Sunday, March 29, 2020


Taught in the morning

Later afternoon:


DL: all singles today with stand-up reset between reps and longer rest between sets

120 kg x 3 double overhand

130 kg x 2 double overhand

Had thought about doing more, but last week felt like a lot of presses, I didn't DL Thu, didn't SN yesterday, and we're just having a back-off/easy time. I expect to be able to push forward with the planned presses tomorrow but we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Today, Saturday

Still feeling tired, so no snatch session

Later afternoon, a little variety training:

CL: 2 x 24 kg x 5 - regular swing-style cleans, 1 set of 5

FSQ: 2 x 24 kg, 4 reps - still not sure if I like the "lockdown breath" at the top as Pavel does in MRKC - makes belly tighter but seems unnecessary with 2 x 24 kg. Maybe I need more weight ...

Friday, March 27, 2020


Yesterday, Thursday - off altogether. Had 3 weeks of increasing deadlifts, and haven't been getting enough sleep, so took a big nap before dinner and went to sleep early.

Today, Friday


32 kg x 2h x 5's, 6 sets = 30 reps


1L-DL, 24 kg x 1L, 1R, 1L

MP: no clock, 5 x 1-2-3 or 30 reps

24 kg x 1L/R - a grind, not feeling warmed up or maybe tired from swings ...
20 kg x 2L/R
20 kg x 3L/R - total 6

20 kg x 2L/R, 3L/R, little rest between - total 11

20 kg x 4L/R - total 15

20 kg x 1L/R, 3L/R - no rest between - total 19

long break

20 kg x 3L/R - total 22

20 kg x 4L/R - total 26

24 kg x 1L/R

20 kg x 3L/R - total 30

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Today, Thursday


110 lb t-handle x 7, 7
44 kg x 7
110 lb t-handle x 7
add another spacer on the bottom
110 lb t-handle x 7 - this is the right weight distribution

32 kg x 2h x 20 - total 55 swings

Later, thought about deadlifting but it's been a tough week and rest seems like the best thing.


Today, Wednesday

MP: ROP (Medium) - no clock today, took my time, nice break after every rung and ladder

4 of these:

24 kg x 1L/R
22 kg x 2L/R
20 kg x 3L/R, 4L/R

and this:

22 kg x 1L/R
20 kg x 6L/R, 3LR - total 50 reps

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Today, Tuesday


a few while demo'ing with my son @ 24, 32, and 44 kg, all 2h

Rings: StC + angled FL x 1


24 kg x 15L, rest 3 min or so, 15R - definitely stronger, rest longer, then 15L - better hip loading on last set, and less grip fatigue as well

Monday, March 23, 2020


Yesterday, Sunday: walk

Today, Monday

FSQ: 2 x 24 kg x 5

MP: (ROP) Heavy Day

00 - 20 kg x 1-2-3-4-5
15 - 20 kg x 1-2-3-4-5
30 - 20 kg x 4, 3, 5 - total 43
40 - 20 kg x 3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3 - total 60, last set started at 53:00

This represents another big skip up from last week's heavy day of 50 reps, equivalent to 4 x 12345. Plan would have been 1 x 12345 and 4 x 1234 which would have been 55 total reps

Next week, 65 or 70 reps but probably not 75, but we'll see. I think two more weeks to finish this would do me good in terms of having the high volume of pressing.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Today, Saturday

walk/ruck - heavy groceries on the way home


00: 18 kg x 5L
01: 18 kg x 5R
02: 20 kg x 4L
03: 20 kg x 4R
04: 22 kg x 3L
05: 22 kg x 3R
06: 24 kg x 3L
07: 24 kg x 3R

08: 18 kg x 6L
09: 18 kg x 6R
10: 20 kg x 5L
11: 20 kg x 5R
12: 22 kg x 4L
13: 22 kg x 4R
14: 24 kg x 3L
15: 24 kg x 3R

16: 18 kg x 7L
17: 18 kg x 7R
18: 20 kg x 7L
18: 20 kg x 7R
20: 22 kg x 3L
21: 22 kg x 3R
22: 24 kg x 3L
23: 24 kg x 3R

27: 18 kg x 10L + 10R - tired, stopped, 144 snatches
Last Sat was 150 snatches, all 18 kg, in 30 min, so about the same volume but heavier weight. Weighted average is 20 kg. Next SN session, maybe 5's @ 20 kg OTM for 30 min or more

Friday, March 20, 2020


Today, Friday

Cossack stretch and bw windmills

24 kg x 10L, 10R, 10L, 10R, 10L, 10R - total 60, no clock

MP: 20 kg
1-2-3 - total 6
4-2-3 - total 15

1L-2L-3L-1R-2R-3R, per suggestion, didn't like, pressing muscles too fatigued (or need more rest time), total 21

2-3-4 - total 30

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Today, Thursday

walk, including home from grocery store with +35 lbs.

00:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 5
01:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 5
02:00 - 32 kg x L x 5
03:00 - 32 kg x R x 5

HR back to 80 by 5:00


08:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 5
09:00 - 44 kg x 2h x 5
10:00 - 32 kg x L x 5
11:00 - 32 kg x R x 5

HR got higher but swings got better

HR back to 80 by 13:00


16:00 - 32 kg x 2h x 10
17:00 - 32 kg x 2h x 10

HR got higher still

HR in the 80's by 20:00

Have reached our minimum ballistics day total of 60 reps
Planning also to barbell DL so this is plenty for today

20 min-ish break


120 kg x 5 l/u (favored grip)

130 kg x 3 r/u (other grip)

140 kg x 3 l/u - excellent, up from 2 reps last week and 1 the week before

Should back off next week in some form or other.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Yesterday, Tuesday


FSQ: 2 x 24 kg x 5

Today, Wednesday


SW: 32 kg x 2h x 20

MP: ROP light, 5 x 1-2 (or equivalent), total 15 reps
NB: Change of plan today, had been doing light on Wed but will try this now

22 kg x 1, 2
20 kg x 5

22 kg x 3
20 kg x 5 = 16 reps total


SW: 32 kg x 6L/R

Monday, March 16, 2020


Yesterday, Sunday: walk

Today, Monday

FSQ: 2 x 24 kg x 4, 4 - these are getting better in all ways. Still doing the behind-the-heels clean

MP: (ROP) 20 kg, lf

00: 1
01: 2
03: 3
06: 4

wait 4+2? Decided to go on 10 instead of 12

10: 1
11: 2
13: 3
16: 4

we'll try going a ladder every 10 minutes and see how that goes

20: 1
21: 2
23: 3
26: 4 - duplicates last week's 3 x 1-2-3-4

30: 1
31: 2
33: 3
36: 4 - surpasses last week's 3 x 1-2-3-4

40: 1
41: 2
43: 3
46: 4 - now done through 5 x 1-2-3-4

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Yesterday, Saturday

SN: 18 kg, 5's LF on the minute for 30 minutes, total is 30 x 5 = 150 snatches

Friday, March 13, 2020


Today, Friday

Modelled on this:

First warmup w/ 12 kg halo ladder: 1R/L, 2R/L, 3R/L

then id the following:

00 - SW 24 kg x 20 2h

03 - FSQ 2 x 24 kg x 3

06 - FSQ 2 x 24 kg x 3

08 - 1LDL x 24 kg x 1R/L

10 - SW 24 kg x 20 x 2h

Great short workout. Will press later, 5 x 1-2 @ 20 kg. Kept the swings light because I will snatch tomorrow.

long break

MP (ROP Light Day). Plan calls for 5 x 1-2 = 15 total reps

20 kg x 3L/R
20 kg x 3L/R

24 kg x 2L/R
24 kg x 1L/R

20 kg x 3L/R
20 kg x 3L/R

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Today, Thursday

2nd day in a row Buteyko walk + jog

WM: 4 kg x 1L/R - figuring these out again

Rings: StC but angled FL

walk and long break

DL: all paused light tng

120 kg x 4 r/u

130 kg x 3 l/u fingerhook grip (forgot to do that on 1st set)

140 kg x 2 l/u fingerhook - excellent

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Yesterday, Tuesday


Today, Wednesday

Buteyko walk with short jog at end - unusual for me, I went from the last pause and its nose-holding jog, directly into a regular jog.

WM: 4 kg x 1L/R, x 2L/R - have to remember to keep hip back as well as to the side

SW: 32 kg

00:00 - 8L
01:00 - 8R
02:00 - 16 2h

break 5-10 min


break 5-10 min

repeat - total 96 swings


MP (ROP) Medium

00 - 1L/R
01 - 2L/R
03 - 3L/R

Repeat on 08 but 24 kg for the single

Repeat on 16 but 22 kg for the double

Repeat on 24 but 22 kg for the single

Repeat on 32 was planned but instead:

34 - 6L
35 - 6R

Monday, March 9, 2020


Today, Monday


dip stretch

FSQ: 20 + 22, x 3 each way with dead-from-heels clean to start

MP: 20 kg - able to skip 2 weeks so instead of 1 x 1-2-3-4 got 3 x 1-2-3-4
00:00 - 1L/R
01:00 - 2L/R
03:00 - 3L/R
06:00 - 4L/R

