Friday, August 23, 2013

Heavy Day

Nothing except walking and stretching yesterday - was going to lift but ended up waiting 3 hours to see my doctor for my should-be-annual-but-the-last-one-was-three-years-ago physical examination.

Warmup - walking a few miles, stretch

Finished 5 ladders to 5!!!!!

(BP: 135 narrow x 1-2-3-4-5, FSQ 145 x 5) x 5

Notes - BP is getting so much stronger!  Not hard to knock these out now.

Messing around with bar position on left shoulder - have been actually putting pressure on protrusion at end of clavicle, letting the bar rest slightly more forward but still pushing against my throat, feels much better on left shoulder.

DL - narrow sumo

275 x 8 right under - focus on legs, head relatively up, minimal t-spine flexion

275 x 8 left under - solid!

Onward and Upward

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