Saturday, August 10, 2013

Barbell Ladder - Medium Day

Today, Saturday: Medium Day

Decided to swap JS red bands, which are 25 lb., for purple, which are 50 lbs. but I'm not putting much tension on them.  They're not doubled up around the squat stands to shorten them, but if today's squats feel OK, I might do that, either mid-workout or for the next one.

Warmup -


24 kg kb press x 2L, 2R

Towel PU x 1 w/ pause at the bottom, top, and bottom again

Workout Proper:

BP: narrow grip, 135 lb x 1-2-3
FSQ: 135 lb., JS purple on either side of the bar, 5

The above x 5

Ladder #2-5, double bands at bottom for FSQ
Ladders #3-4, BP: 2 sets of 3 instead of 1-2-3, ladder #5, 1 set of 6

Medium day felt kind of, well, medium - a good workout without being on the edge.

Next workout, probably Monday, we'll see how many 1-2-3-4-5 ladders of the press we can get

Onward and Upward

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