Sunday, May 6, 2012

Getting Back After Injury/Layoff

I didn't have a terribly long layoff due to my medical problem but I had in my mind to repeat what I'd done a few weeks ago and not look to make a lot of progress - just lifting and not bleeding was good enough for the week just past, thank you.

The Plan in Brief:

For FSQ, BP, and DL, one low-volume, heavy day followed 2-3 days later by a medium weight, high volume day.  DL is Sat/Mon, BP is Mon/Wed, FSQ is Wed/Sat.  KB snatch, swing and press/pu complex added in, Tue/Fri is Variety to work on getups plus RKC-II skills.

The Plan in Detail - The Schedule:

Mon = easy KB FSQ, heavy BP, volume DL, KB snatch test

Tue = KB getup, windmill, bent press, jerk for skill, KB swing w/ heavier weight

Wed = 28 kg press/pu x 1-4 total reps, heavy SQ, volume BP, easy 1-leg KB DL

Thu = volume KB snatch

Fri = getup, windmill, bent press, jerk

Sat = 28 heavy kb press/pu x 10 total reps, volume SQ, easy BP, heavy DL

Sun = off

Mon, 30 April 2012

The Plan: Mon = easy KB FSQ, heavy BP, volume DL, KB snatch test

NB: Trying to get back in the exercise saddle, making sure to keep pelvic floor up and tight, began with

warmup:  rolling, 16 kg getups x 1 each way before phone rang, and a little sequence to try and help get my hips into my bent presses:

bw: lf, windmill x 2 + bent press x 2
14: lf, windmill x 2 + bent press x 2 - I like chaining these together

24/24: kb fsq x 5 - easy, peasy, lemon squeasy

NB: I am thinking that I have no business having a "max" bench day - I need lots of 70%-ish volume, so that's what I'm going to do today to the extent I can, all paused on the chest.

BP: 110 x 5 (what was on the bar), 125 x 1, 145 x 2 (phone rang), 145 x 5 - this weight feels like my 24 kg kettlebell, heavy enough without preventing me from focusing on improving my technique by trying new things.

DL: on 3.5" platform, 225 x  5, 5, 5, 5, 5

16: snatch, 25L+25R.  Videotaped, form was variously between barely acceptable but ouch that doesn't look nice for your shoulders and barely OK.  Need to snatch more and with this weight for a while.  I used to be good at these.

Tue, 1 May 2012

The Plan: Tue = KB getup, windmill, bent press, jerk for skill, KB swing w/ heavier weight

warmup - not much, walk to high school to deliver something to my son

16: 2 alternating full getups each side.

16: windmill x 3 - hips tight, so did some cossacks
16: (windmill x 2 + bent press x 2) x 1
16: (snatch x 5, windmill x 2 + bent press x 2) x 1

32: swing 6+6 on the minute for 8:00, alternating lf/rf.  Was going to do 10:00, abs started feeling really tired so stopped, also was more explosive than last Saturday with these.

Wed 2 May 2012

The Plan: Wed = 28 kg press/pu x 1-4 total reps, heavy SQ, volume BP, easy 1-leg KB DL 

warmup - kicks, cossack sequence

28: press/pu x 1, 1 - been a while

OHS: stick x 3, bar x 1, 1

FSQ: 95 x 5, 115 x 4, 135 x 3, 155 x 1 - a good day

BP: 135 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 - perfect weight, first rep of every set felt really light

24: 1-leg DL, lf, 2 - most comfortable and best form in a while

No cardio feels good today - could have done it, will hopefully do some good snatches tomorrow.

Thu 3 May 2012

The Plan: Thu = volume KB snatch 

warmup - quick cossack sequence

20: snatch (5+5) on the minute alternating lf/rf - tough, stopped at 10:00 or 100 total reps, didn't feel terribly explosive but did improve catch on both sides and grip on left, overall we'll take it.  The last 3:00 or so were starting to feel stronger here.

Fri 4 May 2012

The Plan: Fri = getup, windmill, bent press, jerk

warmup - walk a little

bw: pistol, lf - only got the one side as I got an ab cramp on the other side (left leg pistol, right side front ab cramp).  No idea why but no more pistols today, nor anything else that might bring back the ab cramp.

BP: 135 x 3 w/ ~2-sec pause on chest - all felt solid

Sat 5 May 2012

The Plan: Sat = 28 heavy kb press/pu x 10 total reps, volume SQ, easy BP, easy KB FSQ, heavy DL

warmup - short walk, brief cossack sequence, a few shoulder Egytians and spine rotations

* Press 28 kg for <x> reps left, then right, then same # of pullups w/ 28 kg on foot.
* R/L is which foot - all presses left first,  do both sides then pullups
* Didn't do this the last couple of weeks so conservative numbers today.

28: press/pu: 1R, 2L, 2R, 1L - doubles were hard to keep bell on foot but otherwise good.  Pressing feels stronger due, I think, to FSQ - torso is stronger.

OHS: stick  x 3
OHS: bar x 2, 1
FSQ: bar x 1, 135 x 2, 2, 2, 3 - went down a little faster - that will do it for today, most reps felt very good, still not sure what's going on with right rib at rear but will talk to spine doctor on Tuesday about that.  Not much volume, I realize, but that's what felt right today.

BP: 135 x 4, 5 - just to keep a groove.

NB: Am going to skip KB FSQ - these are so easy, no need, will save for DL.

DL: on 3.5" platform:  225 x 1, 245 x 3, 255 x 3, 265 x 2, 2, 2

WHEEL: standing on the floor, partials, 1, 1 - haven't done in a while, didn't feel like breaking out the ramp, these were decent.

20: swing, DARC, lf, 40

Sunday, which is today as I write this, work and social obligations and 5-6 hours of driving getting to them, just some easy stretching along the way as possible.

Onward and Upward!


  1. 12 days ago, bleeding hemorrhoids - all over my living room furniture, in fact. It was a surprise to me but apparently if they're far enough in, you don't feel any discomfort. I can tell you that, since 12 days ago, I certainly _do_ feel some discomfort sometimes. I am slowly on the mend, generally a few good days followed by a bad few hours or a bad day. As long as it continues to improve, I'm OK - if not, there's an in-office procedure the doctor can do.

    Interesting - well, to me and to my wife, anyway - that the cause seems to be the opposite of what you'd think, namely too much Udo's oil and too many vegetables. I've been on your basic hamburgers and pizza diet since and things are, as they say, working out much better in the end. :)
