Friday, September 29, 2017

DDD #20 (was postponed): Rings, Archer PU, 1APU, DL

No lifting yesterday:

right hip was very sore after heavy lifts on Wednesday, but I walked it off and stretched a lot the rest of that day, took some Aleve after the first few hours had passed, and also stretched and took Aleve, but less of it, yesterday.  Today, no medicine and everything feels fine.

Today, Friday


stretch a bit - cossack but not whole sequence

Rings: FL w/ feet on bench - been trying this lately, a "bottoms up" partial front lever, seems good

Rings: StC + FL x 1, 1

Archer PU: extend rf x 1, extend lf x 1

1APU: @ 4" x 2L/R - finding what to do w/ right shoulder

DL: conventional

275 x 1

295 x 1, 1, double overhand, tng95% - because I felt like really going for a 100% lockout on Wednesday was some of what bothered my hip, I'm realized I need to do that more in training - thus, I really locked out hard on these and the rest of the day's reps

295 x 1, 1 right under and otherwise as above

295 x 1, 1 left under and otherwise as above

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

DDD #21 - 90% (355 lbs.)

I decided, due to general fatigue from Sunday and want of a rest day before the 2nd-heaviest day on the program, so skip day #20 and do day #21 one day earlier than planned.  This will also let me be more rested for the busy Fri night and Saturday, and then Sunday to come this weekend.

Yesterday, no exercise but some walking

Today, more walking

Rings: Tried a FL starting with my feet on a bench - could do a little of that, interesting

Rings: StC x 1


225 x 1 double over
275 x 1 double over
325 x 1 right under
355 x 1, 1 left under - on 5 min or so rest.  Interesting - 2nd rep was a death march, and I was talking to the bar, yelling at it, and it felt a lot like a meet pull, but I finished the lift.

Monday, September 25, 2017

DDD #19: Rings, 1APU, DL

Tired from big day yesterday:

short run after breathing walk - been doing these Mon/Wed/Fri lately.

Rings: played with dips, played w/ false grip pullups as well, then StC + FL x 1.  Tried to come out of it in a pike, could not.

1APU: @ 4" x 2L/R, x 1R/L - right side was better on the final rep.  For tomorrow, want to go back to an easier elevation

DL: 295 lbs. conventional

x 1, 1, 1 right under, tng 95% - felt strong, tighter


x 1, 1, 1 left under, tng 95% - felt strong

Saturday, September 23, 2017

DDD #18: Rings, 1APU, DL

Tired from a couple of days of performing, travelling, driving, etc.

Rings: StC + FL x 1 - both feet out on FL, still not near parallel but definitely working hard.

1APU: @ 4" x 2L/R, @8" x 2L/R, 1L/R - figured out that I cannot let my right shoulder collapse forward at the top, otherwise it's too far forward past a certain point in the descent.  Scapular retraction, me thinks.  Wasn't doing _any_ on my right side and I need a little - not much, but a little

DL: 295 conventional

x 1 double over, quick drop

x 1 double over, quick drop

x 1, 1 right under, tng 95%

x 1, 1 left under, tng but loosened up a bit at the bottom for a second - just tired.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

DDD #17: Rings, 1APU, DL

Run at end of breathing walk, changed paces slightly every so often, felt good.

Short walk

Rings: StC + FL x 1 - use 2-legged but above parallel today, felt good - felt like I could fire my glutes, and felt like shoulders were better.

1APU: Tried 4" day: x 2L/R - PR - @12" x 5L/R

Big next few days in Philly, so taking a short workout today

DL: 295 conventional

x 1, 1, 1 - right under

x 1, 1, 1 - left under

Tired today, but glad to have gotten the session in.

Rings, 1APU

Walk 3-4 miles

Rings: StC + FL - better, video below

1APU @ 8": 3L/R - getting better

Thought about DL'ing but just didn't feel like it, so we'll do it tomorrow, then two days off, then Saturday, all of which is already what's on my calendar.

