Friday, September 29, 2017

DDD #20 (was postponed): Rings, Archer PU, 1APU, DL

No lifting yesterday:

right hip was very sore after heavy lifts on Wednesday, but I walked it off and stretched a lot the rest of that day, took some Aleve after the first few hours had passed, and also stretched and took Aleve, but less of it, yesterday.  Today, no medicine and everything feels fine.

Today, Friday


stretch a bit - cossack but not whole sequence

Rings: FL w/ feet on bench - been trying this lately, a "bottoms up" partial front lever, seems good

Rings: StC + FL x 1, 1

Archer PU: extend rf x 1, extend lf x 1

1APU: @ 4" x 2L/R - finding what to do w/ right shoulder

DL: conventional

275 x 1

295 x 1, 1, double overhand, tng95% - because I felt like really going for a 100% lockout on Wednesday was some of what bothered my hip, I'm realized I need to do that more in training - thus, I really locked out hard on these and the rest of the day's reps

295 x 1, 1 right under and otherwise as above

295 x 1, 1 left under and otherwise as above

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