Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 10, 2023: FSQ, BP

Rings - usual stuff NP: 8 kg x rf x 7 long break walk x 2 KBCP: 20 kg x rf x 1 break FSQ: 50 kg x 5 55 x 5 60 x 5 55 x 5, 5 - 5 sets of 5, up from 4 sets of 5 last time and weight is now also beginning to approach normal working weights. A bodyweight FSQ for 5 is a good next goal for me. Maths say that since my back squat is 107.5, 80% of that should be a 1RM of 86 kg on the FSQ, and a training weight of 80% of 1RM is 69 kg, which is what I weigh. short break BP: 135 lb x 4, 4 - started off with a misloaded bar to one side, just wasn't a great session and I also ran out of time.

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