Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 28, 2024: SW, Variety, Run

Yesterday, run 3.5 miles early at 10 am: SW: 32 kg x 6's on the 1:30 for 20 sets Today: Walk but with a couple of longish sprints including a 1/4 mile on the trail in 1:55 long break Rings: usual C&P: 20 kg x lf x 1, 2 - need a bit of gooseneck that I didn't have. WHEEL: 4th step, 5 reps in one set

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024: SQ

Haven't been logging exercise: Monday and Tuesday in PA. 4 mile run in PA. Wednesday - off Thursday - 3.1 mile run + 20 sets of 1h swings, 32 kg x 6's on the 1:30 Today, Friday Walk 3 mi Rings: FL break, did a bunch of stuff while teaching Rings: StK + KE x 5 SQ: 77.5 kg x 4, 4, 4, 4 NB: trying to get knees maximally forward near start of descent because this is stronger at the bottom than letting them move forward only near the bottom.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 2024: Run, SQ, BP

Run: early AM, 9:00 to course start and 21:20 to 1-mile mark for 12:20 timed mile late afternoon: SQ: 77.5 kg x 3 reps x 5 sets - focus on max depth without loss of tension at bottom BP: 65 kg x 5 middle fingers on rings, x 5 index fingers, x 5 ring fingers

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024: Variety

Yesterday SW: 32 kg x 1-hand swing x 5's on the 1:20 for 32 sets. Avg: 118 Max: 133 Today, CT angiogram (CT scan with contrast) early AM. Walked there and back, but felt pretty crappy for the next few hours, gradually feeling better as the day went on. I'd say it was an adverse, but not allergic, reaction to the contrast material. When I've had contrast MRI's, I've had no reaction at all. Walk a second time. Do some floor stretching later in the afternoon. -S-

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

17 July 2024: Run, DL

Run: 9:00 at course start, 20:46 at 1 mile marker. Faster run today, more walking segments but they were shorter. Basically 13:45 pace for 0.67 mi to start, 11:45 pace for measured mile, 12:27 pace overall. long break DL: (seems I didn't even write down last DL session, but I remember is was 120 x 3, 3) 125 kg x 5, 5 double over

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024: Run, MP/Press

Yesterday, Monday, 90 minute walk Today, Tuesday: Run about 3 mi, 11:40 timed mile break "Play" with overhead work today WM: bw x 1, 6 kg x 1 MP: lf singles at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 kg - not bad overall. Up through 16 kg, they were near instant, but 20 still wasn't difficult Press: 20 kg x 5, 22.5 kg x 5 DL:

Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, 2024: Run, SQ, BP

Today is Sunday - ran this morning Friday, day off from running, walked, stretched Saturday, yesterday, ran, taught Today: Run early AM long break SQ: 75 kg x 5, 5 77.5 x 5 NB: Trying for maximum depth, playing with cues, felt it a little on inside of right knee on the way up on the last two reps, felt like I lost my tightness. Maybe 4 x 4 or 3 reps x 5 sets next time ... Nothing terrible with the knee, just was putting the load in the wrong place. BP: middle fingers on rings from sloth/habit - had been meaning to try index fingers again. This lift feels strong. 60 kg x 5 62.5 x 5 65 x 5

Friday, July 12, 2024

July 11, 2024: Run, AXE

NB: body felt great after some light barbell lifting yesterday and great still this morning. 2nd day in a row running, did the usual plus a bit more. Went a little slower for most of it, trying to keep HR below 140 and waiting until is was low 120's, sometimes even teens, before starting again. But met my wife at the end of the usual run and did a local trail, .42 miles in length, at a 10:40 pace, good. Body was tired but relaxed, HR was in low 150's at finish. break Tried a pistol w/ 6 kg each side - fail 1-leg DL: 32 kg contralateral, got a single on both sides Tried a pistol w/ 8 kg each side - better, need at least 8 kg for balance, got to about parallel SW: 32 kg x lf x 5's, New set every 1:00 then 1:15 then 1:30 00:00 Left 01:00 Right 02:00 Left 03:00 Right 04:00 Left 05:00 Right 06:00 Left 07:00 Right 08:00 Left 09:00 Right 10:00 Left 11:15 Right 12:30 Left 13:45 Right 15:00 Left 16:15 Right 17:30 Left 18:45 Right 20:00 Left 21:15 Right 22:30 Left 24:00 Right 25:30 Left 27:00 Right 28:30 Left 30:00 Right 31:30 Left 33:00 Right 34:30 Left 36:00 Right

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 10, 2024: SQ, BP

Yesterday, longish walk - over an hour, Q+D style sprints in a few places Played around in the basement gym, worked abs like crazy somehow Today, Wednesday: First SQ and BP since PL meet about 3 weeks ago. Run: usual walk-run to 5k start, then measured first mile, then a bit more. break SQ: 75 kg x 1, 3, 5 - focus on maximum depth and maximum dorsiflexion break BP: trying index fingers on the rings today 60 kg x 2, 5, 5

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 8, 2024: Run, Variety

RUN: Arrive 5k start in 8:45, leave 5k start at 10:00, arrive 21:27 at 1-mile mark. Short run, best speed yet, still mixing walk and run In the afternoon: WM: 4kg and 6kg. Tried an experiment of my wife helping position my bad (right) arm - very interesting, didn't hurt, was educational Rings: FL, FL, StC + KE x 5

Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024: Press

AM: short walk PM: WM: rf, 4 kg x 1; 6 kg x 1 Rings: usual (StC, rest, FL + KE x 5) Press: 35 lb x 5, 5; 40 x 5; 45 x 2, 3

July 6, 2024: Run, SW

AM Run: under 10:00 to start, 10:15 to start mile, 22 minutes and 39 seconds at mile so 12:24 for mile PM SW:32 kg x lf x 10's OTM, 10 sets, avg = 128, max = 138

Friday, July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024:

Muggy out, took an early AM walk of about 4.5 miles break Rings: FL WM: bw x 1 Rings: StC + KE x 5 (IOW, the rest of the usual) WM: trying rf (right side first): 4 kg x 1, 6 kg x 1 Press: 15 lb bar x 2 35 x 5, 5 - out of time

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4, 2024: Run, SW

AM: Another walk-run, was able to slow down but keep running. Good! Woke up heavier than expected, and had a bit of dizzy spell after my run, so likely too many carbs over the last few days combined with a lot of salt. PM: SW: 32 kg x 6 x lf OTM x 10 sets, no HRM but checked at end and saw 131

July 3, 2024: Variety

Ran on Sunday AM Walked about 9 miles on Monday Ran on Tuesday AM: Today, Wednesday: walk SW: a few with up to 48 kg x 2h x 10 while teaching Rings: usual, lately have been only pausing very briefly at the bottom of the StC Press: 15 lb short bar, my wife watching from the side 15 lb x 1 25 x 1 35 x 3 x 3 - excellent result