Thursday, February 20, 2025

February 20, 2025: SQ (light), BP (medium), DL (heavy)

 yesterday, SW: 28 kg x 3's on the :30, not great, got about 15 minutes before HR hit 145, took an extra 2 min rest then did 5 more minutes.

Today, Thursday:

SQ: Oly shoes, 65 kg x 5, rock bottom, paused, exhaled

BP: 65 kg x 7 - recent RM at this weight, 65 x 7 = 1RM = 78, 65 x 8 = 1RM = 81 and I think I could have gotten another rep.  Excellent result

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

February 18, 2025: SQ (light), BP (heavy)

 yesterday, lots of driving and not much else, little bit of walking

Today, Tuesday:

SQ: 65 kg x 6


60 kg x 5

62.5 x 5

65 x 4

67.5 x 3

70 x 2

February 16, 2025: walk, Step-up

 Early AM - walk 2 miles

Step-ups later: 16-5/8" box, 44 minutes, avg = 132, max = 146 - big improvement

on the road now for the rest of today and all of tomorrow

Saturday, February 15, 2025

February 15, 2025: SQ

 Yesterday, SW: 28 kg x 3's on the :30, 14 minutes (28 sets), HR a little better than last time


StC + KE

short break

SQ: 25 kg bar, Chuck's

65 kg x 3

70 x 5 

80 x 3

90 x 1

Thursday, February 13, 2025

February 13, 2025: SQ, BP, DL

 Yesterday, Wednesday, February 12 - snow shovel

Felt kind of cooked from yesterday's training, no other exercise, just some bar hangs, got a late nap in.

Today, Thursday, February 13: a little snow shovel, feel much better overall than yesterday

Plan is light SQ, light BP, and heavy DL.  Going to try to get in enough SQ and BP to make me a little tired for DL and we'll then see how the DL goes.


65 kg x 5

75 x 3

87.5 x 1 - most weight to date in the current, short, meet prep cycle

30-min-ish break


60 kg x 8 - more than 2 days ago x 1 rep

65 x 5 - same as 2 days ago but felt better, was able to stay tighter

70 x 1 - enough for today

30-min-ish break


125 kg x 5 r/u

135 x 4 l/u

145 x 3 l/u - slow but not bad, really

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 11, 2025: Step-ups

 Tired at the end of yesterday, not completely sure what I want to do today.

Rings: StC + KE x 6 - my ability with these is slowly returning, felt relatively quick and without a sticking point in coming out of the bottom.


Step-ups.  Steady state, 16" box, 5 cadence, 6" step down each side.  28 minutes, avg = 135 max = 148 - first in a long time, felt good to do.

Monday, February 10, 2025

February 10, 2025: BP, SW

 shovel more snow

GU: a few to elbow, mostly trying to figure out when left elbow is down


60 kg x 7

62.5 x 6

65 x 5

That's enough for today - 65 kg x 5 was not in doubt but felt like a decently heavy set.

long break then plan on swings


warmup: 56 kg x 2h x 4 reps OTM x 4 sets

short break

28 kg x 3's on the :30, got 7 min only before hitting 144.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 9, 2025: SQ

 Yesterday, Saturday, February 8:  SW: 28 kg x 3's on the :30, 15 minutes, avg = 131

Today, Sunday, February 9:

shoveled snow


SQ: Oly shoes

45 kg x 7

55 x 6

65 x 5 - last time we went up to 60 kg

70 x 4

75 x 3

80 x 2

Friday, February 7, 2025

February 7, 2025: BP, DL

 BP: 60 kg, middle fingers on the rings x 5, x 6 x 5 - ok, getting tired



DL bar: 200 lb x 250 lb x 1

PL bar: 125 kg double over x 2, x 3

Feb 6: SW


SW: 28 kg x 3's on the :30, only 9 minute, coughing.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 5, 2025: GBFP, ZSQ

Rings: a few inverted ring plank rows, figuring out where rings need to be.  Good for upper back. 

GU: 6 kg, rf, 1 each way then 4-5 consecutive reps to the elbow each side

GBFP: 115 lb x 10, 8, 8 - starting to figure out this movement.


ZSQ: 6 o'clock, 150 lb x 2, 2, 3 - my 6 o'clock isn't terrible quad dominant because of my limited dorsiflexion.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February 4, 2025: SW

Rings: StC + 5 KE and negative HLR walk SW: 28 kg x 3's on the :30, 24 sets

February 3, 2025: SQ, GBFP

GU: 6 kg x rf x 3 each way, but each with an extra "to elbow" and then the rest 

SQ: switched to 25 kg bar, Oly shoes 45 kg x 8 55 x 8 60 x 8 

GBFP: 85 lb x 8 95 x 8 105 x 12 115 x 8 (52 kg) Walk - decent weather, first walk to the grocery store in a couple of weeks, felt good to do.