Friday, February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021: SQ (light), BP (light), DL
SQ: 145 lb x 5, 165 x 5 - Max Aita cue of keeping knees in the same forward position when coming out of the hole is brilliant for me. First time I've tried it, looking forward to trying it on heavy SQ day next week as well
BP: 145 lb x 7, 155 x 5
Straddle on 2" bar: 245 lb x 4 lf, x 4 rf
225 x 4 l/u, 4 r/u,
255 x 3 l/u, x 3 r/u
Conventional (up 2.5 kg, as we've done for the last few weeks)
NB: Really working quads today _before_ we do these below:
142.5 kg x 1 r/u
152.5 kg x 1 l/u
162.5 kg x 1 l/u - bit of a slog but up it went
6 more Saturdays plus the meet. I'm thinking time to backoff a bit, so
152.2, 155, 157.5, 160, 162.5, and then at the meet, something like 150 to break NJ record, 162.5 to break national record, and either stop or go for 165.
And in the meantime, hit the straddle axle and hack DL's harder during March
Thursday, February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021: GU
a little warmup:
Halo: 8 kg by 1 each way, 2 each way
GS (goblet squat): 8 kg x 3 w/ curl at bottom
GU w/ presses: 8 kg, press from elbow and hand on way up and way down, x 1 each way, rf
repeat above
NB: Right shoulder feels in completely foreign territory pressing from these strange angles, need to get it to pop/crack before it's painfree, but wow, something I need to gradually build up some volume with, and at nothing heavier than this.
Shovel some snow.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021: SW, BP, DL (light)
SW: it's of questionable wisdom that I do these on heavy BP day at all, so we'll keep it brief
00:00 24 kg x left x 5
00:30 24 kg x left x 5
01:00 24 kg x left x 5
01:30 24 kg x left x 5
03:00 24 kg x right x 5
03:30 24 kg x right x 5
04:00 24 kg x right x 5
04:30 24 kg x right x 5
Forgot to SQ first ... :(
135 lb x 5
155 x 3
175 x 5 (PR), 4 (failed 5th rep), 3, 4, 4 = 20 reps in 5 sets, a huge PR despite the failed rep.
last week: 175 x 4, 4, 3, 3, 3 = 14 reps in 5 sets @ 175
125 kg x 3 r/u
125 x 3 l/u
135 x 3 r/u
135 x 3 l/u
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
February 23, 2021: Variety: GU, PU, FL, SW
GU: 8 kg, lf, 1, 1 - 2nd rep each side, presses twice from elbow position. Overall, form is improving but I need to do these more often. Every non-heavy day would be good.
PU: RT using SE protocol:
00:00 PU x 1 + hang at bottom
00:15 PU x 1 + hang until 00:30
Rest about 5 min
Repeat above - barely hung on until 00:30
FL: rings x 1 - leaning back a little helps
00:00 32 kg x left x 10
01:00 32 kg x right x 10
04:00 32 kg x left x 10
05:00 32 kg x right x 10
08:00 32 kg x left x 10
09:00 32 kg x right x 10
Monday, February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021: SW, SQ, BP (light), DL (light)
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
00:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
01:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
01:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
03:00 24 kg x left x 5
03:30 24 kg x right x 5
04:00 24 kg x left x 5
04:30 24 kg x right x 5
walk about 3 miles
135 lb x 5
155 x 4
175 x 3
195 x 4, 4, 4 - a fine first day with a new weight. Total for the day is 24 reps, 12 @ 195 in 3 sets
BP: 155 lb x 7, 5
DL: 125 kg x 3 r/u, x 3 l/u
Sunday, February 21, 2021
February 21, 2021: PU
PU: RT x 4, 6, 5 w/ brief pause at top and bottom, 6 w/ pauses but rotating inwards - rotation makes it feel much stronger.
21 reps for today, certainly a volume PR for RT pullups in a single session so we won't be pigs about this and we'll stop there. Want to remember to rotate inwards for everything from now on.
