Sunday, June 28, 2020

June 29, 2020: DL (P2, W4, D1)

125 = 78% (3-6, 5)
130 = 81% (3-5, 4)
140 = 88%( 2-4, 3)
150 = 94% (1-2, 2)

NL = 22 - adjusted to 23
6 x 125, 10 x 130, 5 x 140, 2 x 150
6 x 125
4 x 130
3 x 140
1 x 150

3 x 130
2 x 140
1 x 150

3 x 130

NL = 18
5 x 125,  8 x 130, 4 x 140, 1 x 150

NL = 13 - adjusted to 12
3 x 125, 5 x 130, 3 x 140, 1 x 150 - if 2nd set of 2 x 150 on day #1, skip 1 x 150 NL becomes 11

Saturday, June 27, 2020


Today, Saturday

Cossack sequence ending w/ 2 WM each side w/ 4 kg, right side first.

Then WM x 2 again, right side first

2 singles of bottoms-up ring dip on low rings, standing on 4" box: press up, hold, lower

Also low rings: Archer PU L-Sit, up, r out, l out, r out, l out, brief holds at each, and lower

Friday, June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020: DL (P2, W3, D3)

After a PR press on Tuesday, taking a little time off from pressing.

Today, Friday:

Buteyko walk - haven't done one in a while, ended by jogging a couple of blocks.

Day 3 = NL = 21
Been doing higher reps w/ 125 kg, so let's change that up for today
125 x 15, 4 x 130, 2 x 140 as

125 x 3, narrow sumo, double overhand
130 x 4, narrow sumo, r/u

125 x 3, narrow sumo, l/u
140 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u

* Planned 125 x 3, 3, 3 but running out of time, so did:

125 x 5, conventional, l/u
125 x 4, conventional, r/u

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020: DL (P2, W3, D2)

warmup -

played on low rings w/ transition section of muscleup - not close, but interesting, and got in some supports and dips on the rings along the way.

WM: 4 kg, rf, 1 - working on keeping shoulder back, t-spine extended, making some progress.  Been doing these at the end of the Cossack sequence as well on other days

More on low rings - PU in L-Sit plus archer to right, left, right, left, then lower.

Day 2 of P2, W3) NL = 27
125 x 19, 5 x 130, 3 x 140 as

125 x 7, narrow sumo, l/u
130 x 3, conventional, r/u
140 x 3, conventional, l/u

125 x 6, conventional, r/u
130 x 2, conventional, double over - grip not great, but sufficient

125 x 6, narrow sumo, l/u

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

MP (P1, W2, D2) but PR attempt instead

Day 1 = 45 lb x 4, 55 lb x 9, 65 lb x 7, 75 lb x 2 as

in the mood for a max test, so:

45 x 4,
55 x 3
65 x 2,
75 x 1,
85 x 1,
95 x 1, 1 - new PR.  Video of both, 1st attempt had too much lean-back, 2nd looked tough but I think it would count.

Decided to stop there, and will try to figure out a way to sync deadlift and press cycles going forward.

Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020: MP (P1, W4, D1), DL (P2, W3, D1)

MP: Was planned Day #4, now day #1
45 lb x 8, 55 lb x 19, 65 lb x 15, 75 lb x 4 as

55 x 9
45 x 8
65 x 5
75 x 4

65 x 5
55 x 10 - hit myself, underside of chin, on the way up on rep #3
65 x 5

Day 1 = NL = 34
125 x 24, 130 x 6, 140 x 4 as

125 x 5, narrow sumo, r/u
130 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u

135 x 1, narrow sumo, l/u - misloaded, needed a 5 left which I forget
140 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u
125 x 4, narrow sumo, r/u
originally these 2 (well, 3) sets were reversed, but want to go straight up and try 140 in narrow sumo before backing down

switching all the rest, too
130 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u
125 x 5, narrow sumo, r/u (take away 1 from planned 6 due to extra, misloaded rep above)

130 x 2, narrow sumo, r/u
125 x 5, narrow sumo, l/u

140 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u
125 x 4, narrow sumo, r/u

Note - don't like DL slippers as much for narrow sumo, doesn't seem to let me feel working the glutes as much as socks on the floor does - maybe time for a real DL shoe?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

3 Variety/Off/Easy Days

Finished the week's lifting on Thursday.

No lifting Friday but some walking and some stretching.

Saturday, PlanStrong online, managed to walk about 2 mi at lunch break and again end of day.
Also pressed 24 kg bell x 1R, 1L

Sunday, PlanStrong online, day 2.
During a break, did some one-arm and two-arm bar hangs - need to do this more often.
After the day was over, took an 18 kg bell and, lf, did 5 single C&P each side w/o putting the bell down.  Right shoulder is sore from bar hangs, still sore after pressing, but during pressing felt 100% OK, and soreness doesn't feel like the bone-on-bone I sometimes feel, just newly-stretched things.

Monday will start a new lifting week - last week's pressing and DL's both went very well.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 18, 2020: MP (P1, W3, D3+4), DL (P2, W2, D2)


warmup PU on rings, slow; pu on rings, try turning hands out in prep for muscle-up, interesting ...

