Thursday, February 27, 2020


Today, Thursday, sort of early (9:30 am)

SW: 24 kg

00:00 10L + 10R
02:00 20L
04:00 20R - a great way to spend 5 minutes

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


20 kg: halo and GS, a few

MP: 20 kg, same reps as last time, took :30 out of each ladder and another :30 out between ladders

00:00 2R/L
01:30 3R/L
03:30 5R/L (was 4:00 last time)

repeat starting on 09:00 (was 10:00 last time)

repeat starting on 18:00 but only 1st set, so total 22 reps/side instead of 30/side, we'll call this medium day

120 kg x 5 r/u, fingerhooks

rest until 5:00

repeat other grip

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Today, Tuesday

16 kg: Halo + GS w/ curl - x 1, 2

FSQ: 2 x 24 kg x 3

Repeat both the above

SW: - all untimed, with full, untimed recovery

44 kg x 10 2h
32 kg x 10 L
32 kg x 10 R
32 kg x 10 L - extra set on weaker side


Yesterday, Sunday, the usual big musical day, and a late afternoon walk

Today, Monday

12 kg: bent arm bar, 5L, 5R. Bent leg at 90 degrees and hooked on a kettlebell

MP: 20 kg, rf
00:00 - 2
01:30 - 3
04:00 - 5

repeat starting on 10:00

repeat starting on 20:00 - last 5's a little slow but definitely better than 3 days ago, and up to 30 reps each side


Rest a few, then - decided if I'm working on conditioning, I need lighter weights and the volume control turned down from 10 - I prefer 10, but I think I may have gotten 8 this time, will aim for 7 next time.

00:00 - 32 kg x 2h x 10
02:00 - 32 kg x 2h x 10
04:00 - 24 kg x L x 10
06:00 - 24 kg x R x 10

Repeat, so

08:00 - 32 kg x 2h x 10
10:00 - 32 kg x 2h x 10
12:00 - 24 kg x L x 10
14:00 - 24 kg x R x 10

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Halo+GS, MP, DL

Today, Friday

16 kg warmup - 1 halo + 1 GSQ, 2+2, 3+3

MP: 20 kg x (2-3-5) x 2, rf (that's new) = 20 reps per side, roughly equal to (1-2-3) x 3 = 18 reps or (1-2-3) x 4 = 24 reps

6 singles on the minute
overhand grip as normal for the first 3, then more fingerhooks
120 kg for the first 5 then 130 kg for the last one, still fingerhook grip

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Overhead walk/hold

Yesterday, Tuesday, walk more, drive a bunch

Today, Wednesday:


On the 2:00, overhead walk/hold w/ 12 kg, rf, for 1:00, :45, and :30

00:00 - walk/hold 1:00 r
02:00 - l
04:00 - same but :45
06:00 - same l
08:00 - same but :30
10:00 - same but l

focus on keeping abs tight not hips forward and leaning back

my overhead mobility is pretty crappy, so doing this in good posture means working against my own inflexibility, so it's not easy, and is especially good ab exercise

Monday, February 17, 2020


Today, Monday, on a short vacation with my wife:

walk a few miles.

jog on the bridge for perhaps 2-3 minutes.

a few bw-only windmills


10 kg overhead walk, rf - OMG, this is a missing practice that I must do more regularly.

Sunday, February 16, 2020


At 8 am (early for me)

00:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 6
01:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 6
02:00 - 32 kg x L x 6
03:00 - 32 kg x R x 6

06:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 6
07:30 - 44 kg x 2h x 6

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Today, Saturday

After a 5:30 to 7:30 pm nap yesterday, slept great last night, first time in a while - lots of thing have been disturbing sleep, including the kids, the cat, and my wife being sick.

Early, long shower today - more recovery. Plus two naps

Late in the day:

C&P: 22 kg, ladder 1-2, lf
MP: 22 kg, 2, lf - slight pinch of herniated disc on right side press

MP: 22 kg, 3, lf - focused on slight t-spine rotation to the right between arms and during right side press - voilà, much better, no disc squeeze - excellent

Friday, February 14, 2020


Today, Friday:

long walk - phone says I walked 4.3 miles today

long, late afternoon nap

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Today, Thursday


00:00 2h x 5
01:00 2h x 5
02:00 L x 5
03:00 R x 5

Repeat at 05:00 and 10:00

HR - avg = 120, max = 139, less intense than snatches for me, even when snatches are 16 kg

long break

bw windmills, toe touch

Dip stretch - 3

GU: 16 kg, lots to elbow, 1 full each side

short break

C&P: 18 kg x 1-2-3-4 ladder, lf - rack position better than last time but right shoulder a little sore also afterwards, however left shoulder was sore yesterday, so maybe just some loosening up happening and things are moving around.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today, Wednesday

GU: 16 kg to elbow, rf, x 2 each side

C&P: 22 kg x 5L, 4 + 1 R - right side rack needs to change


DL: 120 kg x 3 r/u, x 3 l/u

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Yesterday, Monday, just a few getups, plus dip stretch and a StC on the rings

Today, Tuesday


00:00 - SW 32 kg x 6L/R
01:30 - SN 18 kg x 10L/R

Repeat on 05:00 and 10:00, total 36 swings and 60 snatches

Friday, February 7, 2020

BAB (bent armbar), GU

Yesterday, Thursday:


00:00 - 10+10 24 kg swings
01:30 - 10+10 24 kg snatches

05:00 - repeat twice more, total 60 swings and 60 snatches

Today, Friday


pack/unpack shoulders drill on rings - been doing this lately more, also on bar. Helps line up things in right shoulder.

16 kg: bent arm bar by a few each side - haven't done these in forever

GU: 16 kg, tried left up first, 2 alternating singles each side plus a few extra to elbow w/ right up.

Dress rehearsal last night, concert tonight, so a fairly easy day today

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Today, Wednesday


GU: 16 kg x 1 each way, then extra to elbow 2, 3, or 4 at a time, more on problematic r-u/l-d side

SW: 32 kg x 5L, 5R


120 kg x 5 r/u, x 5 l/u - good result, paused tng, out of breath after each set, but we moved 1200 kg and that's good.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Today, Tuesday


SN: 14 kg x 20R, 20L, 15R, 15L = 70 in about 3:40, aiming for easy


Haven't been logging this week's lifting. Didn't do much, just assorted getups and ...

Tuesday -

44 kg x 2h x 5
32 kg x 1h x 5L, 5R


3 mi walk

16 kg x 10R+10L in about :50, on the 03:00, 3 sets


GU: 18 kg x 2 alternating singles, rf

44 kg x 2h x 6, 7
32 kg x 6L, 6R

120 kg x 1 r/u, x 2 r/u, x 3 l/u
130 kg x 1 r/u, x 2 r/u, x 3 l/u - very good. 130 kg is 80% of 1RM, probably more like 85% or more of what I could do today

NB: working on not rolling forward as I start my pull. Still setting up further back, then moving a little forward and stopping, then pulling.

Monday, February 3, 2020


Today, Monday


GU: after a few failed attempts with 18 kg, did

12 kg x 2
14 kg x 1
16 kg x 1 w/ short walk at overhead position

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Today, Saturday

very short walk

taught for 3-1/2 hours

late afternoon:

BP: 145 x 3, 3 - excellent