DIP: 4 reps @ bw - don't usually do these, felt like a nice variety thing to try
Saturday, February 20, 2021
20 February 2021: SQ (light #2), BP (light #2), DL
BP: 135 lb x 1 - test out new padding on rack hooks, seems good
SQ: 155 lb x 5, 5
BP: 135 x 12, 155 x 8 - trying to stick to competition/heavy groove
Straddle on 2" bar:
235 x 5 lf
235 x 5 rf
Hack: switching which grip goes first today - was doing same as conventional, but maybe, since the bar is behind me, switching is better?
245 x 5 l/u
245 x 5 r/u
This order is much better, so remember: bar behind the back, grips work opposite
Conventional: (increase 2.5 kg from last week)
140 kg x 1 r/u
150 x 1 l/u
160 x 1 l/u - tired, not sure how low I kept my hips, but it went up without pause. Should video next week's DL's
Friday, February 19, 2021
February 19, 2021: SW
00:00 44 kg x 2h x 5
00:30 44 kg x 2h x 5
01:00 44 kg x 2h x 5
01:30 44 kg x 2h x 5
03:00 32 kg x left x 5
03:30 32 kg x left x 5
04:00 32 kg x left x 5
04:30 32 kg x left x 5
06:00 32 kg x right x 5
06:30 32 kg x right x 5
07:00 32 kg x right x 5
07:30 32 kg x right x 5
09:00 44 kg x 2h x 5
09:30 44 kg x 2h x 5
10:00 44 kg x 2h x 5
10:30 44 kg x 2h x 5 - total 80 swings
Thursday, February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021: FL, GU
floor stretching
Front Lever (FL) on bar. Did 5 of them with 1-2 min rest. They got worse as they went but it was good to accumulate more volume than my usual 1 or 2 reps
GU: 12 kg, rf, 1 each way. A bit wobbly after the FL practice
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021: SW, SQ (light), BP
Yesterday, Tuesday: walk about 3 miles
Today, Wednesday:
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
00:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
01:00 32 kg x 2h x 5
01:30 32 kg x 2h x 5
03:00 24 kg x left x 5
03:30 24 kg x right x 5
04:00 24 kg x left x 5
04:30 24 kg x right x 5
Lots of rearranging the two weight areas in the basement, lots of moving plates, then:
SQ: high bar x 135 lbs x 5, paused and exhaled, low bar x 155 lb x 7
135 x 3, 155 x 4
175 x 4, 4, 3, 3, 3 - 17 reps in 5 sets, excellent! Big stretch in right pec and shoulder, feels great.
NB: 2 weeks ago: 14 reps in 5 sets, last week 11 reps in 4 sets
No DL, out of time and too tired, anyway. Maybe light DL tomorrow.
Monday, February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021:SW, SQ, BP (light#1), DL (light)
00:00 32 kg x left x 5
00:30 32 kg x right x 5
01:00 32 kg x left x 5
01:30 32 kg x right x 5
03:00 24 kg x left x 5
03:30 24 kg x right x 5
04:00 24 kg x left x 5
04:30 24 kg x right x 5
155 lb x 3
185 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
(last week: 185 x 5, 5, 5, 4, 4)
BP: 155 lb x 6, 8
DL: 115 kg x 5 r/u, 125 x 5 l/u
Sunday, February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021: SW
00:00 44 kg x 2h x 5
00:30 44 kg x 2h x 5
01:00 44 kg x 2h x 5
01:30 44 kg x 2h x 5
04:00 32 kg x left x 5
04:30 32 kg x right x 5
It's Sunday morning, just a little something to kick off the day.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021: SQ (light), BP (light), DL
Dip stretch
KB FSQ: double 24 kg x 3, 3
SQ: 155 x 3, 7
BP: 155 x 5, 7
Straddle DL on 2" bar:
215 x 2 lf, x 2 rf
265 x 5 lf
265 x 5 rf
225 x 3 r/u, x 3 l/u
285 x 2 r/u, x 1, 1 l/u
Conventional: (increase 2.5 kg from last week)
137.5 kg x 1 r/u
147.5 x 1 l/u
157.5 x 1 l/u
Friday, February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021: SW, PU
Yesterday, Feb 11 - 1 Front Lever on a bar, 1 on rings, walk
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 10
01:00 32 kg x 2h x 10
04:00 24 kg x left x 10
05:00 24 kg x left x 10
08:00 24 kg x right x 10
09:00 24 kg x right x 10
PU: Rolling Thunder, bw x 11
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
February 10, 2021:SW, BP
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 10
01:00 32 kg x 2h x 10
04:00 24 kg x left x 10
05:00 24 kg x left x 10
08:00 24 kg x right x 10
09:00 24 kg x right x 10
GU: 12 kg, rf, 1 each way with a few presses. Right side press felt very awkward in some positions, will try next time with 8 kg to see if I can sort that out. Also not loving doing getups after swings because I need my abs for getups and they're already a bit tired
Pushup: 5, just because I hadn't done these in a while
155 x 3 - skin on back felt irritated by doing these two days in a row so stopped with this.
