Today, Wednesday
SW: 24 kg x 10L, rest 1:00, x 10R
16 kg x 1L, 1R - still don't like how catch feels on right side
Repeat - much better. Added focus on keeping bell near midline on the way up, and on keeping the bell close, especially on the right side. The right side problems come in when the bell is slamming backward at lockout - if it's kept closer, it punches up fine.
Switching Days 2 and 3 for this week because work is so much busier on Friday
Wednesday (was Fri), NL = 29
120 x 5, narrow sumo, double over
120 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u - mistake, meant to do 130
130 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u
120 x 6, conventional, r/u - was supposed to be 5, now can eliminate final set of 120 x 3
140 x 2, conventional, l/u - easy
120 x 5, conventional, l/u
130 x 2, narrow sumo, r/u
120 x 5, conventional, r/u
About 4 tons of DL'ing today - good!
120 x 3 skipped because I did 2 extra by accident, then 1 extra op purpose earlier
Plan for Friday:
Friday (was Wed), NL = 22
120 x 5
130 x 3
140 x 3
120 x 4
130 x 3
120 x 4