Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Was sick for a few days - woke up Friday not feeling well, had a fever on Saturday, missed church and cancelled a trip to PA on Sunday, and was feeling mostly better by yesterday, Monday, which was a holiday.

Today, Tuesday - pre-meet taper


SW 32 kg x 5, 6, 7, lf, just looking for good form and to warm up a little, toal 36 reps, no clock

MP: 22.27 kg x 3L/R, superset PU @ bw + 18 kg x 3 on left foot

DL:  225 on bar

straddle, left in back, 1
straddle, right in back, 1

double overhand x 5 t-n-g, trying to keep good form - completely easy feeling

Thursday, May 25, 2017

DDD #42

DDD #42, but a day early

A little mini-meet in prep - no presses, just a little stretching

DL: conventional, wore DL slippers (as I've done once a week or so lately)

225 x 2 double over
275 x 1 double over
325 x 1 right under
350 x 1 fail, 1, 1 left under

Failed rep was interesting - I haven't sat back enough in most of my training reps, going for more push than pull, but keeping my weight back is _necessary_ with 350.  I also forgot that a heavy DL will take time to push through - I gave up pretty quickly on the first, failed attempt.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Today, Tuesday

slightly longer breathing walk but no other walking

MP: 22.27 kg x 3L/R, superset PU w/ 20 kg on left foot x 2
MP: 22.27 kg x 5L/R, superset PU w/ 20 kg on left foot x 2

DL: 285, conventional

x 1, 1, 1 - right under, reset at bottom

x 1, 1, 1 - left under, reset at bottom

Monday, May 22, 2017


Got to walk more than lately over Saturday and Sunday - felt good

Today, Monday


after rehearsal, in about 15 minutes total, did:

1APU: @ 10" x 1L/R, x 1L/R

DL: 285, conventional - total 7 lifts today instead of the usual 6.  Feeling good and rested, heavy day on Friday

x 3 overhand w/ reset at bottom
x 2 right under w/ reset at bottom
x 2 left under w/ reset at bottom

Friday, May 19, 2017


Today, Friday

walk twice

3:30 PM, short on time:


24 kg x 1, 2

DL - tired, not getting to walk enough, been DL'ing 295 this week, so going light today

225 x 5 - light touch-n-go
275 x 3 - light touch-n-go

Next Friday is the last heavy DL day before the competition, planned 350, which is what I pulled at my last meet, for a few singles

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Yesterday, Wednesday, not much

Today, Thursday

3:30 PM and short on time.

MP: 20 kg x 5L/5, 22.27 kg x 4L/R

DL: 295 lbs.

x 1, 1 double over
x 1, 1 right under
x 1, 1 left under - stand up resets between pairs, longer between grip changes but total of about 6 minutes

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Today, Tuesday


1APU @ 10": 1L/R, 2L/R, 1L/R, 2L/R

long break

DL: 295, conventional, all double overhand

x 1, 1, 1 - reset at bottom, single breath between reps

rest 2-3 min

x 1, 1, 1 - reset at bottom, single breath between reps

Bar path for me seems straight up, not pulling into shins, but pulling into shins sometimes feels better, so will experiment with that some more next time, which is Thursday.

Monday, May 15, 2017



20 kg x 3L/R
22.27 kg x 3L/R

20 kg x 3L/R
22.27 kg x 3L/R

24 kg x 2L/R

22.27 kg x 4L/R

20 kg x 6L/R - most presses in quite a while, total of 24 each side, and all felt great


bw + 20 kg on right foot x 2
bw + 20 kg on left foot x 2

Felt right shoulder was coming up in first set, worked on keeping it down in second set - very interesting, and near the limits of my shoulder/t-spine mobility.  But second set was good/better, will try to stick with this feeling in the future


295 x 6 alternating singles, first right under then left under.  All standup resets, all quick drops

Friday, May 12, 2017

DL - DDD #35, 335 x 4 singles

Very busy day Wednesday - just a walk, but my usual day off/easy

Thursday, yesterday, again very busy, and only a short walk, but a usual lifting day

