Sunday, July 23, 2017


Yesterday, Saturday - lots of driving, some walking, no lifting

Today, Sunday

Rings: Stc x 1, FL hold

BP: 135 x 6, 4, 4 - on four days rest, happy with this, first time all 135, and we'll stay with this weight until we're getting three sets of 8 with it.

DL: 275, conventional, double over, 95% tng

x 2, 3 (added cue for feet and lats), 3

Friday, July 21, 2017

Rings, 1-leg DL, MP, DL

Yesterday, Thursday - no liftings, just walked and stretched a little.  Was pretty tired all day.

Today, Friday:

Rings: StC + FL, then 1-leg FL x 1 each way

1-leg KB DL x 24 kg x 1R/L, 2R/L (feet specified, did contralateral so opposite hand)

1-leg KD DL x 24 kg contra, 16 kg uni, x 1R/L

MP: 24 kg, lf, 1, 2, 1, long break, 3, 3, ? - plan calls for 3 x 1-2 or 9 total, did 10

DL: conventional, double over

275 x 3 - 95% tng but slight regrip for 3rd rep

275 x 3 - 95% tng - first time I've really stayed tight for 3 reps in set like this

275 x 3 - this time, very light tng as I haven't done those in a while.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



126 (k plates) x 8,
126 x 8,
154 (misloaded bar) x 1, then fail,
135 x 3

DL: conventional, 95% tng, double overhand

275 x 2, 2, 3, 2 - need my checklist: grip strong, neck neutral, feet screwed out, back set, lats keeping bar in, push then pull

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Rings, DragonFlag, MP, DL

Yesterday, Monday, just some walking - still sorting out being on medicine, had a bunch of salt for dinner and felt _much_ better

Today, Tuesday:

1-leg DL: 28 kg kettlebell x 3L/R

Rings: StC and FL - short hold but both feet out, and a little lower x 2
Dragon Flag: x 2, pause at bottom

MP:  24 kg, lf

1-2-3 - first triple in a while, a bit shaky on left side, better on right
2, 3, 2, 3, 2 on long rests - same total number, 12, as 2 x 1-2-3, so total is 18 reps.

DL:  conventional, double overhand

297 x 1 - slow, ugly, no push to it at all
297 x 1 - not really any better - maybe this abs-before-DL isn't so great ...

275 x 2 - 95% tng - much better

That's only 4 deadlifts, but my abs feel pretty fried, and I think that might be the issue, so no more for today.  Am planning to try every day or almost every day until we leave.


Today, Sunday

short run at the end of breathing walk

Rings: StC, FL practice

Dragon Flag - a couple

SW: 28 kg x 20L, 20R

Friday, July 14, 2017

1-leg DL, Rings, BP

Today, Friday

Walked to grocery store in the rain - first time walking in a few days, felt great

1-leg DL: 95 lbs. x 2R, 2L, 1R, 1L - getting better.  Setup is definitely different, cannot sit all the way back into hips in the same way.

Rings: Stc x 2, each ending w/ a partial FL

BP: 115 x 8, 125 x 8, 125 x 5 - big step up from last week's 95 and 115.

Interesting to reverse the order of my in-comp-cycle lifts, e.g., abs early, press before DL.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Rings, MP, DL, PU

Yesterday, Wednesday - walk, not much else

Today, Thursday:

Rings: StC x 1

MP: 20 kg, medium, calls for 5 x 1-2-3 = 30, instead did

3, 4, 5, 6 = 18
3, 4, 5 = 12, total = 30

Rings: FL x a little each way, one leg straight and one leg bent

DL: conventional, double overhand, 95% tng

275 x 3
295 x 2 - 295 is taxing on grip double overhand for reps.  Good to be training it now but it's borderline.
295 x 1 - no grip for 2nd rep so held lockout longer


12 kg on each (both) feet x 1
20 kg on left x 2
20 kg on right x 2

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Today, Tuesday - let's backtrack a little

I apparently got a bad case of poison ivy when clearing out behind the garage last Monday.  I asked a pharmacist if she thought it was poison something, and she said no, but by Friday, it was pretty gross looking and spreading.

I saw a dermatologist yesterday, Monday, and no exercise other than walking and a little running for Sat/Sun/Mon, and just trying to heal.  Now taking oral prednisone and applying topical steroid cream.

Been running a little after breathing walks - ran a little further today, also ran a bit more on Sunday afternoon.  Nothing great, and I doubt if 1/4 mile in total, but it's something.

