Thursday, March 28, 2013

Week 3, Day 2 - FSQ New 8RM: 165 lbs.

Yesterday, Wednesday - a good day off from weights and got some bodyweight work done.  Walked a bit as well:  Didn't take pistols super-low, which I usually do, which makes them much easier.

Pistol: lf, 2

2-step 1A2L pushup, rf, 2

Pistol: lf, 3

2-step 1A2L pushup, rf, 1

Brought out an apple box that seems to be the right size for the steps, makes it easier not to hit my face at the bottom.

Today, Thursday, pump iron. :)  But first, on porch

Pistol: lf, 2 alternating singles each side, failed on 3rd attempt right.  Took these deep.

pushup as above: rf, 2 each way - getting stronger at these


135 x 1 deep and paused, 2 deep and paused

165 x 8 - a PR, up from 5 a few months ago

165 x 5 - restraint here, could have done more but the first set was a PR and I am having a bit of a slow day today, too, so we'll be happy with a set of 5, and we'll still try a 3rd set in a few minutes

165 x 1 - OK, I am tired, and I am tired of squatting today. - all three sets of FSQ

Previous bests were 170 x 4 and 175 x 3 so we'll try for 170 x 5 reps x 3 sets at our next session.

20: 1-hand swing, lf, 30 swings switching every 5, took about 1 min

WHEEL: standing, 4th step, 2, 3

Onward and Upward

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