Tuesday - nothing, dog tired from all the goings on yesterday and over the weekend. Bodyweight, thanks to a Philly cheesesteak on the way home and a couple of dinners out over the weekend, was 154.0 lbs.
Today, Wednesday, we launch a six-week program leading up to the WNPF World's on November 4th. Bodyweight this morning was 152.8 lbs.
The plan is simple - each week, two lifting days:
Squat and Bench Press
Overhead Press and Deadlift
Couldn't be much simpler than that. I am going to use the kettlebell clean and press, and I'm making this up a bit as I go along - no doubt Marty will yell at me for something but, equally without doubt, I'll learn something in the process.
With a barbell press, the reps stays the same for a few weeks at a time while the weight creeps upwards for a single, heavy set.
With a kettlebell, the reps creep upwards for a single, heavy set while the weight stays the same - no other way that I can see to preserve the essence of what Marty is advocating.
And I'll superset pullups because, well, because I can - one set of presses followed by one set of weighted pullups for about the same rep range.
Warmup - walk, stretch: short one-arm bar hangs, cossack sequence and that was it
NB: I haven't done these at all lately and not much over the last few months, and most recent max I remember is 28 kg x 1, sometimes 2 each side on a good day.
Note also - a clean before each press since, if there is a competition form for this, it's one clean and then the heaviest press single you've got, so might as well get used to one clean + one press again..
20 kg x 5L, 5R - easy, solid
24 kg x 1L, 1R - easy, solid
28 kg x 2L, 2R, followed immediately by
Pullup @ bw + 28 kg on right foot x 1
Haven't lost a thing on this one, feel completely buzzed/psyched by this performance. 2nd press rep each side wasn't quite as nice as the first, but I'll try for 3 reps next week. I want to be in the 6-8 rep range with this weight then move up to 32 kg.
Barbell DL:
225 x 3 overhand
275 x 1 right hand under, left over (my weaker grip, I think) - video
295 x 3 left under (my stronger grip, I think) - video
Finish with kb swing breathing ladder, 2-handed, 40 kg - skewed towards the anaerobic.
5 reps, 1 breath
10 reps, 2 breaths
15 reps and done
Onward and Upward