Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Variety/Recovery Lifting

Tuesday - bit of stretching

24: Goblet Squat, bell upside down x 10 (paused, as always)

24: Goblet Squat, bell right side up x 10 - this way felt harder, but maybe that's because I did it second, albeit after a solid 20 minute or so rest.  Tomorrow, I'll reverse the order.

24: Goblet Squat, bell right side up, added curl at the bottom x 5

There is an interesting subtlety in how you old the bell - you can tilt it back slighty (held in the "normal" position) and it takes some of the load off your chest.  If you allow the handles to point straight up and down, then your wrist will be bent slightly to the side (ulnar deviation, I think this is called) and the lift is harder because you have to work harder to stabilize the bell.

20: c&p ladder, lf, 1-2

24: swing, 10 L, break, 10R

FSQ: 135 x 2 - ATG, paused

20: windmill, lf, 3

Zercher DL: 135 x axle, 145 and 155 on Oly bar.  Slow and controlled negatives feeling good, have to see if I can find some of that for the way up.  Need to, I think, drive hips back and elbows forward more.

That's the most ZDL in a workout in a while, will keep up with these, feel great, getting a maximal hamstring stretch at the start is also key for me.

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