Thursday, May 31, 2018

MP (SE-style), GU, DL

Today, Thursday

walk a bunch

MP: - playing around w/ Strong Endurance ideas. Maximally explosive but still strict presses

Set up a 16, an 18, and a 20 kg

Along the lines of S&S:
00:00 - 16 kg x 3L
01:00 - 16 kg x 3R
02:00 - 18 kg x 2L
03:00 - 18 kg x 2R
04:00 - 20 kg x 2L
05:00 - 20kg x 2R

Along the lines of 033D
06:00 - 16 kg x 4L
06:30 - 16 kg x 4R
07:00 - 18 kg x 3L
07:30 - 18 kg x 3R
rest until
09:00 - 20 kg x 2L
09:30 - 20 kg x 2R
10:00 - 16 kg x 5L - last rep slowed down
10:30 - 16 kg x 5R - last rep slowed down

16 kg x 4, 18 kg x 3, and 20 kg x 2 is right for this.
033D seems good

GU: 10 kg, lf, 2 alternating singles.

Plan to DL later

DL: At 5:30 PM, right after teaching

225 x 3 double over, paused tng
275 x 4 r/u, paused tng
315 x 2 double over, paused tng


Today, Wednesday

walk twice

GU: 10 kg, lf, 1 w/ 10-15 sec pauses at every position each side, rest, 1 normal each side.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Off Sunday, off Monday

Today, Tuesday - cleaned a lot yesterday, slept poorly w/ a crick in my neck all night.

breathing walk w/ run at end


MP: barbell, empty bar didn't feel good at all, did some w/ a stick and that was better, then back to the bar

bar x 3, 6, 8

PU: archer, rf, 3 each way


265 x 3 double over, paused tng
285 x 3, r/u, paused tng
305 x 3, l/u, paused tng

For how I feel today - better than when I woke up but not great - this is fine.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


Yesterday, Friday - off

Today, Saturday

BP: 135 ladder 1-2-3-4 - will BP in a meet in 4 weeks, not looking for anything great.


245 lb. (110 kg) x 5 double over, quick pause tng

285 lb. (130 kg) x 2, r/u, quick pause tng

325 lb. (147.5 kg) x 4 l/u, singles w/ comp-style negative and reset at the bottom after a breath or two.

Last Friday, did 315 x 4 - that equates to a 345 1RM . (315 x 6 equals a 366 1RM according to the calculators.)

Don't feel good about more than 4 reps and also need to ditch the controlled negatives and paused tng, so did 325 x 4 today, which equates to about 355 1RM, and next week, will do 335 x 4, which equates to 366 1RM.

Excellent, excellent result today.  Trying to add a focus on keeping the bar close, which is the thing I don't always do.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Decided to switch to 3 DL sessions per week, down from 4.

Skipped yesterday, Wednesday, but did a breathing walk and jog at the end.

Today, Thursday


short on time, so:

GU: 10 kg x 2L, 2R - both reps on the same side w/o putting the bell down, this is very fatiguing for my right side, need to stay with this format and build up some volume with this weight this way.

MP: 18 kg x 5, rf, w/ move the bell around at the lockout of every rep

break, and will DL later


245 x 5 double over, paused tng

285 x 2, r/u, paused tng

285 x 2, l/u, paused tng

Was woken up in the middle of the night last night, tired today, that'll do, and we'll hope for heavy on Saturday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Off Saturday, Sunday, Monday for Strong Endurance and the drive home.

Did a few MP w/ 20 kg on the way home yesterday, Monday.

Today, Tuesday


MP: 18 kg x 5 lf
PU: archer, 2 each way, rf


MP: 18 kg x 6 rf
PU: archer, 2 each way, lf



225 x 5 r/u

305 x 4 l/u - excellent for today - tired from the weekend and driving

Friday, May 18, 2018


Today, Friday

Found a park, walked a bit

At a turnpike rest stop, did:

MP: 20 kg, lf, 1, 2

then put the 20 kg overhead and walked about 50 steps left, and 50 steps right.  Left side lockout was not good.

At LA Fitness in Chicago:


225 x 2, 5 (switched bars because collars weren't rotating), double over, paused tng
275 x 2 r/u - felt weak
295 x 5 l/u - felt good although didn't keep back really tightly locked out - felt like yesterday's 315 were better in that regard.

