Friday, January 3, 2014

Windmill and Bent Press Complex Again, Snatch

Shovel snow.

16: clean, jerk, 2 windmills, 2 bent press - this Left, then Right

24: clean, jerk, 1 windmill, failed 1 bent press left, did the windmill but didn't try the bent press right

Conclusion - too long a break after warmups.

24: bent press, left right, 1 each side - better, maybe windmill first is too much w/ a moderate or heavy weight

28: windmill, lf, 1 each way, easy!

28: bent press - no go on both sides

28: bent press - took a different approach, just a "cheat press" with very little hip bend, and it went up on each side just fine.  Might even have been a legal military press according to some people.

Conclusion - my bent press technique is lousy, but it felt great to have 28 kg overhead because I haven't done that in a while, and it really wasn't hard.  I'm sure I still own a 28 kg military press if I choose to do it, and that's nice to know.

18: snatch, 20L/R + 13L/R in 4:40, 66 total reps - nice, slow pacing, keep working on better form.  Got straighter/taller body alignment on right side this time, got better lockout overall but right side still needs the most work, still rolling into lockout rather than punching up.

Onward and Upward

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