Monday, May 12, 2014

Hip Lift 1,000 lbs.

Sunday, yesterday, Inman Mile practice - 1/4 mile w/ 75 lbs x 2 - progress for sure.  Used lighter weight than last time but covered the same distance in 2 segments instead of 7.  Also walked, also cut part of the lawn.

Today, Monday, deload week - will try Hip Lift today early as I have a busy rest of the day

Hip Lift:  450, 630 (+45+45 each side), 790 (+45+35 each side), 1000 (+ 3 x 35 each side)

As Jim Fuller suggested, you have to choke up a link of chain every 400 lbs. or so - I chocked up after 790 because it felt barely off the floor.

20 kg - press x 1, windmill x 3, left first - pretty good, as usual, took only fingertips to ground on first rep.

20 kg: 30 non-strop swings at 10L, 10R, 10T - good way to do it, end w/ 2-handed

Onward and Upward - I hope to do more today but probably won'/t have time.

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