Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024: Variety

I haven't been logging my training here. Trying to resume. Today, AM quarter miles on 5:00 rest, managed 2 of them and gave up halfway in the third one. About 2:00 for 400 m Working on GTG for pushups. The other day, went hunting for my max reps, got up to 15 and didn't need to stop, so just quit there. 5's seem good to me for GTG. Also working on more hangs for time, PM tried in chinup position - feels like a great stretch I need to do more of. Yesterday, one set of 5 on the floor Today, AM one set of 5 on the floor PM: a set of 5 PU with feet on 8" box - not much more difficult but I miss the fun of moving my body as a plank and feeling it touch the ground. KBFQ: 2 x 20 kg x 5 - also good for health of my shoulders DL: 125 kg x 3, 2 double over - been running a lot, this went OK but didn't feel like I could have done a lot more

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024: Run, SW

Rings: StC + KE walk 3 sprints x 5 sets break SW: 36 kg x 6's (1st 2 were 5's) on the 1:20, avg = 116, max = 132, 18 sets

Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024: Run (hill repeats), SW

Two days ago, 1.67 miles Yesterday, same but faster Today, hill repeats: 4 series of 6-sec on the 00:00, 4:30, 9:00, 14:00 long break SW: 36 kg x lf x 6's for 16 sets on the 1:20, avg = 120, max = 132

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31, 2024: Run, SW

Wednesday, the 28th: Hill Sprints. got 3 series of 3 Thursday - off because Friday - VO2Max test Today, Saturday Some pullups while teaching Rings: StC + KE x 5 Run 1.67 miles without monitoring HR, ended up averaging about 140. Still mixed walk and run but the walks were shorter because I wasn't waiting for my HR to get low Long break SW: 36 kg x lf x 6's, 20 sets so NL = 120, started on the 1:10 but that seems to short so switched to the 1:20. avg = 123, max = 136

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, 2024: Zercher DL, SW

On Thursday, also AXE, I think all 4's with the 36 kg avg = 122, max = 134 On Saturday (was the 24th) did SW: 36 kg x lf x 4 sets of 4 then 26 sets of 5 avg = 114, max = 130 Today: Run early about 2 mi break DL: Zercher 135 lb x 1, 1, 1 break 135 lb x 3, light touch-n-go - been away from these for a bit, this was a good day. break SW: 36 kg x lf x 5's on the 1:10 for the first time, 20 sets, avg = 120, max = 129

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024: Variety, BP

Yesterday, short-but brisk early AM run. Today Hill sprints: sprint 7 seconds, walk down, catch my breath briefly, repeat twice more, total of 3 sprint in a series, rest 2 min, another series. Got 2 series plus 2 sprints of a 3rd series but was getting naseous to stopped. break walk break Rings: StC + KE x 5 - most important in StC is big chest at bottom and then hollow out to come back up - hollowing out is what's important, must not rely only on shoulders. short break KBMP: 20 kg x lf x 1, 1, 1 short break BP: 65 kg x 4, 5, 4 - a good day, lots of good cues, shoulders felt very good on most reps and still OK on one or two that didn't

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24, 2024: Press superset, SW

press supersets: KBMP: 16 kg x 3L/R + BP: 65 kg x 3 middle fingers KBPM: 20 kg x 3L/R + BP: 65 kg x 3 middle fingers KBPM: 20 kg x 2L/R + BP: 65 kg x 4 middle fingers KBPM: 20 kg x 1L/R + BP: 65 kg x 5 middle fingers KBMP: NL = 9 each side, 18 total BP: NL = 15 break SW: 36 kg x lf on the 1:15, 4 sets of 4's, switch to 5's for the remaining 16 sets. This is our "1/2" day in our 2-1/2 sessions/week schedule avg = 114, max = 130