MP, day 3 of 4 plus day 4 of 4, combined

Total needs to be 65 x 33 and 55 x 27

55 x 8
65 x 7

55 x 6
65 x 7

65 x 5
55 x 8

65 x 5
55 x 7

65 x 5
65 x 4

Total of 55 x 29 (2 reps over) and 65 x 33 = 62 reps in a single day, spread out over about 2 hours.  Expecting to be sore later and really sore tomorrow.

NB: yesterday, feeling sore up and down right side of back, probably a result of finding previously unused things in my OHP.

Today, really sore up and down right side of back, so not going to mess w/ narrow sumo today.  Also no DL slippers, just socks today.

DL, day 2 of 2

3 x 125, conventional r/u
4 x 130, conventional r/u
3 x 140, conventional l/u
3 x 130, conventional l/u
2 x 140, conventional l/u

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

MP (P1, W3, D2)


55 lb x 10, 65 lb x 12 as

65 x 3
55 x 5

65 x 4
55 x 5

65 x 5

2nd day in a row, haven't done that lately, was very tight in the upper back most of the day but managed to loosen things up, and actually felt better afterwards.

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15, 2020: MP (P1, W3, D1), DL (P2, W2, D1)

MP (biggest volume day this week)

65 x 4
55 x 6

65 x 5
55 x 4

65 x 4
55 x 5

65 x 5


8 x 120 (960), 18 x 130 (2340), 10 x 140 (1400), 2 x 145 (290) = NL = 38, 4990 kg, avg 131.32 (82%)
40/60 split.  Not sure whether I want to do the 40% NL today or the 60.

* 60% NL 23 =  5 x 120, 11 x 130, 6 x 140, 1 x 145
* 40% NL= NL = 15  = 3 x 120, 7 x 130, 4 x 140, 1 x 145
60% = NL 23 = 5 x 120, 11 x 130, 5 x 140, 1 x 145, 1 x 150
40% = NL 15  = 3 x 120, 7 x 130, 5 x 140

If I go with 125 instead of 120, I add 40 kg = 5030 kg / 38 = avg 132.37, HARI = 82.7%
If I change 145 to 150 kg, that's +10, 132.63 avg = 82.8% HARI

3 x 125, narrow sumo, double over
3 x 130, narrow sumo, r/u
3 x 140, conventional, l/u
1 x 145, conventional, l/u - way easier than expected
1 x 150, conventional, l/u - solid, little slow but it felt more because 2nd heavy lift than it being 150 kg
2 x 125, narrow sumo, double over
4 x 130, conventional, double over - grip not great
2 x 140, conventional, r/u
4 x 130, conventional, l/u

Did 1 extra rep heavy rep, so taking 1 rep away from 140 kg, see Revised above

Friday, June 12, 2020

June 12, 2020: MP (P1, W2, D3), DL (P2, W1, D3)

Day 3 = 45 lb x 6, 55 lb x 17, 65 lb x 10, 75 lb x 2 as

45 x 6
55 x 9
65 x 5
75 x 2
65 x 5
55 x 8

* 4 x 120, 3 x 120, 1 x 140, 4 x 120, 2 x 130, 3 x 120 = 17

Thinking, though, I might try 6's, since that's acceptable, and I got 8 the other day, therefore:
- we had revised, but we'll stick with it, back to 3 sets of 120 kg.

4 x 120, narrow sumo, r/u
1 x 140, conventional, l/u
6 x 120, conventional, l/u
2 x 130, narrow sumo, l/u
4 x 120, narrow sumo, r/u

Thursday, June 11, 2020


walk about 4 mi.

Played with windmills, still not great on right side, did only bw and 4 kg, trying to sort out what's at issue on my right side, made some progress but not much.

SN: 16 kg
5's on the :60 for 6 sets, 10's for the final 2 sets, total 50 reps. lf, switch hands every set.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Tuesday, today, Variety

StrongFirst 24 kg kettlebell arrived, so press it once on each side, just because. :)

SW: 24 kg x 10L, 10R, 10L, 10R on the 1:30 (w/ new bell, of course)

SN: 16 kg x 5L, 5R, 5L, 5R on the :45 - looking for good form on right side, didn't get it first time but was good last set

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 10, 2020: Wed MP (P1, W2, D2) DL (P2, W1, D2)

Buteyko walk, first one in a long time - all numbers right where they were, which means my mindfulness of my breathing, combined with the walking VLBs I do pretty regularly, are keeping me where I need to be.


Day 2 = 45 lb x 5, 55 lb x 14, 65 lb x 9, 75 lb x 2  as

45 x 5
55 x 5
65 x 3
75 x 2

55 x 5
65 x 3

55 x 4
65 x 3

Easy - getting stronger; 55 lb feels 10 lbs lighter


5 x 120, narrow sumo, r/u - getting easier
2 x 140, conventional, l/u - solid

3 x 120, conventional, double over
4 x 130, conventional, l/u

* 3 x 120, narrow sumo, r/u
* 5 x 120, narrow sumo, l/u

Above was planned, decided to try 120 x up_to_8, conventional, l/u (favored stance, favored grip)
8 x 120 - solid, could have done more.

