Monday, August 31, 2015

Lots of walking, a little DL

Very busy weekend

Today, walked almost 5 miles in the heat, so decided to put off the Inman walking for another day

Played around, instead, with narrow Sumo DL - went back to 185 lbs. as it felt easier to find good form with this weight.  Then a few "real" sets

185 x 5 - fresh start each rep but didn't stand up between reps

205 x 5 - same

225 x 1

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A few presses, a few DLs

Fri, 21 Aug


135 x 200m, 100m, 300m on the street.  Had planned to do 600m course in one

On the road for rehearsals and vacation, Sat-Tue.

Wed, 26 Aug


205 x 1-1/3, 245 x 1 (PR), 225 x 1, 205 x 1 - a good day

Today, Thursday,

16: mil press: 5L/R - easy
18: mil press: 5L/R - easy
20: mil press: 5L/R - not as easy

bw windmills, a few each way.  Right hip a bit tender, I'd say

Sumo DL: 245 x about 5 singles.  Experimenting with stance width, starting hip height, turnout, etc.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

DL - 8 total lifts today and a tiny bit more weight

Walk 2 mi, maybe 2-1/2

DL: all conventional, all controlled negative.  This time, looking at horizon instead of closer

225 x 2

245 x 2, 2, 1, 1

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Inman - 2 in-season PRs


1 lap x 230 (PR weight this season)

190 x 2 (PR weight this distance this season) right arm a little tingly, not a good sign.

150 x 1 (had hope for more but decided not to push too hard - will do this again on Friday).

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

DL a few more

DL:  Conventional, normal/quick up, slow and controlled lowering, double overhand

225 x 3, 3

Monday, August 17, 2015


Friday: DL 225 x 2, 2

Sat/Sun - walk, stretch, no lifting

Today, Monday


180 x 1
160 x 2

195 x 1
170 x 2

215 x 1
160 x 1-3/4 - didn't finish, just too tired, could have but we'll save that level of suffering for the meet

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Some PRs and some aborted attempts

Inman:  1 x 210 lb (PR this year), 2 x 180 lb (PR this year), aborted planned 3 x 165 lb midway in 2nd lap - just feeling tired and distracted, and I think I didn't recover completely from 180 lb x 2, which is a PR this go-round, as was 210 x 1

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose....

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sick but back

A very busy last 10 days with no blog because no workouts

Sat, 1 Aug - taught Buteyko workshop in RI

Sun, 2 Aug - taught StrongFirst Kettlebell Course in Princeton, NJ

Tue, 4 Aug - drove out to LI to buy a new classical guitar, had big family dinner in Queens, drove my sister and her family to JFK airport

Wed, 5 Aug - stye in left eye, also feeling very tired.  Naps every day.  Eye is better but going to opthamologist today, just to be sure.

Yesterday, Monday, 10 August:

Inman: 1 x 190 lb, 2 x 160 lb ladder, repeat, long rests

Today, Tuesday, 11 August

Stretching on front porch.

DL: conventional: 185 x 1, 225 x 1, 1, all slow, controlled negative - nice to do this again.  I still feel myself pulled forward as the weight comes off the ground and still need to work on that.