Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 8, 2022: GU, Jerk (Power), DL (sumo)

Rings: StC x 1 GU: 10 kg, 3 alternating each side to the hand, then worked several consecutive reps to the elbow each side. Spent some quality time in the hand position just working on keeping the down shoulder packed, which in turn challenges my mobility on the other side but it really challenges both side Been using my "getup man" mat plus a 2" thick cushion - this is the only way I can train getups consistently. walk break OHS: stick x a few 15 lb bar - just put it overhead and work on getting everything right - ribs tucked, glutes tight, and then trying to do a little of getting the bar to go backwards slightly. Just time in the position, basically JK - power version 15 lb bar x 3 15 kg bar x 3 20 kg bar x 3 25 kg x 3 30 kg x 3 35 kg x 3 40 kg x 3 - video: leaning back too much at top, but the power is not an issue Thought about more but this was 7 triples already and I was getting tired DL: sumo 75 kg x 5 85 x 5 95 x 5 105 x 5 - getting tired, it's after 6 pm, calling it a day

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