM: 6 kg x lf x 2 Rings: usual break WM: 6 kg x lf x 3 on left, 5 singles on right SQ: 25 kg bar for the first time, first SQ in a few weeks, first low-bar back SQ in about 3 months. 47 kg x 3 57 x 3 67 x 3 75 x 5 break SW: 00:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 01:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 02:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 03:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 04:00 - 32 kg x left x 4 05:00 - 32 kg x right x 4 06:00 - 32 kg x left x 4 07:00 - 32 kg x right x 4 08:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 09:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 10:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 11:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 - NL = 64 swings

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

January 9, 2024: Variety, BP

Rings: a few FL's with varying strategies, e.g., getting as high as possible as quick as possible then coming right down. Then the rest of the usual - StC followed by kip extensions. SW: 48 kg x left x 5, right x 5 - very low 40 kg x left x 10, short rest, 40 kg x right x 10 - low although higher than the 48, focus on keeping grip good break WM: 6 kg x lf x 2, 3 - progress break BP: 155 lb x 1, 2, 3, 4 - good first day back

January 8, 2024: WM, SW

Over the Jan 6-7 weekend, not much. Shoveled snow, walked Today, Monday Rings: usual WM: 6 kg x lf x 1, 1, 2 8 kg x lf x 1 - right side only went when I ran my left hand down inside my left leg. Not perfect but a start with a heavier weight NL = 5 WM each side today, need to keep up the volume with these better than I have been short break SW: 00:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 01:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 02:00 - 40 kg x left x 4 03:00 - 40 kg x right x 4 04:00 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 05:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 06:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 07:00 - 40 kg x left x 4 08:00 - 40 kg x right x 4 09:00 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 rest about 6-7 minutes minutes 15:00 - 32 kg x left x 6 16:00 - 32 kg x right x 6 17:00 - 40 kg x left x 4 18:00 - 40 kg x right x 4 19:00 - 48 kg x 2h x 5 - 75 swings, 40 kg were low and/or ugly for the most part but we have to start somewhere

Friday, January 5, 2024

January 5, 2024: SW

Tried the "spear" press drill - 15 lb bar, a single each side, 4 sets. I like it WM: 6 kg x lf x 1 Rings: usual break walk break SW: 00:00 - 32 kg x left x 10 01:00 - 32 kg x right x 10 02:00 - 40 kg x left x 5 03:00 - 40 kg x right x 5 04:00 - 32 kg x left x 10 05:00 - 32 kg x right x 10 06:00 - 40 kg x left x 5 07:00 - 40 kg x right x 5 - 60 swings

January 4, 2024: Variety

January 1 - walk a few times January 2 (Tuesday) - walk a bit in town January 3 (yesterday) - a few WM @ 6 kg, one set of 15 2h swings with a 48 kg bell while teaching Today: WM: 6kg x lf x 2, 1 Rings: usual later, a few goblet squats, RT hang, RT PU while teaching