Thursday, February 9, 2023

February 9, 2023: GU, DL

Rings: StC x 1 - went around even a little further, stayed there a little longer, and almost couldn't come all the way back out of it but, so far, I do get out of it, somehow, every day. Only a brief hold, this time moved slightly towards a FL position but only slightly. GU: all no further than to hand 6 kg x 1 r/l w/ 2 floor presses, 5 from elbow and 5 from hand each side. Right side was trembling by the last to presses, but nothing was painful, so just have to stick with this. 10 kg: rf, 2 at a time each side x 2 12 kg: rf x 2 alternating singles - progress ... ROW: Pendlay, trying to improve form. Wider grip today, straighter legs, 100 lb x 4 break short walk DL SUMO: 125 kg (275 lb) x 7 singles on the :45 00:00 x 1 00:45 x 1 01:30 x 1 02:15 x 1 03:00 x 1 03:45 x 1 04:30 x 1

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