BP: (first time doing BP Heavy the day after SQ)
155 x 5
175 x 3, 3, 3, 2 (failed 3rd rep), stopping for the day. 11 reps.
(Last time: 175 x 3, 3, 2, 3, 3 - total 14 reps in 5 sets)
NB: Maybe doing swings and getups and pushups and then BP the day after SQ isn't such a good idea.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021:SQ
Very tired yesterday, feeling much better today
GU: 1 each way w/ 12 kg, some presses from various positions
Dip stretch
135 x 2 (high bar, a few breaths at the bottom
165 x 3 (low bar)
185 x 5, 5, 5, 4, 4 - excellent, 23 reps, up from 16
Last week was 185 x 4, 5, 4, 3 - 16 reps
Would BP and DL but out of time for today
Sunday, February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021: DL
00:00 24 kg x left x 5
00:30 24 kg x right x 5
01:00 24 kg x left x 5
01:30 24 kg x right x 5
135 lb x 2, high bar, several breaths at the bottom of each
135 x 5, low bar, pause at bottom of each
BP: 135 lb x 10, legal pause on chest
Straddle on 2" bar:
265 lb x 4 lf, x 4 rf
225 lb x 3 r/u
225 x 3 l/u
315 x 2 r/u
315 x 1 l/u - failed 2nd rep
135 kg x 1 r/u
145 x 1 l/u
155 x 1 l/u
Saturday, February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021:SW
GU: 12 kg x 1R, 1L
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 10
02:00 24 kg x left x 10
03:00 24 kg x right x 10
Friday, February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021: SW, SQ, BP (light)
SW: easy today, but at least at 9 am, trying to get back into the habit here
00:00 32 kg x 2h x 10
02:00 24 kg x left x 10
03:00 24 kg x right x 10
135 lb x 3
155 x 2
175 x 1
185 x 4, 5, 4, 3 - 16 reps, up from 12 at this weight a week ago. Very good
NB: last time was 185 x 3, 4, 5)
BP: 155 lb x 5, 5 - first time w/ new, black/zinc Ohio Power 45 lb bar - nice
Thursday, February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021: PU
Busy morning
RT x 9 @ bw, paused at top and bottom
RT x 5, same
Thought about SQ today but tired so decided to do that tomorrow, Friday, instead.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
February 3, 2021:BP
Lifting earlier than usual today, 9 am. Big day ahead, also want to get used to this for meets where I lift in first session:
SQ: 135 x 5, 155 x 5
135 lb x 5 - felt super easy
155 x 4
175 x 3, 3, 2 - got more lats but less legs, 3 - I think I could have gotten 4 this time but no need to be a pig about it, 3 - total 14 reps in 5 sets, total 25 reps for the workout overall. A fine beginning for this weight (and at this hour of the day)
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
February 2, 2020: FL, SW (Variety)
Yesterday, February 1 - lots of snow shoveling and snow blowing
Today, February 2, more of the same. Decided to hold off on big lifts and have a "variety" day
Dip stretch
FL (Front Lever): on a bar, much easier than on rings, not a bad angle and not a bad hold, either.
Another FL on the bar
SW: 32 kg x 2h x 10, 10 OTM, and that's it. Tired today from all the snow work
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