Friday, December 3, 2021

December 3, 2021: DL

Suitcase DL: 95 lb x 2 alternating singles, rf 1-leg barbell DL: 95 lb, lf, got 1 left, much more difficult on right, lost it part of the way through after a few tries, so then started at the top and lowered slowly. Wow, do I ever need to work on this! DL: 125 kg x 3 r/u, x 3 l/u 135 kg x 3 r/u, x 3 l/u 145 kg x 2 r/u, x 2 l/u 155 kg x 1 l/u - slow 155 kg x fail l/u - broke it off the ground, tried to stay with initial push longer but didn't work. total 17 lifts and 1 fail 125 x 6 = 750 135 x 6 = 810 145 x 4 = 580 155 x 1 = 155 = 2295 / 17 = 135 avg, up from Nov. 19

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