Stopping here - short day, more tomorrow, walk was very nice

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

DDD #16: Rings, 1APU, MP, DL

Today, Friday

run after breathing walk

Rings: StC + FL x 1, 1 - long break between video'd first one, used one leg out only, still wasn't to parallel so tried to get lower on the second one but didn't tape it.

1APU @ 8" x 2L/R, 2L/R, 2L/R

MP: 20 kg x 5L/R

DL: 295 conventional

1 double over, 1 right under, 1 left under, all quick drop


1, 1 double over tng


1 left under

Saturday, September 16, 2017

DDD #15: Rings, 1APU, DL

Moving the schedule around a lot to accommodate work and travel.

Rings: StC + FL x 1, up w/ HLR

1APU at 8" x 1L/R, 2L/R

DL: 295 conventional

yesterday, we did all double overhand grip, so today all mixed

x 1, 1, 1 right under, 95% tng

x 1, 1, 1, 1 left under, same

Friday, September 15, 2017

DDD #14: Rings, 1APU, PU, DL

Did planned heavy day _yesterday.

Run at end of breathing walk - getting easier, and getting a little further each time.

Rings: (StC + FL) x 2

1APU: @10" x 3L/R, @8" x 3L/R

PU: archer

extend right first x 1, 1 - I don't bring the right hand back in tight enough to my front.  Need to pull elbow in more.

extend left first x 1

DL: 295, conventional

x 1, 1, 1 double over, 95% tng
x 1, 1 double over, 95% tng - grip tired

enough for today

Thursday, September 14, 2017

DDD #13 - DL 335 lb x 6 singles

DDD #13

Decided to do heavy day, originally planned for day #14, here instead of tomorrow - better when rested and I was off yesterday

Rings: StC + FL x 1

DL: conventional, all singles w/ quick drop

275 x 1 double overhand
305 x 1 double overhand
335 x 1, 1, 1 right under
335 x 1, 1, 1 left under (favored grip)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

DDD #12: Rings, 1APU, MP, PU, DL

Walk, and mow the lawn

Rings: StC + FL x 1, StC as HLR on the way up - x 1

1APU: used 10" yesterday for the first time this cycle, but it felt a lot like 12" had, so today

1APU @ 8" x 1L/R, x 2L/R, 2L/R

MP: 20 kg x 5L/R

PU: archer, tried a bit of false grip, felt good

extend right first x 1
extend left first x 1 - we like this order

DL: 295, conventional

short on time, also more tired because more work before DL's, and 2nd day in a row

6 singles on short rest, ~5 min to complete, all double over, got better as they went.  Need to keep starting far enough away from the bar to get a good push at the start.

Monday, September 11, 2017

DDD #11 - Rings, 1APU, DL

Rings: Stc + FL x 1, StC x 1 but did it as an HLR on the way up (at least I think I did)

1APU - switching to 10", x 2L/R, 3L/R - these don't feel much different than at 12", but I'll stay here for a little while.

Short on time, so skipping presses and pullups

Had a big day yesterday w/ lots of driving and sitting, so interested to see how DL's feel:

DL: conventional, 295

x 1, 1, 1, 1 - double over, tng 95% - a personal best at this weight, awesome

x 1, 1 - also double over, tng 95% - will get more lifting days in a row in this week, so don't want to be a pig about the volume

Friday, September 8, 2017

DDD #10: Rings, 1APU, PU, DL

Today, Friday

Rings: StC + FL x 1

1APU @ 12" x 3L/R, 3L/R

PU: bb style x 1 - had my wife try to push me up to the bar but the whole thing is too high off the ground for her, even standing on the same height box.

PU: archer.

Extended left first - this is easier because it the right side when it's close that's challening - x 1 each side

Other way - this is the harder way because I don't easily find the tight, close grip after having first extended on my right side.  Good to know these things, will try it this way first next time.

DL: 295, conventional

x 1, 1, 1 double over, 95% tng - best this cycle w/ this grip

x 1, 1, 1 right under 95% tng - best this cycle w/ this grip

x 1, 1 left under 95% tng - didn't want to be a pig and do 9 total, since this is 8 total and yesterday's 7 was the first time this cycle I've done more than 6.