Today, Tuesday:

SW: 24 kg as:
25L, rest until 3:00
25R, rest until 3:00
15L, rest until 1:15
15R and done - total 80 swings



#1: 24 kg x 1, 22.27 kg x 2, 20 kg x 3, 20 kg x 4 = 10 reps
#2: 24 kg x 1, 2
#3: 24 kg x 1, 2, 22.27 kg x 4 = 20 reps
#4: 20 kg x 4, 5, 6, 5 - decent rests between, total = 40 reps so far
#5: 20 kg x 3, 22.27 kg x 2, 24 kg x 1, 20 kg x 4 = 50 reps

This is equal to 5 x 1-2-3-4 and thus we'll move on to ladders to 5 for our next heavy day, which will be next Monday or so.

Also thinking about BP on Thursday, although I don't know when I'll fit it in, and then taking a KB and doing medium ROP, equal to 5 x 1-2-3 or 30 reps, on Saturday.

275 x 1 - felt like a paperweight
295 x 2, 2 - started losing grip on last rep, but more than good enough given how crappy I feel.  Also did these with not enough rest before or between the 295 sets.  Again, 95% tng

Friday, July 7, 2017

Rings, BP

Today, Friday

no breathing walk - raining

Rings: FL with left leg out, right knee bent, hold, bring in straight leg, rest a moment, straighten out right leg.  For both, started with knee near chest then tried to partially straighten bent leg and hold at an appropriate level of difficulty.

Dragon Flag - just one - abs tired.  Tried hands very close to head, don't like that as much as hands further behind.  These are a nice "back off set" from rings work.

Rings: Stc x 1 - pointed toes today.  (Almost lost glasses from my face so need a better way of keeping them in place...)

BP: 95 lb x 8, 115 x 8, 7 - still playing w/ form.  Grip is middle of knurling.  Cut last set a rep short because I was experimenting with left shoulder and something felt a little off.  Noticed that at lockout, right arm is closer to head than left.  Feels like I use more lat on left side and more tricep on right.

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Today, July 6

short run (but slightly longer) after breathing walk

DL: conventional, double overhand, same short tng

275 x 2
297 x 2, 2 - felt great

SW, MP+1-leg DL, PU

Yesterday, Tuesday, July 4


FL in various forms - tried 1-leg, could do that pretty well
StC - getting way around regularly, and also comfortable with a longer pause at the farthest point

1-leg DL - 95 lbs x 2L/R, 2L/R, 2L/R - I am _awful_ at these, need to do every day or almost every day

Lots of yard work on Monday afternoon and again yesterday.

Today, Wednesday:

ROP, Medium - 5 x 1-2-3 or equivalent with 20 kg

SW: 24 kg x 20L, 20R on the 2:00, total 40 swings


#1: 20 kg x 1-2-3 lf, superset 1-leg DL @ 95 lbs, lf x 1L/R

#2: 24 kg x 1 lf, 20 kg x 2-3, superset 1-leg DL @ 95 lbs, rf x 1L/R

#3: 20 kg x 2-3 lf, superset 1-leg DL @ 95 lbs, rf x 1L/R

#4: 20 kg x 3-4 rf, superset 1-leg DL @ 95 lbs, lf x 1L/R

long break

#5: 24 kg x 1 lf, 20 kg x 5

PU: bw + 18 kg on right foot x 2, on left foot x 2

Sunday, July 2, 2017

1-leg DL, regular DL

Today, Sunday:

a little run at the end of the breathing walk

1-leg DL: 95 lbs. x 2L, 2R, rest x 2L, 2R

DL: 275 lb, conventional, double over

x 4 a la 95% tng w/ new breath at bottom

x 2 a la 95% tng w/ no new breath at bottom

x 3 a la 95% tng w/ new breath at bottom - grip is definitely the weak link

Saturday, July 1, 2017

MP 20 kg x 4 x 1-2-3-4 and 1 x 1-2-3

Today, Saturday

a little running at the end of the breathing walk

4 PM-ish

Our ROP plan is this:
Heavy Day, Medium Day, and instead of Light Day, Bench Press - did this last week, liked it.

MP: ROP Heavy Day - last time was 5 x 1-2-3, was 6 days ago, and used some 22 and 24 kg presses.  This time, several 1-2-3-4 ladders planned, but all w/ 20 kg.  Also doing more PU w/ slightly heavier weight

#1: 20 kg , lf, x 1-2-3-4, superset PU @ bw + 18 kg x 2 on left foot - very good height, a's a above bar

#2: 20 kg , lf, x 1-2-3-4, superset PU @ bw + 18 kg x 2 on right foot - also excellent height, same

#3: 20 kg , lf, x 1-2-3-4, superset PU @ bw + 18 kg x 3 on left foot - very good height on all reps, even 3rd

#4: 20 kg , _rf_, x 1-2-3-4, superset PU @ bw + 18 kg x 3 on right foot - very good height on all reps, even 3rd - want to do some PU w/ left shoulder slightly more fatigued since it's usually the other was around when we finish with our press on the right side.

#5: 24 kg x 1, 22.27 kg x 2, 20 kg x 3, rf again, no PU