Friday, March 30, 2018



95 x 4
115 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 2
165 x 1

Finish was 135 x 3, 115 x 4, 135 x 3, instead did

135 x 6
115 x 12



raining outside

SW about OTM as

44 kg x 2h x 5
24 kg x L x 5
24 kg x R x 5
44 kg x 2h x 6
24 kg x L x 7
24 kg x R x 8

More swings than I've done in a while, and they all felt good, albeit a little foreign.  Enough for today.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

BP, DL Rack pulls

Short walk


95 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 2
165 x 1
135 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 4
115 x 3
95 x 12

DL rack pulls

Experimenting with setup still.  2" DL block + 3/4" ply under bar on each side, 3 sheets of 3/4" ply for 2-1/4 under feet, so start is off by about 1/2 inch.  Also went w/ 225 on bar, might even need to go heavier.

Did 5 or 6 reps, last one was best - 6 seconds is a long time!


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

DL and Variety

Rings: Dip x 2

DL - 4" shortened ROM via blocks

315 x 1, 1 r/u
385 x 1, 1 l/u - thought about a third, approached bar, but was too tired in lower back.  Going on 3-4 min rest.  385 is 105% of last June's 365, and 109% of February's 353.


1APU: lf, on 10" box x 1

MP:: a stick x 17 reps, just looking for form and posture and no shoulder discomfort

Monday, March 26, 2018


Today, Monday

Tired, no walk

MP: see-saw, 16 kg x 2, felt weak and tight, just a few reps, perhaps 4-5 each side

Rings: StC + FL x 1

BP:- week #2, session #3 - ugh, 15 sets, NL = 61, I think
Week #2 is the biggest week of the cycle, and session #3 the heaviest session of both the week and the cycle

95 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 4
165 x 2

135 x 4
115 x 4
95 x 6
165 x 1
135 x 5
115 x 4
135 x 5
115 x 4

135 x 5

95 x 4

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rings, Ab Wheel (standing), DL


short walk


Rings: StC + FL x 1 - getting better, holding longer, still not flat but angle is improving, and my focus is on adding time at this angle before proceeding to holding my feet lower.

Standing Ab Wheel: top end of board on 4th step x 2, 1 to pretty full extension w/ pause

DL - variety DL

225 x 5 l/u - reset at bottom

225 x 5 r/u - reset at bottom

275 x 1 l/u - practicing competition setup to not be so long at bar before starting lift, also remembering to push hard on left foot when left hand is underhand, otherwise bar comes up unevenly.
275 x 1 r/u - same setup, but slower

315 x 1 l/u - same - I think pushing on the ball of the foot makes a difference
315 x 1 r/u - same

Friday, March 23, 2018


yesterday, nothing

Today, Friday


Goblet SQ @ 24 kg x 5, 5
FSQ @ 2 x 24 kg x 5


95 x 5
115 x 5 (combining planned 3 and 2 at end of session)
135 x 4
145 x 3
165 x 1
135 x 3

HBBS: 95 x 4, paused, prying


Yesterday, Tuesday, DL rack pulls - 2-1/4" ROM, 3 singles x 2 sets

Today, walk

SW: 24 kg x 1h x lf x 4 sets

BP: week 1, session 3 - NL = 40

95 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 3
165 x 2 - first time for 165 x 2, got hand-off and spotters
165 x 1 - again hand-off and spotters
145 x 2
135 x 4
115 x 4
135 x 3
115 x 3
95 x 5

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

BP (wk 1 #1), Health/DL @ 4" to 383 lbs.



Rings: StC + FL x 1

BP - latest PS cycle, thank you, John!
This week will be 1, 3, 2

95 x 4
115 x 2
135 x 5
145 x 2
165 x 1
115 x 2

Health/DL -

DL w/ weights elevated 4", all quick negatives

225 x 1, 1 double over
295 x 1 double over
361 x 1 r/u (+15 kg plates = 66 lbs.)
383 x 1 l/u (+5 kg plates = 22 lbs.) - stand tall for a while at lockout
405 x fail l/u (again + 22 lb) - felt lower back just give up.  Nothing broken/torn/whatever, stopped right away, but I could just feel it didn't want to bear this load, even from 4" off the floor.

