Wednesday, February 28, 2018


BP: week 1, session 2 of 3

85 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 4
135 x 1
115 x 5
105 x 3

SQ: high bar, 95 x 4 - Oly shoes, very deep, paused

DL: week 1, session 2 of 4

225 x 9 double overhand, paused tng (supposed to be x 3, 4 - whoops, mis-counted)

275 x 3 double overhand, paused tng

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

DL - variety on 4" blocks


DL on 4" blocks

225 x 2 double over

275 x 1 double over

325 x 1 r/u, x 1 l/u

365 x 1 r/u, x 1 l/u - excellent, and variety day, we'll call it

Monday, February 26, 2018

Rings, BP, DL

Today, Monday, February 26, 2018


Rings: StC + FL x 1

BP: 85 x 3, 105 x 6, 115 x 4, 135 x 1, 115 x 3

SQ: high bar, still in SQ shoes, 95 lbs. x 3, paused, exhaled, looking to stretch/straighten out back

DL: 225 x 2 on 6" blocks - bar just below knee, weird to start there

225 x 5 double over, paused tng
275 x 3 double over, paused tng

Grip a little tired for DL from BP but, at these weights, feels fine, just a little pumped.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

SW, Rings, GU, DL

Today, Thursday

SW: 44 kg x 2h x 4 singles

WM: bw x 3L/R
TT (toe touch) x a few

Rings: StC + FL x 1

GU: 10kg, to hand, ladder 1-2, lf - 6 total reps

DL: from floor, double overhand, paused tng

trying for new form, keeping weight pulled in closer to body

225 x 5 double over

225 x 5 double over - noticing that thumbs brush outsides of shins, maybe need slightly narrower stance or slightly wider grip width? ... we'll have to experiment.

Post-Meet Week

Catching up on the last week.

Took the rest of the week off from Thursday.

Lifted on Sunday, February 18, 2018 at the NEPA USAPL meet.  Was oldest lifter in meet, pulled 152.5 kg first attempt, 160 kg second, and failed 165 kg third.  (336, 353, 364 lbs., respectively).

Monday, did 6 x 8kg getups, first 5 to elbow, last rep to hand, plus headstand w/ leg raise

Off yesterday

Today, Wednesday, basement gym is a mess but

GU: 8 kg, rf, 2 to elbow and 3 to hand each side.

SW: 44 kg x 2h x 3 deadstart reps

16/16: See-saw Mil Press, lf, 10 each side

Headstand: several leg raises then held headstand

Going to look into deadlift blocks to work on over 100% 1RM lifts with a reduced range of motion.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Rings, DL

Walk, a bit longer than usual, about 25 min each way

Rings: StC + FL x 1

DL: on 3/4" platform:  This is week 4, session 3 as we're going backward for the final week to taper

225 x 2 r/u, paused tng

225 x 2 l/u (favored), paused tng

275 x 1 r/u - misloaded bar at first, one a 25 on one side, so fixed, and did the lift just fine.

305 x 1 l/u

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Rings, DL

Breathing walk w/ run at end.

Rings - StC but failed to come out of it after getting nice and deep.  Tried to come up fast rather than tight, and I got stuck.  Way tired overall - just no break at the show - taught two sessions on Sunday, drove around a bunch last night, dog tired today.

bw 151.4, started taking 2 herbal water pills this AM.

Doing week 4, session 4 of DL plan on week 4, day 1, in order to taper

DL: on 3/4" platform this week

225 x 3 double over paused tng

275 x 2 double over paused tng

305 x 1 l/u

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Rings, DL

Saturday, DL cycle Week 3, Session 4.  This is a highest volume, heaviest day, and the first time we've done it on a Saturday.

Rings: StC + FL x 1

DL: all on 1-1/2" platform

225 x 4 double over, paused tng

275 x 5 double over, paused tng

305 x 2 r/u, paused tng

330 x 1, l/u

Friday, February 9, 2018


Week 3, Session 3

Some bw-only windmills, goblet squats, and a few sets of 10 swings w/ 24 kg while teaching this AM


DL: on 1-1/2" platform this week

225 x 4 double overhand

275 x 4 r/u

305 x 1, 1 l/u - better use of lats and therefore keeping the bar close on the 2nd rep.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Variety: Rings, Zercher DL

Week 3, mid-week variety day

Rings: StC + FL x 1

Zercher DL: 165 x 4 paused tng, a PR for reps @ 165, I think

Rings, DL

DL Comp Cycle, week 3, session 2

Rings: StC + FL x 1

DL: all on 1-1/2" platform this week

225 x 5 - double overhand, paused tng

275 x 3 - right under, paused tng

305 x 2 - left under, as singles

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Tuesday, week 3, DL session 1.  Moved back a day so heavy day will be on Saturday

No rings, short on time

DL: all on 1-1/2" platform starting today and for the rest of this week

225 x 4 double overhand, paused tng

275 x 2, same

305 x 1 l/u

Monday, February 5, 2018

Rings, Zercher DL

Monday, Week 3 of DL program

Will lift Tu/We/Fri/Sat this week to get heavy day closer to competition day of Sunday


Rings: StC + FL x 1

Zercher DL: 165 x 1, x 2,  First single wasn't sufficiently warmed up, nothing terrible happened.  2nd set was much better.

DL - Week #2, Session #4

Week 2, Session 4:


DL: all on 2-1/4" platform

225 x 3 double over, paused tng

275 x 3 double over, paused tng

305 x 3, 2 x r/u, 1 x l/u, all as singles w/ stand-up reset

330 x 1 l/u - solid

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Rings, DL

Thursday.  DL plan from John Spezzano, Week #2, session #3

breathing walk + jog


Rings: usual

DL: on 2-1/4" platform

225 x 3 double over, paused tng

275 x 2, r/u then l/u

305 x 3, r/u then 2 x l/u - did all DL's in the space of 15 minutes, last one was slow but solid.  Need to allow more time for tomorrow's session, which includes 330 lbs.  8 lifts today, 10 tomorrow and a heavy one at the end.