Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rant: Obesity

On a cooking newsgroup earlier today, someone cited this

LA Times article

and quoted this:

"Obesity numbers may have flattened out for the first time in 30 years"

I am reposting my reply here for anyone interested:

If the numbers have flattened out, which means they've stopped _increasing_, but the obesity numbers are still obscenely _high_, we need to note: that's not progress. It just means we've reached the saturation point of how many of us can shove too much bad food into our faces while sitting on our arses all day.

IMHO, we've all spent too much time with financial types and others who look at trends in numbers. Our obesity numbers are ridiculously high, whatever direction they're headed in. The fact that so many people become overweight enough to bring on diabetes - diabetes, for crying out loud - means something is very, very wrong.

And we're not even talking about how many people who are _not_ obese but still _are_ significantly overweight - diabetes is not the only consequence here, although it's arguably the worst one.

Eat better, eat less, move better, move more.


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