Thursday, February 27, 2014

Light Kettlebell Bent Press

Cossack sequence

16: windmill, lf, 3 - left hip still sore although it's only uncomfortable with doing right side windmills.  Noticeably improved since yesterday, which was better than the day before.  All good

16: bent press, lf, 1

20: bent press, lf, 1, 3, 1

24: bent press, lf, 1 - bent press form is improving because I'm figuring out things about the rack position that I need - have to keep big chest, open/extended t-spine, shoulder back and packed.  Right side rack is worse if I don't think about it but right side form is, overall, better once I get that in place.

After doing both left and right sides, I noticed I had really rubbed on the arthritic part of my left shoulder - not sure if I did that pressing left or supporting while pressing right, but it's good to know and important to keep aware of.

Swings, all 2-handed:  24 kg x 20, rest, 32 kg x 10

My wife had a 75 bar set up so I cleaned it and did 5 front squats - felt nice to stretch out the wrists

Onward and Upward

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