Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Light SN, 1APU, DL

Later Sunday and all of Monday, lots of driving.

Tuesday, just a walk, then a dip stretch, then 10R + 10L snatches @ 10 kg

Today, Wednesday


SN: 10 kg
10R - just looking for good posture and good form.  Seems to slightly tweak disc, but keeping right shoulder with "roll back" thought helps

walk again, and on the way out, 3 singles of 1APU on a park bench.  Third one was great right and crappy left

on the way back, 2R + 2L

back at home


narrow sumo: 225 x fingerhook, thumbless grip x 5, paused tng


Did 110 kg x 5, 130 kg x 5, 110 kg x 5 on Sunday

Plan calls for continuing overall twice as many 110 as 130 kg this week.

110 x 6 r/u
130 x 3 l/u
Repeat above, total 18 reps


Yesterday, another StC + FL, pressed up to a 26 kg each side, did some ugly 16 kg snatches, did some b/u cleans and presses but my thumb's bone bruise make it nearly impossible because I can't grip hard with it.

Starting this week without a plan because it's Sunday and I'm at an SFG and no time to plan the week - we'll just do the math backwards from here:

DL: always paused tng

225 x 6 narrow sumo, fingerhook grip


245 x 5 r/u

long rest, ~30 minutes

285 x 5 l/u - maybe a PR rep count

long rest

245 x 6 r/u

long rest

285 x

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week of February 18, 2019


Working with Phil Scarito at his place near Philly:

A bunch of 1A pushups, including a few from the floor.  Great discussion of technique.


205 x 8 fingerhooks

285 x 2
245 x 4
285 x 3, 2, 3, 2 = 16 lifts

Discussed which mixed grip looked best, and agreed left under and right over.    More good discussion of technique.


130 kg (286 lbs) x 2, 3, 2, 3 = 10 lifts

Left on trip

Wednesday - drove all day

Thursday, I need

8 lifts @ 110 kg
6 lifts @ 130 kg

to complete my week of NL = 40

Did the planned Deadlifts on Friday, also
did 3 x 2 1-arm pushups on a box, a 1 each way from the floor later

Friday, a StC + FL (also did yesterday), plus a little Archer PU, plus pressed up to 26 kg, plus a few ugly snatches.

Next week, high volume but low intensity

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Today, Saturday


1APU @ 10" x 1R/L x 5


narrow sumo, overhand fingerhook grip x 205 x 8 paused tng

conventional, mixed grip, kg weights below

130 x 3 r/u
110 x 5 l/u
130 x 3 r/u, 2 l/u, 3 r/u - today, l/u feels stronger - go figure  NL = 16, end of PP #2, week #2

Friday, February 15, 2019

Variety - Stretch, SW

Today, Friday


Split stretches in a chair

24 kg x 10L, 10R, 5L, 5R
32 kg x 15 2h

Thursday, February 14, 2019

1APU, DL, Rings

Today, Thursday

WM: 1 truly awful 10 kg on each side

1APU @ 10": 4 singles on 1-2 min rest, rf



double finger hook, narrow sumo, 205 x 8 - left forearm feeling a bit odd.

NL = 12 conventional
110 x 4, 130 x 8 as 
130 x 3 r/u, 
110 x 4 l/u, 
130 x 3 l/u, 2 r/u

Sat will be NL = 16, as

130 x 3, 110 x 5, 130 x 3, 2, 3


1APU @ 10" x 1R/L

bw WM

Rings: StC + partial FL x 1

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Variety: Dip, Rings, SW

Today, Wednesday

Dip stretch, then 3 dips w/ shorter stretches

StC + partial FL x 1
Archer PU x up, right out, left out, right out, left out, and down

SW: 24 kg x 10's, lf, on the 1:20, 40 total

Abs feel really worked, decided not to do 1APU today.


Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Busy day


no warmup, really, just

DL - no hook, to try to get my right thumb to heal from the bone bruise

130 x 2 - double over, fingerhooks but with thumbs helping a little
110 x 5 - full grip, double over
130 x 2 double over
130 x 3 r/u - feels strong, fingerhooks, really
130 x 2 l/u - doesn't feel as strong - I think r/u is going to be the over/under of choice

Over/under feels _so_ much easier

NL = 14 - was supposed to be 12, I think.

Plan was:

10 (20%) as 110 x (3), 130 x (7)
12 (23%) as 110 x (4), 130 x (8)
14 (26%) as 110 x (4), 130 x (10)
16 (30%) as 110 x (5), 130 x (11)

So far, Monday was NL = 110 x 3, 130 x 7, total 10 lifts 
Today was NL = 110 x 5, 130 x 9, total 14 lifts

Plan will be 12 on Thursday and 16 on Saturday
Th = 110 x 4, 130 x 8 as 130 x 3, 110 x 4, 130 x 3, 2
Sa = 110 x 5, 130 x 11 as 130 x 3, 110 x 5, 130 x 3, 2, 3

This week will be 110 x 17, 130 x 35
1870 kg + 4550 kg = 6420 kg
6420 kg / 52 = 123.46
123.46 / 162.5 = 76% (75.97)

Monday, February 11, 2019

SQ, SW, Rings, 1APU, 1LDL, DL

Yesterday, Sunday, just walk and stretch a little

Today, Monday:

SQ: a high-bar barbell squat, used as we use a goblet squat - pry, find stance width, best depth, etc.
95 lbs. x 5

24 kg x 10L
24 kg x 10R
32 kg x 15 2h


Dip stretch + a few dips

Rings: StC + partial FL

1APU @ 10" x 2R/L, 2R/L

1LDL @ 24 kg x 2L/2R - _must_ turn right foot out slightly

205 (90 kg) narrow sumo, fingerhooks, 7 reps - bar rolls in fingers at top

NL = 110 kg x 3, 130 kg x 7 as:

130 x 2, 110 x 3, 130 x 3, 2

NB: Realized I was hitting right thumb at an angle, changed that, much more comfortable!