Focus was on trying to do, on the least favored and double over grip, what I do on the favored grip.  That seems to be lats - getting shoulders/lats really tight made the double over the right under grip feel much stronger - but the right over and left under grip is still the strongest, and even the lockout was more complete there.  Held the lockout on both reps of the final set

Thursday, September 7, 2017

DDD #9: Rings, 1APU, MP, PU, DL

Rings: StC + FL x 1


1APU: 4L/R, 4L/R

20 kg x 5L/R - right side feels better
24 kg x 2L/R - right side feels very slow
20 kg x 1L/R, 2L/R w/o putting it down

PU: bar, bb-style, 2 w/ pause at top, which still isn't at bar.

DL: 295, conventional

x 1, 1 double over, tng 95%
x 1, 1 right under, tng 95%
x 1, 1, 1 left under, tng 95% - felt so easy, did an extra

again in about 4-5 min

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

DDD #8: Rings, 1APU, bw GU, PU, DL

Rings: StC + FL x 2

1APU: 2L/R, 3L/R

GU: bw only, and only to elbow: 5R, 5L

PU: Archer, lf x 1 - right shoulder a little sore, rf - more careful, and right shoulder felt good

Will skip MP today, don't know why, just feels like what to do

DL: 295, conventional

6 singles, all double overhand, all w/ quick drop, in 4 minutes and change

Monday, September 4, 2017

DDD #7 :Rings, 1APU, DL singles: 275 x 2, 315 x 5

run at end of breathing walk - looser today, faster, stopped sooner but felt very good

Rings: StC x 1 - no FL because I realized I had my phone in my pocket and it was about to fall out

1APU @ 12" x 3L/R

DL: conventional

275 x 1, 1 double over, 95% tng

315 x 1, 1, 1 right under (least favored) - not good, slow, got worse as they went, somehow very vertical shins to start which isn't strongest for me.

315 x 1, 1, left under - decided that 7 DL's are enough for today, might try to increase past 6 reps tomorrow or Thu or Fri.  This grip was better, but still a little slow - just not having the greatest DL day.  I did run earlier, which isn't a great match with DL'ing, and I also am tired in my back from BP yesterday.  Probably good, on heavy days, not to run, and not to BP the day before.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Variety/BP: Lots of rings, BP

Today, Sunday


StC x 1

FL, left straight and right bent x 1
FL, the other way x 1

PU: Archer

lf, 2-1/2 arms

lf, 1 each side - right shoulder doesn't feel solid when that's the ring that's close - need to keep working on that.  Shoulder feels sort of collapsed, might need to be a little "tall" on that side, much as I need to be on presses.

PU: on bar, bodybuilder style, 2 - getting ever closer to touching, got higher today, but still not quite there yet.

BP: 135 x 7, 5, 5, 3 - some sets w/ grip @ ring between middle and ring, others as my usual w/ ring finger on the rings

1-leg DL: 20 kg kb x 2R/L

Saturday, September 2, 2017

DDD #5: Rings, 1APU, MP, PU, DL

Very tired yesterday, Friday, so pushed planned exercise day back to today, Saturday

Some Cossack sequence stretching today, including bw-only windmills

Right shoulder still sore, so still taking it a little easy

Rings: StC + FL x 1

1APU @ 12" x 2L/R, 2L/R, 2L/R - nice, 'minimum' sort of day, with sets of 2 reps at a level of difficulty I recently did sets of 4 and 5 at.  Shoulder feels good

MP: 20 kg x 6L/R - tried to stay really tight and not lean back, focus on tight glutes for this and narrow stance.

PU: Archer, only 1, rf, went both ways twice, tried to focus on keeping close arm really close and tight.

DL: 295, conventional

x 1, 1 - double over, 95% tng

x 1, 1 - right under, 95% tng

x 1, 1 - left under, 95% tng

I _swear_ the Cossack stretches made my deadlifts better, and good that a few hours passed between them.