Very interesting, first time for these, probably best to try for 383-ish next time but for more than one single

Also was after BP, maybe better to put these on a day by themselves next week.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Today, Saturday;

Big DL Day.  Week #3, session #4, 39 lifts in 9 sets.  29 DL's may be a person record for a training day.

225 x 5 double over, paused tng
275 x 3 double over, paused tng
225 x 4 r/u, singles w/ quick negative and quick reset at bottom (didn't let go of bar)
275 x 2 r/u, singles w/ quick negative and quick reset at bottom (didn't let go of bar)

305 x 1 l/u
340 x 1 l/u - spent too long setting up at the bottom, lift went but was slow and left side lagged

225 x 9 - double over, singles w/ quick negative and quick reset at bottom (didn't let go of bar)

Subbed out 275 x 4 for the following two sets
285 x 2 - l/u w/ quick negative and quick reset at bottom (didn't let go of bar)
265 x 2 - r/u w/ quick negative and quick reset at bottom (didn't let go of bar)


Yesterday, Friday:


BP 1RM test

95 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x fail - probably not enough rest before this one

Later, worked w/ my son and some of his friends, did a bunch of swings, some Zercher SQ, some barbell cleans and FSQ.

Thursday, March 15, 2018



DL: week 3, session #2

225 x 5 double over, paused tng

275 x 6 as singles l/u (favored grip), reset at the bottom, all pretty good although breathing was harder by the end

225 x 5 r/u



BP, Week 3, session 3 (this week is 2, 3, 1)

95 x 7
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 2
160 x 1
135 x 6
125 x 5
135 x 3
125 x 5

All w/ no rest other than to change the weights, then stand at the rack and take 3 breaths, then have at it again.  By the end, I was near my limits to finish the reps, but that's OK, I think.  This is likely the most BP I've even done in a single session.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rings, DL



Rings: StC + FL x 1


225 x 3 hover
225 x 2 hover
275 x 3 quick singles with reset at bottom
225 x 3 hover - various grips on hovers

Monday, March 12, 2018

Rings, BP, DL

Monday, March 12, 2018

Breathing walk + jog

BP - week 3, session 2 (plan is 2, 3, 1 this week)

DL - week 3, session 3 (plan is 3, 1, 2, 4 this week)

95 x 6
125 x 6
135 x 6
145 x 1
160 x 1
135 x 5
125 x 4

OHP: just a stick for a few reps

SQ: HBBS - 95 lbs. x 5 good reps, paused and exhaled at the bottom, fighting with right knee to stay out and winning the fight, I think - will need video to confirm.

225 x 7 - as singles w/ standup reset, x 3 r/u, x 3 l/u, x 1 double over.  Hover on the way up, getting better at finding spot.

275 x 4 - as above, x 2 r/u and x 2 /lu

305 x 1 r/u

275 x 3 x 1 r/u, x 2 l/u

225 x 7 as x 6 r/u w/ paused tng, x 1 l/u - had planned to do double overhand but did this instead.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

DL (includes plan for next 2 weeks)


SW: 44 kg x 2h x 3 dead-stop singles as warm-up

DL:225 x 4 (x 2 r/u, x 2 l/u)275 x 2 (r/u, l/u)
225 x 3 (r/u)
275 x 1 (l/u) - excellent
305 x 1 (l/u) - slower but still OK
340 x 1 (l/u) - slower still, but steady and even, and was comfortable holding at lockout

First week of this Prep Cycle, did

Mon = 1
Tue = 2
Thu = 3
Sat = 4

Second week, did

Mon = 1
Tue = 3
Thu = 2
Fri/Sat = 4 (moved some volume to Fri, will not do this in the future)

Plan for week 3:

Mon = 3
Tue = 1
Thu = 2
Sat = 4

Plan for week 4:

Mon = 2
Tue = 3
Thu = 1
Sat = 4

Friday, March 9, 2018

Rings, BP, DL (light)

Today, Friday

Rings: StC + FL - went extra far around today, was harder to come back around, and didn't have as much left in my abs for as good a FL as last time.


