Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 5 of Week 1 of 10 - SQ-BP-DL

Warmup - rocking, rolling, 2 mi walk

FSQ: bar x 5, 95 x 5

LBBS: 95 x 5, 135 x 5 - taking slightly wider than narrow stance, feels right - 165 x 5, 5


115 x 2

135 x 5, 5


225 overhand - decided to do it as a hack lift (behind the back).

Had planned to do 6 singles per the program I found, but decided to stop after 4 and do some swings today

295 x 4 singles starting r/u

The program is 7 weeks long and therefore I don't have to start it right away, anyway.  I think I'm going to use it for the last 7 weeks up to the meet.

I notice that I've dropped the Zercher DL and generally just done lower volume as the week has gone on - that's OK, just getting used to being in a meet cycle, will enjoy two days off/easy and see how things feel next week.

24 kg: swings, 1-handed, same as yesterday, 5+5+5+5 but started w/ right today - that works better for me.

Onward and Upward.

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