12:00 - repeat above

24:00 - repeat above, but tried a faster and more to-the-front groove, the resulting 4th rep on final set was iffy

37:00 - 1L/R (planned to start on 36 but missed it at my desk)
38:00 - 2L/R
40:00 - 3L/R

45:00 - 1L/R
44:00 - 2L/R
48:00 - 3L/R

Plan was
do 1 rep
elapsed 1 since previous start

do 2 reps starting at 1:00
elapsed 2 since previous start

do 3 reps starting at 3:00
elapse 3 since previous start

do 4 reps starting at 6:00
elapse 4 + 2 extra

At 12, next ladder

For ladders to 3, next ladder would start elapse 3 + 2 extra

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Today, Saturday

FSQ: a 22 and a 20, x 5, x 5, again the BH dead clean

SW: 24 kg x 2h x 30, rest, x 30, pulse to 150-ish both time


Friday, March 6, 2020


Today, Friday


SN: 18 kg

00:00 - 10L in about :20
02:00 - 10R, same

04:00 - 10L, same
06:00 - 10R, same

08:00 - 10L, same
10:00 - 10R, same

12:00 - 15L+15R in about 1:10 - total 90 reps, worked on turning around at the back quickly, waiting on hip hinge, but not dialing the volume control past 8, aiming for 6 or 7.

NB: Wore HRM, hit a new recent max of 179 in final set


C&P: 20 kg

1 L/R

short rest

4 w/o putting bell down as alternating singles

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Today, Thursday


DL: fingerhook grip

120 kg x 1 r/u
120 kg x 2 r/u
120 kg x 3 l/u

130 kg x 1 l/u

140 kg x 1 l/u - legs shook a little but it didn't stop. Should probably do this more often, and 150 kg, too


WM: 4 kg x 2R, 2L - always problematic for me, but I need to keep doing them. They provide a good stretch and ROM for my very tight pec minor on the right side. I did the pec minor stretch on both sides, then the windmills.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Today, Wednesday

WM: 4 kg, 1R/L

Worked on dead clean behind the heels + FSQ x 5. Worked up to an 18 kg in one hand and 20 kg in the other, and did one each way. Felt very good to me, will continue working on this as it's a fun and different way to clean the bells.

a few minutes break

SW: 24 kg

00:00 10L+10R in about :40

wait for HR to come down to 120 (zone 2)

2:20 10L+10R in about :40

wait for HR to come down to 120

5:00 20 2h in about :40

wait for HR to come down to 120

08:15 - enough for today

Peak was 154 (zone 4)


WM: 4 kg x 1R/L

Rings: StC x 1

22 kg x 1L/R, 20 kg x 2 L/R

22 kg x 1L/R, 20 kg x 2 L/R

20 kg x 1-2, lf, without putting the bell down

22 kg x 1L/R, 20 kg x 2 L/R

20 kg x 3L/R

Tuesday, March 3, 2020



WM: 4 kg x 1 R/L - this helps, should continue

Rings: StC but didn't go all the way around - too tired today

32 kg x 10L, 10R and repeat for 60 total on the 2:00
24 kg x 10L, 10R and repeat for 40 total on the 2:00

working on fingerhook grip and loading hips when doing left side, which seems not to happen as much because my grip is weaker on that side.


Today, Monday:


24 kg:

4 swings of increasing height + 1 snatch x L, R

SN: 1 w/ overhead hold of 15-20 sec, again, again, short rest, repeat on right side.

Two things are difficult - the catch at the top, but also trusting my grip on my left side after lowering the bell from overhead.

For pressing, we'll call last week a "prep" period, worked up to 40 reps in 4 x 2-3-5. Now, the ROP more "by the book". The plan is for next Monday, to do at least 1 ladder to 4, but hopefully 2 ladders or even 3 ladders to 4, and finish with ladders to 3. Probably just do singles again @ 24 kg

24 kg x 1L/R
20 kg x 2L/R, x 3L/R

24 kg x 1L/R
20 kg x 2L/R, x 3L/R

24 kg x 1L/R
20 kg x 2L/R, x 3L/R

24 kg x 1L/R
* Now 11 reps remaining - 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 - going for longer sets and MP instead of C&P
20 kg x 7L/R, longish break, and 4L/R

Plan is 5 x 1-2 on Wed and 1 x 1 on Friday, then at least 1 x 1-2-3-4 and 4 x 1-2-3 next Monday