Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10, 2024: Variety - KBMP, SQ (Steinborn), DL (Zercher)

Rings: StC + KE x 5 a few things while teaching break KBCP: 20 kg, lf, 1-2 KBMP: 20 kg, lf, 3 break SQ: Steinborn Empty bar, a few back and forths, touching the bar on both sides. Took a while to find depth with the bar on my right side - fixed right shoulder position, which seemed to open things up. 65 lb: up right, down left then up left, down right. Then reverse: up left, down right then up right, down left. short break DL: Zercher, 135 lb w/ bar raised 2-1/2" x 1, 3, 5 - improved, now able to squeeze the weight from the bottom and set it down under control.

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