Thursday, December 1, 2016

GU, Pistol, 1AP, BP, OHP


Excellent GU session:

bw x 2 each side

Then stacked a 4 kg and a 6 kg in right, did

2 to hand, 4 to elbow, 1 to hand

then switch sides - nice that, so far, no weird pains in upper right back where cartilage is damaged

Elevated 1AP - 3L, 3R - better

Pistol: 8 kg, 1L/R, 1L/R

BP: 115 x 8, 125 x 5 - honestly did not feel the extra 10 lbs, a good sign
Focus on setup: supertight glutes, big chest, pull the bar down, break the bar in half, and lats, lats, lats

OHP: 75 lb x 5, 5 - focus on supertight glutes and using the back - lats to start, pull down with lats for negative.

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