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Today, Saturday

Lots of grip-intensive move of deadlift mats - ended up having to put it all back, but it helped in planning DL area, version 2.

@ 12" x 1R/L, 2R/L
@ 10" x 2R/L
@ 12" x 2R/L, 1R/L
@ 10" x 1R/L


narrow sumo: 90 kg (205 lbs)  x 7, fingerhook grip, thumbs over the bar


110 x 3, 130 x 2, 110 x 5, 130 x 3 for 13 lifts total, and 28 for the week, 1 more than planned 27 but I'm OK with a small increase in volume in this block as well.

Wasn't much variability in intensity from 75% this week.  
15 lifts @ 110 kg = 1650 kg
13 lifts @ 130 kg = 1690 kg

3340 kg / 28 lifts = 119.28 kg average = 73.4% - that's actually OK, 75 - 1.6%

Next week, maybe aim for average intensity of 76.6% (75 + 1.6%)

Plan for week of Feb 11: 50 lifts @ 76.3 average intensity - math works out better, and since last month was only 74%, this is OK with me.  We get there by doing 15 lifts @ 110 and 35 lifts @ 130.

4 sessions: 
10 (20%) as 110 x (3), 130 x (7)
12 (23%) as 110 x (4), 130 x (8)
14 (26%) as 110 x (4), 130 x (10)
16 (30%) as 110 x (5), 130 x (11)

For the week, 110 x 16, 130 x 36 = 52 lifts

Friday, February 8, 2019

GS, SW, Rings

Today, Friday

Goblet Squat: 32 kg x 5


24 kg x L x 10

Rest 1:30

24 kg x R x 10

rest 3:00

32 kg x 2h x 15

break and walk

Rings: StC x 1, archer PU x 1 w/ long-ish hold to right, then to left.  Haven't done these PU in a while, felt that.

Later, walk.

Tomorrow, deadlift.


Thursday, Feb 07 2019


SW: 24 kg x 10L, 10R

bw SQ, a few


Rings: StC + partial FL

1APU @ 12" x 1R/L, 2R/L, 3R/L - needed help on last rep, core too tired.  Been going straight from right to left side, perhaps for triples I need to stand up between


ladder of 1-2 - too tired and too short on time for rung of 3

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

No DL, Dip/Ring/1APU/1LDL "circuit"

Wednesday, today

SE sprints, also did 2 days ago

Yesterday, 5L/R 1-arm, 24 kg swings AM

Today, 5L/R + 4L/R of same

Little "circuit"

Dip Stretch + dip x 2
Rings: StC + partial FL x 1
1APU @ 12" x 1R/L
BB style PU x 1
1-arm contralateral DL @ 24 kg x 1L/R


repeat above, then

1APU @ 12" x 2R/L

DL, and the plan for the next 4 weeks

Tuesday, 5 Feb

Next 4 weeks, plan is

*  Keep NL the same at 180
*  Introduce more variability: NL by the week: 27, 50, 40, 63
*  Split reps, half at 110 kg (242 lb) and half at 130 kg (285 lb)

Week 1: 2 days

Today, Tuesday, NL = 15

110 kg x 3
130 kg x 2
110 kg x 4 (NL @110 = 7)
130 kg x 3, 3 (NL @130 = 8)

NB: Taped thumbs for the first time - ah, wonderful!

Was short on time so only DL, in part because there will be only two lifting days this week, so we'll devote more time to 1APU on other days.

Next session: NL = 12

Maybe we'll intentionally couple intensity and volume in two different ways

Week 1 = low volume, low intensity
Week 2 = high volume, high intensity
Week 3 = low volume, high intensity
Week 4 = high volume, low intensity

This suggests, since I've done one more lift @ 130 already, tilting the balance towards 110 on my next lifting day.  Maybe even try a set of 5 @ 110, and probably should do 8 lifts @ 110 and 4 @ 130, so something like 110 x 3, 130 x 2, 110 x 5, 130 x 2

Saturday, February 2, 2019

1APU, DL, plan summary and next block

Yesterday, Friday,

walk and StC + partial FL on rings

Today, Saturday


1APU @ 12", rf x 4R/L, 3R/L, 2R/L, 1R/L


200 lbs., narrow sumo x 5, fingerhook grip, and for speed of hips moving forward

265 x 17 singles on the :45, all hook grip, conventional, and controlled negatives although some more controlled than others.  E.g., 00:00, 00:45, 01:30, 02:15, then 3:00 and so on, 12:00 was the 17th lift.  Not at all out of breath, great to be both easier on my thumbs _and_ get practice setting up my hook grip.

Summary of previous 4 weeks:

1 weight = 74% of 162.5 kg, 120 kg, 265 lbs.

NL and % of 180 total NL:
Week 1: 40 (22%) as M = 10, Tu = 4, We = 6, Th = 12, Sa = 8
Week 2: 55 (31%) as M = 14, Tu = 6, We = 8, Th = 10, Sa = 17
Week 3: 38 (21%) as We = 16, Th = 10, Sa = 12
Week 4: 47 (26%) as We = 18, Th = 12, Sa = 17

Next 4 weeks, plan is

*  Keep NL the same at 180
*  Introduce more variability: NL by the week: 27, 50, 40, 63
*  Split reps, half at 110 kg (242 lb) and half at 130 kg (285 lb)