Nice walk, 10-15 min, each way from hotel to gym and back.


Yesterday, Thursday, while on the road at LA Fitness in Maumee, IL, at 5:30 PM after 500 miles of driving:


225 x 5, double over, paused tng

275 x 5, double over, paused tng - double over, with nice, long pauses at lockout and the bottom, was a mistake, and although I finished it, the bar was starting to slip out of my grip.

315 x 4, l/u, paused tng - PR reps at this weight
315 x 3, r/u, paused tng

NB: June 23 meet has me in the Saturday afternoon flight, so late-in-the-day DL's are good practice.

Also did GS w/ 20 kg x 10 reps at 11 AM in a rest stop, and stretched a bit there, too

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Today, Wednesday


GU: quite a few, mostly bw, some w/ 12 kg


20 kg, rf, x 4
20 kg, lf, x 4

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Today, Tuesday

breathing walk w/ run at end - getting ever further, and it's getting easier as I'm able to relax into my form more.

walk, some bw-windmills along the way

245 x 3 double over, paused tng

295 x 8 l/u paused tng - left side was coming up slower at first, corrected but not sure how.

Another PR workout from a list that's based ona 366 1RM

Monday, May 14, 2018



GU: 10 kg x 2 alternating singles, lf
1 alternating single - 3 in a day is a best w/ this (admittedly paltry) weight for our current go-round.

20 kg, lf, 1-2
20 kg, rf, 4

rest - idea is to repeat above w/ opposite starting sides

20 kg, rf, 1-2-3 - good, was feeling like the extra rung was possible, and it was
20 kg, lf, 5 - again, we total 18 reps/side - must be a good number :)

PU: archer, 1 rf, rest, 1 lf - trying to always keep close ring pulled down low.  2nd set better - I am less good at straightening my right arm and then bringing it back to a strong position.

Plan for later: deadlifts

Went to LA Fitness for the first time:


225 x 5 double over, paused tng
275 x 5 r/u, paused tng
315 x 3, l/u, paused tng
315 x 3, l/u, paused tng - 2 triples at this weight is a PR session

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Today, Saturday


GU: 10 kg x 1 each way, lf - shoulders have been feeling like they're letting go of long-held tensions.  Today, shoulders felt shaky w/ weight overhead, so stopped at 1 rep and might come back and do more later.


20 kg, rf, 1-2
20 kg, lf, 4
20 kg, rf, 1-2

archer PU, rf, 3 each way.  My wife watched and said I kept the close ring pulled down lower on the first rep either side.  Interesting.  Some slight discomfort on right side on those 2nd and 3rd reps, nothing awful, just felt a little misaligned but not by a lot.  I do better with these when I do them more often and only do 2 reps each side.

Tentative plan is to deadlift later today or tomorrow.


Friday, May 11, 2018


Lifted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, took yesterday off

Today, Friday


225 x 3 double over, paused tng
285 x 9 l/u paused tng

long break - phone call

285 x 4 r/u paused tng

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Today, Wednesday

breathing walk w/ run at end


GS: 24 kg x 5

SW: 20 kg x 10's, lf, extra set left so 110 total, on about the :55

GU: 10 kg, lf x 1 each way full, x 1-2 each way to elbow, x 1 each way full.

short break

1APU: Mon did 10" x 1, today 12" x 2R, 2L

MP: 20 kg x lf, x 1, 2, superset archer PU, lf, x 2 each way

this is already a lot of not-DL lifting, so we'll stop there.  DL is the one and only priority


225 x 5 double over, paused tng

265 x 5 l/u, paused tng

315 x 3 l/u, paused tng - 3 reps at this weight, paused tng, is a PR for sure

Thought about a second set @315 but decided that the next step after a peak is always down, so stop here for today, and we'll see what we feel like tomorrow, maybe try 275 x 10.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Today, Tuesday:


GU: 2 each way to the hand w/ 10 kg.  Was going to do bw-only, but there was a 10 kg bell, and it seemed to me to be OK to try it, and it was just fine.  I was in the low-ceiling part of the basement where I can't do full getups, anyway, so just to the hand, but spent time at both the elbow and the hand positions, working on t-spine opening, shoulder packing, moving my head and neck around, etc.

walk again


225 x 3 double over, paused tng

265 x 10 l/u, paused tng, certainly a PR rep count @ this weight

265 x 5 r/u, paused tng

Interestingly, yesterday was 18 lifts and averaged 265, which is 75% of 353.  Today, even though I did this by feel, the same thing.  Rep ranges were probably out of bounds for some things but that's OK, IMO.

