Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Press/PU, DL

A very stiff lower back early this morning, gradually worked itself out.  Doing some bodyweight-only windmills helped, as did a few miles of relaxed walking

Played with a 1-kettlebell overhead squat, looking at the weight.  Used a 4 kg bell because, frankly, that's all I am confident I can handle in this.  I will continue to plug away at this movement with a light weight until the ROM, I hope, improves.

Also some deep barbell back squats with an empty bar, again just a postural thing, and some OHS with a stick, too.  Also curl an empty barbell from a deep squat, something I did yesterday, too.  Also MP an empty bar, all these things just for posture


20 kg: mil press x 5, 3, 2, superset w/bw + 12 kg on foot: PU x 2 

First set of pullup: hung from the bar for too long, wasn't good, but other remaing sets were.  Bang forehead on rather is the standard now, as I did yesterday.

DL: narrow sumo, double overhand, touch-n-go: 5, 3, 2

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