Saturday, March 22, 2014

Getups, Windmills, Bent Presses, Swings


Stretch a lot, looking for what hasn't been getting stretched during the week.

10 kg getups to half-kneeling, a few each side.  Tried some alternate versions of the getup as well.

16: windmill, lf, 2 - ugh, need to do these every day, and need to do them heavier more often.

Bent Press,

16 kg x L/R

20: kg x L/R

24 kg x L/R, L/R - getting better, starting position is better, getting more under the weight with less press.

t-spine feels works, lats feel worked, abs feel worked.

24: swing, 5L, 5R - maybe more later


24: swing, 10L, 10R on no break

Onward and Upward

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