Friday, February 26, 2016

Variety - odd presses, odd pulls

Friday - Variety

6 kg: press to front x 6L, 6R.  4 each straight out, 1 a little low, 1 a little high

25 lb. bar, press to front x 1, 1 - tough

assisted 1-arm chinup.  32 kg bell, stood on high box, just worked lockout, 1 rep per side.  Not trying to get these in terms of strength but rather trying to get left side to "kick in" in the right way, and some serious progress on this today as I got it on the left side for the first time.

Set up the rings to do chest-facing-ceiling rows to work on eventually being able to do bodybuilder-style pullups.  Start in plank, feet on ground, head maybe 1 foot off the ground.  Did 2-3 reps, rest, repeat.

all right side first:

bw: windmill x 2, bent press x 2

4 kg: windmill x 3, bent press x 3

8 kg: windmill x 1, bent press x 1 - these are helping t-spine, especially when rotating to the left.

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