Thursday, August 1, 2024

July 31, 2024: Run, Variety

Monday: run 3.75 miles, not much else Tuesday: I don't remember Wednesday, today: Run 3 miles including 12:02 for a combined walk-run mile, best time yet long break Odd lifts: Pistol: tried w/ 10 kg, didn't feel good, did holding onto rack upright, still didn't feel good but managed a rep or two each side 1-leg DL: 16 kg x 1, 2 contralateral SQ: Steinborn, bar + 10 lb on each end: NB: Texas Bar w/ deep knurling is painful, thin t-shirt also painful. Switched to old, crappy bushing bar and thick t-shirt, much better. Movement feels quite foreign but I hope to get it back into my repertoire.

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