Today, Friday

AM: some swings and cleans while teaching

PM: DDD #35 but today instead of planned Monday.  Called for 331, using 335

225 x 1 double over
275 x 1 double over
315 x 1 double over
335 x 1, 1 right under - stand up and reset, probably 1 min rest between
walk away for ~5 min
335 x 1, 1 left under - stand up and reset, probably 1 min rest between

Nice to have had a couple of days off, albeit busy, tiring ones, before this session.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Today, Tuesday


22.27 kg x 4L/R
20 kg x 7L/R
22.27 kg x 3L/R

DL: 286 conventional

x 1, 1 double over - light touch-n-go but a slightly longer pause at the bottom
x 1, 1 right under - same
x 1, 1 left under - same

Monday, May 8, 2017

SW, 1-leg DL variations, 1APU, DL

Busy weekend - friend's father died unexpectedly, making food and shopping for them, viewing/wake, etc.

Saturday and Sunday, just some walking - right heel sore on the outside, not sure if it's plantar fasciitis or I just banged it or something is tight or what.

Today, Monday

walk - right heel is a little better

SW: 28 kg x 10L, 10R

1-leg DL: 24 kg x 1L/R, 1L/R

SW: 32 kg x 10L, 10R

barbell 1-leg DL x 65 lbs (big, rubber 10's) x 2L, 2R

SW: 44 kg x 2h x 10, 10

barbell 1-leg DL x 95 lbs. (big rubber 25's)

1APU: @ 10" x 3L/R, rest 1L/1R/1L/1R - left arm tired, a little rusty from not doing these enough lately

DL: 286, conventional, all double overhand: 6 singles on about 1:00.  Focus on driving through left leg as well as right - I think I was unbalanced here - and on locking back in more as I pull off the floor.

Friday, May 5, 2017


Today, Friday:

short walk

WM: 24 kg x 1L/R, 28 kg x 2L/R - first time for 28 kg in a few years, felt very good.

MP: 24 kg x 1, 2, 22.27 kg x 3, 4

286 today

x 1, 1, 1 right under - medium speed drop, keep hands on bar, new breath at bottom

x 1, 1, 1 left under - same

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Today, Thursday:


WM: 24 kg x 3L/R, rest a little, x 2L/R - trying to increase volume of these

MP: 24 kg x 1, 2, rest, 1, 2

DL: 295, conventional

x 2 light touch-n-go, double over
x 2 light touch-n-go, double over
x 2 light touch-n-go, double over

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today, Wednesday

cut half the lawn (after cutting the first half yesterday)


SW: 24 kg x 10's on the :55, 14 sets = 140 reps, little "bone bruise" on left index finger, section just above palm, maybe related to missing padding on lawn mower handle.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

WM, MP, DDD #28

Today, Tuesday


WM: 24 kg x 3L/R - 3 wasn't so tiring today, this is good!

MP: 22 kg x 6L/R

DL: DDD Day #28, 82 %, calls for 312, we'll use 320

275 x 1, double over

295 x 1, double over

320 x 1 right under, stand up, reset
320 x 1 left under

walk away for a minute or two

320 x 1 right under, stand up, reset
320 x 1 left under

I could do more, but this is 6 lifts, 4 of them at 320 and I feel great, and a little tired when thinking about getting tight for another, so I'll stop here.  I'm thinking about 295 for a little more volume on Thursday - we'll see.

Monday, May 1, 2017

WM, 1APU, DDD #27

Saturday - busy day, short walk

Sunday - 3 mi walk

Today, Monday

short walk

WM: 24 kg x 2L/R - need to keep increasing the volume of these.  They really address my right shoulder issues. Maybe tomorrow, 20 kg for more reps.  Would love to go heavier but health first - need to do more reps, and 2-3 is all I've got in a single set @ 24 kg.  Could do a second set @ 24 kg but like just one warmup set of these.

1APU: 10", 2L/R, 2L/R, 2L/R, 1L/R - focused on keeping left elbow close, really helped

DL: went with 275 today - didn't sleep well, and "potentiation" has worked for me in the past, with an easy day before a harder on.

x 1, 1 double over
x 1, 1 right under
x 1, 1 left under

all singles on short rests w/ standup reset between or ~1 min rest

Tomorrow, 315