Thursday, December 13, 2018

C&P (ROP Heavy #3), DL

We will be visiting a sick relative on Saturday, my planned Heavy Day.

Today, Thursday, we skip Light Day and do Heavy Day instead.

If time allows, I'll bring a kettlebell and do a Light Day on Saturday

ROP Heavy Day #3
C&P ladders - last week was 3 ladders to 4, 2 ladders to 3, and included 2 singles @ 24 kg
20 kg x 1-2-3-4
20 kg x 1-2-3-4
24 kg x 1-2, 20 kg x 3-4
24 kg x 1, 20 kg x 2-3-4

Last ladder - detailed notes:  Trying for a more straight-up-and-not-roll-out-to-the-side-and-back groove, with very interesting results

24 kg x 1 - almost lost balance to the front on left side, left heel came off the ground, paused, put heel donw, and finished the lift.  Right side was fine.

20 kg x 2 - both reps left felt like I was hitting spots in my shoulder that hadn't been touched in a long time.  Right side was fine.

20 kg x 3-6 - everything fine, much tighter groove on both sides, looking at bell more also. (6 reps final set just because I could - felt great.

If I do light day on Saturday, it's supposed to be 5 x 1-2, which is 15 total reps.  I will likely ladder 1-2-3-4-5 and be done.

DL: 245, conventional, hook grip
x 2 light tng
x 1, 1
x 2 light paused tng

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