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020: MP (P1, W2, D1), DL (P2, W1, D1)


Week 2: 25/33/42
Day 1 = 45 lb x 4, 55 lb x 10, 65 lb x 7, 75 lb x 2
Day 2 = 45 lb x 5, 55 lb x 14, 65 lb x 9, 75 lb x 2
Day 3 = 45 lb x 6, 55 lb x 17, 65 lb x 10, 75 lb x 2

Will switch days 2 and 3 again but keep day 1

Day 1 = 45 lb x 4, 55 lb x 10, 65 lb x 7, 75 lb x 2
as a pyramid today

45 x 4
55 x 5
65 x 4
75 x 2
65 x 3
55 x 5

DL: switching weeks 1<-><->2 and 3<-><->4 from last prep period, adding 20% to volume, changing some 145's to 150's.  This is P1's W2, D3, +20% NL

5 x 120, conventional r/u
3 x 130, same
5 x 120, conventional l/u
3 x 140, same
5 x 120, double over
2 x 130, conventional r/u
5 x 120, conventional l/u

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Variety - a few swings

Variety (Sunday)

Stretch on the porch including a few bw windmills

SW: 24 kg x 10L, 10R, 10L, 10R on the 1:30

planning to walk later

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Today, Saturday


MP: bar x 4 very slow

Rings (low): L-sit PU, archer to right, left, lower


Pistol - on porch, holding onto railing w/ same side arm: 1L, 1R, 1L, 1R

FSQ: bar x 3, 95 lb x 3

BP: 135 x 5, 1-sec pause on chest

SW: 24 kg x 10L, 10R

Repeat some things:

MP: bar x 4 very slow

Rings (low): L-sit PU, archer to right, left, lower


Pistol - on porch, holding onto railing w/ same side arm: 1L, 1R, 1L, 1R

and intended to repeat the rest, but life got busy, and this is variety day, and I'm happy with what I did.

Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020: DL (P1, W4, D3)

Today, Friday

Friday (was Wed), NL = 22
120 x 5, narrow sumo, double over - left knee a little sore, drop narrow sumo for the rest of today
130 x 3, conventional, r/u 
140 x 3, conventional, l/u - I breath/pressurize more intensely for 140 and up, but then they're easy.
120 x 4, conventional, r/u
130 x 3, conventional, l/u
120 x 4, conventional, l/u - tried pressurizing as if for a heavy weight, and bar just flew up.  I think I find such pressurizing for every lift in training overly CNS fatiguing, however.

MP (P1, W2, D2)

Today, Thursday


yard work


NL = 38: 55 lb x 12, 65 x 21, 75 x 5 as

65 x 3
55 x 6
65 x 5
75 x 3
65 x 3
55 x 6
65 x 5
75 x 2
65 x 5

Continue to work on fine-tuning form.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 3, 2020: DL (P1, W4, D2)

Today, Wednesday


SW: 24 kg x 10L, rest 1:00, x 10R

16 kg x 1L, 1R - still don't like how catch feels on right side

Repeat - much better.  Added focus on keeping bell near midline on the way up, and on keeping the bell close, especially on the right side.  The right side problems come in when the bell is slamming backward at lockout - if it's kept closer, it punches up fine.

Switching Days 2 and 3 for this week because work is so much busier on Friday

Wednesday (was Fri), NL = 29
120 x 5, narrow sumo, double over
120 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u - mistake, meant to do 130
130 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u
120 x 6, conventional, r/u - was supposed to be 5, now can eliminate final set of 120 x 3
140 x 2, conventional, l/u - easy
120 x 5, conventional, l/u
130 x 2, narrow sumo, r/u
120 x 5, conventional, r/u

About 4 tons of DL'ing today - good!

120 x 3 skipped because I did 2 extra by accident, then 1 extra op purpose earlier

Plan for Friday:
Friday (was Wed), NL = 22
120 x 5
130 x 3
140 x 3
120 x 4
130 x 3
120 x 4


Today, Tuesday, variety


Egyptian stretch

MP: bar x 2, very slow and controlled
PU: rings x 1 - thought about archer but not liking the short length of ring attachments
BP: 135 x 3, in socks on 2" boxes under feet - pulling bar apart helps with setting right shoulder

MP: bar x 1, slightly wider grip, much easier
PU: rings, archer x 1 right, 1 left - used lower rings, L-sit the pullups
BP: 135 x 5, as above, long collarbone, driving up w/ elbows/lats throughout ascent

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020: MP (1,1,1), DL (1,4,1)

Week 1: 40/60
Day 1 = 55 lb x 8, 65 lb x 14, 75 x 4

65 x 5
75 x 2

65 x 5
75 x 2

65 x 4

55 x 8

Done as planned.

(Day 2 = 55 lb x 12, 65 lb x 21, 75 x 5)


Week 4, Day 1

120 x 5, narrow sumo, r/u
130 x 2, narrow sumo, l/u
120 x 4, conventional, l/u
140 x 2, conventional, l/u
120 x 4, conventional, r/u