Friday, April 3, 2015

Swings, Presses, Steinborn Squat, Inman Walk

Some early breathing and stretching

ROP Light Day - 20 kg, 5 x (1-2) or equivalent - 30 reps


32 kg x 10 2h, rest

24 kg x 10L, rest, 10R, rest, 10L, rest, 10R, rest

32 kg x 10 2h, and done


20 kg x 5

32 kg: clean + jerk + yielding press: 1L, 1R

Decided to forego the rest of the presses and clean up the basement gym, and also get some bar walking in.

100 lbs: Steinborn up from right, stand up, 1 full squat rep, lower on left.
Then pick up on left side and walk round-trip of driveway so approximately 100 meters.  Bounce off.

Did a single OHS w/ empty bar - miss these, will do them more now.

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