Light session, #1 from week #2

95 x 3
125 x 5
135 x 4
145 x 1

Decided to split up the big day planned for tomorrow into 2 parts:


225 x 4 double over
275 x 3 as r/u w/ hover on descent, l/u w/ hover on descent, l/u w/ hover on ascent
First time hover w/ more than 225, seemed OK although I think the sour/sweet spot is higher than I think it is.
225 x 3 - messed up, forget to take off 25's, so first rep was 275 - oops.  Hover on descent on final rep

Tomorrow will be
225 x 4
275 x 2
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
340 x 1


Today, Thursday:

Lots of snow shoveling last night and more this morning.



225 x 4 r/u
225 x 4 l/u
275 x 4 as 3 r/u, 1 l/u - l/u is definitely feeling stronger and like I have my best form.  Also not bothering my right knee, which r/u sometimes is.

305 x 1 l/u

Wednesday, March 7, 2018



95 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 2
160 x 1
135 x 3
115 x 3

Only enough time to load the bar between sets.

SQ: HBB, 95 lbs, still in Oly shoes, 4 reps w/ long pauses and finding right spacing of feet, tracking of knees, etc.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018



Run at end of breathing walk

Walk, and walk again

DL:  Week 2, doing Session #3 now in order to be more rested for the big session on Saturday

225 x 6 r/u, paused tng (least favored mixed grip, we think.)
225 x 6 l/u, paused tng

275 x 5 - did 4 r/u, paused tng, stood up long enough to take a few breaths and switch grip, and did the last one l/u

305 x 1 l/u

Monday, March 5, 2018

Rings, BP, DL

Off Sunday

Today, Monday:


Rings: StC + FL x 1

BP: Doing Week #2, Session #2 today, to mix things up a bit, numbers revised in light of new 1RM

95 x 3
125 x 6
135 x 6
155 x 2


225 x 6 - hover, as l/u x 2, r/u x 2, l/u x 1, r/u x 1
Some of the reps aren't all that hard because I don't hit the spot exactly, but some are very tough because I find the weak spot exactly.

275 x 3 - switching mixed grips
First time doing something after the hover DL's - felt fine, actually, they were fast.


Saturday DL:

225 x 6
225 x 6
275 x 6
305 x 1
340 x 1

Revised to avoid 275 x 6 before two heavy singles, now 2 sets of 3 w/ that weight, and reorder

225 x 6, double over, paused tng
275 x 3, double over, paused tng
305 x 1, l/u
275 x 3, r/u

340 x 1, l/u - slow, but it went.  Not sure if left under and right over is actually my strongest, might try the other way next week.

225 x 6, double over, hover in both directions, as singles w/ reset at bottom. first rep r/o, then switch.  Got closer to stopping at my absolute weakest point as the set went on, just so much fun ...


Friday, March 2, 2018



85 x 6
105 x 5
115 x 5

135 x 1
145 x 1

156 (kg plates) x 1
166 x 1
171 x 1

Have done 3 extra reps already, and heavy ones, so:

115 x 6, recast as 125 x 4
105 x 6, recast as 125 x 5

SQ: high bar back, 95 x 5 still in Oly shoes.  Some discomfort in both knees, feels like stretching out tight stuff.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


StC + FL x 1

DL: slight reordering to put 2nd sets of 225, which had been listed 2nd, as 4th set.  This is better according to PS principles, as I understand things.

225 x 5 double over, paused tng

275 x 4 r/u, paused tng

305 x 1 l/u

225 x 4 double over, paused tng - hovered just off the ground, both directions, on all reps - very interesting, indeed, and not terribly pleasant