Thursday, March 30, 2017


Today, Thursday:


WM: 16 kg x 5L/R - wobbly on left, and nerve/disc pressure for first 3 reps on right

44 kg x 1h x 5's on the :30, 8 sets - not much swinging going on, just trying to hang onto the weight, 40 reps

rest 1 extra minute

32 kg x 1h x 8's on the :45, 6 sets, 88 total swings

1APU: @ 12" x 2L/R, 2L/R

DL: 285 conventional, all singles, all quick drops, all stand-up resets

x 1, 1 double over
x 1, 1 right under
x 1, 1 left under

I continue to experiment with my start, and it continues to work best if I stand a little behind the bar and let my knees come forward a little so that I get a better push.  Wasn't feeling especially tight on form, but really dialed it in for the final rep - focused on gripping with 4th and 5th fingers, on screwing feet into the ground, and the weight came up pretty quickly.

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