Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024: Variety, BP

Yesterday, short-but brisk early AM run. Today Hill sprints: sprint 7 seconds, walk down, catch my breath briefly, repeat twice more, total of 3 sprint in a series, rest 2 min, another series. Got 2 series plus 2 sprints of a 3rd series but was getting naseous to stopped. break walk break Rings: StC + KE x 5 - most important in StC is big chest at bottom and then hollow out to come back up - hollowing out is what's important, must not rely only on shoulders. short break KBMP: 20 kg x lf x 1, 1, 1 short break BP: 65 kg x 4, 5, 4 - a good day, lots of good cues, shoulders felt very good on most reps and still OK on one or two that didn't

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