Saturday, May 29, 2021
May 29, 2021: SQ (light), BP (light), DL
Not much the last couple of days
Today, Saturday:
SQ: 155 lb x 3, 195 x 3, 3
BP: Floor press, 2nd session:
65 lb x 8
85 x 8
105 x 8 - was top weight last time
125 x 8 - good
DL: grip double over, r/u twice, l/u twice
2 weeks ago: 125 kg on the 5:00, grip double, r/u, l/u, r/u, l/u
last week: 130 kg on the 4:00 grip as today (see above)
today: 135 on the 4:00
245 lb x 5 double over to warmup
00:00 135 kg x 5 double over
04:00 135 x 5 r/u
08:00 135 x 5 r/u
12:00 135 x 5 l/u - bar moves faster with this, my favored grip
16:00 135 x 5 l/u - excellent, was harder than last week but kept form and speed _better_ than last week!
Maybe next week: 140 x 5, 145 x 4, 150 x 3, 155 x 2, 160 x 1
Maybe June 12: 155 x 4, 160 x 3, 165 x 2, 170 x 1????
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021: SQ (light), BP
hang from RT
hang from rings, play a little with straight-arm push-down from rings
SQ: 165 lb x 6, 185 lb x 4
BP: 135 lb x 5, 155 x 3
165 x 5, 5 - one of the j-hooks came out of the rack - replacement j-hooks, insufficiently padded and with some flex tape added, altogether not a winning combination! With the current setup I have, getting out from under the bar was pretty uncomfortable as I had to roll it down my body until it got to my hips before the bar was resting on the safeties.
Change of plans, then - learn the floor press (FP):
135 lb x 0 - can't figure out how to get the weight into position
watch a YouTube or two, then
bar x 10
65 lb x 10
85 x 10
105 x 10
Seems my bridge point is more like my belly button than my hips. Thank you to my wife for giving me feedback about body, bar, hand, etc., positions on my first day doing these.
NB: my shoulders downright hurt, even with an empty bar, the first few reps as my body and brain tried to figure out what to do, but that went away as I sorted things out. Also worthy of note that my grip is much narrower.
No DL today - it's been enough for the day.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021: Variety
a few lifts while teaching including a 315 lb deadlift.
WM: all R/L
bw x 1
4 kg x 1
6 kg x 2
8 kg x 2 - first 8k this go-round
Monday, May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021: SQ, BP (light), DL (light)
WM: bw x 5R, 5L, 1R
155 lb x 3
185 x 2
205 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 - personal best 5 x 5, 205 lb x 1.2 = 246 lb (guesstimated new 1RM)
Tentative (dates are Mon/Tue, depending on when I have time to lift each week)
May 31/June1: 215 x 4 x 4
June 7/8: 225 x 3 x 3
June 14/15: 235 x 2 x 2
June 19: tentative meet attempts: 102.5 kg (226 lb), 107.5 kg (237 lb), 112.5 (248 lb) kg
BP: 165 lb x 3 - about 10:00 after SQ was finished, felt heavy, but goal was to keep this brief, so it's OK
DL: 265 lb x 5 r/u, x 5 l/u - keeping tension at bottom
Sunday, May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021: WM
Sunday, today:
Early Buteyko walk
bw x 2R/L
4 kg x 1R/L
6 kg x 4R/L - trying to continue not being piggish and progressing slowly
Saturday, May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021: SQ (light), BP (light), DL
Today, Saturday:
155 lb (~70% 1RM) x 5
175 (~80%) x 7
195 (~89%) x 3
150 lb x 7, 8
235 lb x 5 double over
Last time, on the 5:00 and double over, r/u, l/u, r/u, l/u
This time, +5 kg, - 1:00 rest, grip r/u twice then l/u twice (more grip fatiguing)
00:00 130 kg x 5 double over
04:00 130 x 5 r/u
08:00 130 x 5 r/u
12:00 130 x 5 l/u
16:00 130 x 5 l/u - finish 4:00 earlier, grip more fatigued, especially left side
Friday, May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021: Variety: walk, wheel, clean, WM
while teaching/demo: standing wheel on 4th step x 2, single and double kettlebell cleans up to 2 x 24 kg
bw x 3R/L
4 kg x 3R/L
6 kg x 3R/L - finding my form on these again, finally.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021: WM, SQ (light), BP, DL (light)
WM: bw x 3R/L while on a walk
4 kg x 2R/L,
6 kg x 1R/L, x 1R/L
SQ: 155 lb x 10, 175 lb x 5
145 lb x 5
165 x 5, 5, 5, 3, 2 - NB: 165 lb is 85% 1RM, about a 6RM according to 1RM calculators
DL: 255 lb x 5 r/u, x 5 l/u - all quick, all keeping most of the tension at the bottom.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021: WM, SQ, BP (light), DL (light)
Yesterday, Monday, still feeling tight and kinda of wound up from both Saturday's DL's and a big day on Sunday.
