Monday, December 21, 2015

Press, DL

Monday - very tired from playing and singing in two church services yesterday.

No chance to walk other than the usual early AM jaunt

16/16: mil press see-saw, rf, 8 - just to loosen up

I was wrong in my math about last week's 26 press reps each side - 18 is the amount for the first heavy day, 24 for the second, and 30 for the third.  So I will take a medium and a light day next here:

4 ladders of 1-2 is 12 reps, so we'll do that for medium, and 4 singles for light.

20: mil press, lf, 4,

24: mil press, lf, 1, 1

20: mil press, lf, 1-2 (no break), 3

Total 12 reps each side

Next week, 30 reps on heavy day, 15 medium, and 5 light.

Next week, 34 heavy, 30 medium, 15 light

Build up to 50 on heavy, 30 medium, 15 light, then

Then 55 heavy, 50 medium, 30 light until

75 heavy, 50 medium, 30 light

DL: 275, narrow sumo, heavy touch-n-go, double overhand: 3, 3

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