Friday, September 8, 2017

DDD #10: Rings, 1APU, PU, DL

Today, Friday

Rings: StC + FL x 1

1APU @ 12" x 3L/R, 3L/R

PU: bb style x 1 - had my wife try to push me up to the bar but the whole thing is too high off the ground for her, even standing on the same height box.

PU: archer.

Extended left first - this is easier because it the right side when it's close that's challening - x 1 each side

Other way - this is the harder way because I don't easily find the tight, close grip after having first extended on my right side.  Good to know these things, will try it this way first next time.

DL: 295, conventional

x 1, 1, 1 double over, 95% tng - best this cycle w/ this grip

x 1, 1, 1 right under 95% tng - best this cycle w/ this grip

x 1, 1 left under 95% tng - didn't want to be a pig and do 9 total, since this is 8 total and yesterday's 7 was the first time this cycle I've done more than 6.

Focus was on trying to do, on the least favored and double over grip, what I do on the favored grip.  That seems to be lats - getting shoulders/lats really tight made the double over the right under grip feel much stronger - but the right over and left under grip is still the strongest, and even the lockout was more complete there.  Held the lockout on both reps of the final set

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