Today, Tuesday
bw x 3R, 3L while on my walk
bw x 1R/L
4 kg x 1R/L
6 kg x 3 alternating singles rf
135 lb x 3
165 x 3
195 x 5, 5, 5, 5,
Maybe May 24/25 = 205 x 4 x 4 (or maybe 1 higher, e.g., 205 x 5 x 5?)
Maybe June 1 = 215 x 3 x 3
Maybe June 8 = 225 x 2 x 2 and try 235 in there
Maybe June 14/15 = 235 for a single, maybe more
Meet June 19: maybe 100, 105, 110 kg
BP: 145 lb x 7, 8
DIP: bw x 5
DL: on regular bar: 235 lb x 10 singles, conventional, double over, in about :50
Sunday, May 16, 2021
May 16, 2021: Variety
short walk
Rings: 1-leg FL, lf this time, then right
Some mobility work with a stick and a 25 lb, 6' bar
1-leg DL, 16 kg
unilateral, 1L, 1R
contralateral, 1L, 1R
unilateral, 2L, 2R
contralateral, 2L, 2R
Saturday, May 15, 2021
May 15, 2021: SQ (light), BP (light), DL
bw x 2R, 2L
4 kg x 5R, 5L
Rings: 1-leg FL each way for a few seconds
SQ: 145 lb x 5, 165 x 5 - both easy, need to try heavier for next light SQ day, maybe 145 and 175
BP: 135 lb x 5, 155 x 5
DL: conventional, reset - one breath - at bottom
00:00 125 kg x 5 double over - about :40
05:00 125 x 5 r/u - about :40
10:00 125 x 5 l/u - faster, less than :30
15:00 125 x 5 r/u - about :30
20:00 125 x 5 l/u - about :26
First time we've tried 5 x 5 for DL
Friday, May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021: Variety
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
00:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
01:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
01:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
03:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
03:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
04:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
04:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
bw x 2R, 2L
4kg x 4R, 4L - definitely better doing right side first.
DIP: bw x 3
May 13, 2021: Variety
Play with dragon flags with straight arms.
MP: 16 kg x 5L, 5R
DIP: bw x 3
1-leg DL, unilateral, 16 kg x a few singles
Zercher Squat (from DL): 195 x 3, 1
Sumo DL: 195 x a few
WHEEL: 4th step, x 3 in a single set
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
May 12, 2021: SQ (light), BP (returning), DL (light)
Yesterday, Tuesday, May 11, just some kb lifts while teaching, and walked
Today, Tuesday:
Dip Stretch x 1 + 1 dip
SQ: 135 lb x 5, 155 x 5
BP: 135 lb x 5, 155 x 5, 5, 5 - no more today, was playing around with bench height/position, and am tired.
DL: 125 kg x 3 double over, x 3 r/u, x 4 l/u
Monday, May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021: SQ, BP (light)
WM: 4 kg x 3R, 3L
WM: 4 kg x 3R, 3L
Last time we got up to 195 x 4 x 4 before we started ramp ups to heavier singles in advance of the April 17 meet.
NB: Had a pretty vigorous "off" day yesterday, so not going to push things had today.
195 x 5 x 5 is a good goal now
135 lb x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3
195 x 4, 3, 4, 4, 5 - had a spotter for last set but it was good
BP: did these yesterday, albeit light, so easy today
145 lb x 8 - better than yesterday, groove returning
Sunday, May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021: SW, PU, WM, BP, DL
Friday, 7 May, walk quite a bit, 5-6 miles
Saturday, no lifting
Today, Sunday, 9 May, after taking a few days off and getting ready to get back into a routine
00:00 24 kg x left x 10
01:00 24 kg x right x 10
PU: RT x 5, break, 3
WM: 4 kg x 2R, 2L - trying to dial in form
BP: 145 lb x 5, 5
185 lb x 5 double over - fast
235 x 5 r/u - also fast
125 kg x 5 l/u - not quite as fast but still not too shabby for almost no deadlifting for a month
Thursday, May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021: Variety: Zercher SQ
chores (cut grass, etc.)
Zercher SQ: 1 sumo DL to knees, ZSQ reps (from and back to knees), DL return to floor from knees
135 lb x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 1
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021: Variety: dip, PU, Wheel
DIP: bw x 2
PU: RT x 6
DIP: bw x 5
WHEEL: standing, 4th step: 3 singles, full extension and brief pause
May 4, 2021: SQ (light), BP (light)
Still somewhat in recover mode - procedure was a week ago
SQ: 135 lb x 5, 7
BP: 135 lb x 10
SQ: 155 lb x 5
play around w/ stick and w/ 25 lb, 6' bar - clean, press from behind the neck, just for mobility
BP: 145 lb x 7
Monday, May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021: Variety: sprint, Wheel
run/sprint: jog a couple of minutes, walk, 20-step sprint, walk 20-step sprint
NB: feels fantastic later in the day
WHEEL: standing, on 4th step: 2, 2, 1, 1 - for both singles, pause at full extension
May 2, 2021: FSQ
FSQ:super deep, paused, exhaled for maximum left ankle dorsiflexion
105 lb x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5 - a little more difficult
135 x 5 - starting to feel the weight more on my hands as I come up out of the hole, not good.
walk again
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