Monday, May 7, 2018

GU, 1APU, MP, Rings, DL, Standing Wheel

Was off on Friday and Saturday, visiting and travelling with family.

Yesterday, Sunday, was a big day,
 and I took two naps in the afternoon.

Today, Monday

Breathing walk w/ run at end


GU: 8 kg x 3 each way, left-up/right-down first.  Getting better, could have done another but didn't - moderation is the key here.

break, walk


1APU: @ 10", 1R + 1L - not bad

MP: 20 kg, rf x 3R, 3L + Archer PU x 3 each way, also rf - last rep, really didn't hold myself up w/ ring held in on right side.


MP: 18 kg, lf, x 8L, 8R


Rings: StC + FL x 1

Enough pressing for today, enough pullup and pushup and ring things for today, too.

DL: - new Rogue, 20 kg, stainless steel bar

225 x 7 double over, paused tng

265 x 5 l/u, paused tng

315 x 2 l/u, x 2 r/u, x2 l/u, all paused tng

WHEEL: standing, 4th step x 2, rest, 4th step but out, relax, come back x 1

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Today, Thursday, a relatively early start

GS: 24 kg x 2, 20 kg x 3 - all w/ long pauses at the bottom, all trying to figure out how to grip, comparing left and right hands

SW: 20 kg, lf, x 10's on the :60.  11 sets total to get in an extra set w/ left hand.  There seems to be a necessary, albeit very slight, shift of the hips away from the bearing arm side.  I sometimes resist pushing into my right hip, but doing that makes my left side swings much better.  A work in progress, not sure of all my observation's validity, but the final set of swing on the left side, with a start by making sure I was "into" my right hip, felt altogether more solid and on another level in terms of connectedness and power.

GU: 8 kg, lf, alternating singles, 2 each side - excellent.  Already getting tired and won't do more today, but very happy with this.

Plan for about an hour from now:



16 kg, lf, x 1, 1, 2, 2
rest briefly
18 kg, lf, x 1, 1, 2, 2
rest a little longer
20 kg, lf, x 1, 1, 3, 3 - first triple w/ 20 kg, nice.  Total 10 presses each side today, light day but immediately after medium day yesterday.  Was 28 presses on Monday and 18 yesterday

PU: on bar, bw + 20 kg on left foot, rest,repeat right foot.  Paused a few seconds at top, Adam's apple touching bar at bottom - higher would have been nice.  Slow negative.


225 x 6 double over, paused tng
255 x 5 r/u, paused tng - right shoulder felt misaligned afterwards
305 x 3 r/u, paused tng - repeat same grip, right shoulder fine this time
305 x 3 l/u, paused tng - good

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Today, Wednesday, feeling a bit tired, haven't been sleeping great, bw 151.6 this morning, which is OK but not great, either.

GS: 24 kg x 7


18 kg x rf x 4
18 kg x lf, x 3, 4 (w/o putting bell down, as all ladders have been of late)
18 kg x rf x 5, superset archer PU x rf x 3 each way

Did a total of 28 presses on Monday, total of 18 today, we'll call this medium day.  Monday included 6 reps @ 20 kg and 7 reps @ 16 kg (and 15 @ 18 kg), so the average was very close to 18 kg.  Today, all 18 kg.  We'll see how we feel about pressing again tomorrow since we're away Friday and Saturday - perhaps we're home in enough time on Saturday for me to lift - we'll see.

3 archer PU each way was good.

Handling of my right shoulder is improved today - think the walk this AM while focusing on keep it in the right place but very relaxed - I think that helped.

225 x 5 double over, paused tng
255 x 5 l/u, paused tng
305 x 3 l/u, paused tng
305 x 3 r/u, paused tng

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Bit of an odd week, so taking today, Tuesday, as I usually would do Wednesday - variety


Cossack sequence

headstand leg raises, a few

Ring dips and playing with ring strict muscle up with various cheats, standing on boxes, trying to figure it out.