Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2, 2020: Variety (strength)

Bar Hang - 2h Bar hang - rings, each way PU: rings, 1 hand + 1 finger today left hand + right index finger x 1, reverse repeat above, better focus on main hand, better result repeat again but using Eagle Loop for index finger - seems a little harder overall due to lower height of supporting finger, but also a little easier on the finger. repeat again, back to using just rings, and did a pause at the top, a slower negative, and a brief hang at the bottom again. A little frightening on the right arm but it all went OK and actually felt great afterwards. 4 each way - progress SQ: FSQ - 115 x 3 HBBS - 115 x 3 LBBS - 115 x 3 135 x HB x 3 LB x 3 HB x 3 LB x 3 BP: 00:00 - 2 w/ 2 sec pause 02:00 - 3 2/ 1 sec pause Repeat at 4:00 repeat at 8:00 repeat at 12:00 but just one set, total 17 reps, up from 14 last time.

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