Monday, November 5, 2012

Variety Day - Meet in 13 days, B/U Double Press, 1-Arm Pushup

I stretched a lot this morning, some Primal Move-based floor work combined with my own.  Lots of nice pops and cracks in my back and neck - aah!

I thought it would be interesting, since I like the see-saw military press so much, to try it with a pair of light kettlebells held bottoms-up.  After I tried and failed to clean a pair of 16 kg b/u, and a second failed attempt, I got it on the third try.  At that point, see-saw pressing seemed out of the question but a standard, two-bell military press did not - I tried and got the press.  Wow, what a great grip exercise and a good lesson in total body tension as well.

Found a newer pair of 16's and the grip felt a little easier, tried the see-saw press again - got a solid press on each side but that was about it, and it didn't matter which side I started with.

1-arm pushup on a 12" box - right first, one each side

Onward and Upward


  1. have you ever worked on gymnastic rings or even gymnastic stuff?

  2. I have rings both in my basement gym and on a tree branch in the back yard but I've never been a gymnast. I like rings.

    Why do you ask?

  3. just wondering. it would def suite your training well to work on things like frontlever, planche, oapu, ....

    1. Yes, I agree. I am, after a couple of upcoming powerlifting meets, going to finish working on my one-arm, one-leg pushup, which I'm not too far from getting and which I need to complete a certification training I attended with Pavel ( a few weeks ago.



  4. you certificate in the former naked warrior thing? what are the must-do´s for that cert?
    i never read naked warrior, always wanted it.
    is it really just pistols and oa-push-ups?
    besides, my left ankle is stiff so pistols with left are very frustrating. one arm one leg push-ups are in the sack for me right now, still working on one arm push-ups with straight form, like feet together, hand behind neck. that one feet thing, i found it easier. crazy.
    i always think about what would i do if i were locked in a cell for years, how would i train.

  5. Hi. Yes, there was a Naked Warrior cert in October, 2012. The test is a one-arm, one-leg pushup but the pistol is taught. Ankle issues can be worked on - don't give up. I also find one-arm, one-leg easier - if you wire yourself up the right way for the movement, getting rid of the other leg happens for some people naturally. The NW book is fantastic, highly recommended, is a link to it.
